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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. I know i said i was not leaking and posting in wip anymore, But i had a itch to give a preview of whats already half done > (and i already posted this on soundcloud and jun s. fourms so might as well post it here) http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-derezzed-wip-2 - wip 2 http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-derezzed-derezzed-for source for the millionth time
  2. Escape track, now released http://soundcloud.com/aires/escape No arp crap in the end this time, this is the normal original mix XD!
  3. http://air3s.bandcamp.com/ And it also features "Escape" which i did not post the finished version in another thread,so the finished version is on album if anyone was keeping up with me(prob not atm ) So ehh enjoy *note* Yes the album are is ms paint, it was on the fly and i will replace if i get the chance. Completed the update!
  4. Why dont you keep messing with it more, see if you like it, and use it , try it in your own demo etc... you never know!
  5. Sweeet!, once this gets 10 view or 1 download, im deleting.
  6. no Saldano slo 100 I dont pan my rhythem track all the time(and i do one side pans ), and i get a good mix, your friend's gear must not like him! (altho i dont post guitar tracks on hear ) But i think peavey revalver and guitar rig have some nice sounds that emulate tube pretty good (altho i would KILL for a saldano slo 100, i only need like $3,600 )
  7. http://soundcloud.com/aires/escape Finished! just how i want it to sound!
  8. Guitar sounds great now and drums are clear, but the synth thats under a filter in the bridge at 2:23 kinda sound weak, try a brighter synth(altho it may just be me), solo is great but the timing seems a bit off. those are really the only 2 probs i see now, other then that this track is great.
  9. Edit, oh wait it was my other speakers,not my actual moniters, im not clipping XD, but mix is still a tiny bit too loud, i find the kick and snare a bit silent and being drowing by the synths, but every thing else is great as stated before.
  10. If your on your laptop i agree a maudio fastrack , a kore audio 1 as said already or a E-MU 0404 usb would be a good for your needs, but im not sure to ither get a E-MU 0404 or a M-Audio fast track pro.
  11. http://soundcloud.com/aires/broken-ds Sawtoothin finished or what ever i named it last, i got around finishing this and replacing the place holder kicks effects, synths,etc.... there are still problems, but im not fixing them, i like em
  12. The entire recording is in Gm with no keychanges, you can even play a Gm chord or scale through the entire song.
  13. Lmao Downsampling synths and anti Eqing for bassline will make his grandmom shit her pants. Anyways this is a great track, i like the sound of the harmonies, like it could be used in a game or something, i would not say chip tune since you using full sounding synths but it sound excellent, imo i would just loop this track if it was for a game, but since your adding more i would say think alot and get imspired by something like a food, song , painting, and chilly dog etc.. Good luck on this!
  14. Agree with OP and theres so much genres out there its stupid, I mean there no need to classify every thing, its all fucking House music , its all fucking Rock music, its all fucking Hiphop or Rap and its all fucking blues/jazz, whats up with all these darn lables, its making me more confused on what im listening to when you could define simply, not some stupid ass name as "minimal-industrial Tech House" or "Diary Farm-cthulhu metal", thats just way to complicated when its just house
  15. true, i was thinking from dubstepforums how they can embed and we cant.
  16. Oh i see, they seem the same to me, but i do stuff like that manually XD.
  17. Fls gross beat is pretty cool with Stutter if you already have it.
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