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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  2. Lmao no guys the first on is good because the mix's is not Hot which is a huge problem with people, and the kick is on a compressor with a attack of 10ms for some punch. it should sound like this (minus break loop placeholder) uncompressed with no effects on the compressor http://tindeck.com/listen/ppkj
  3. indeed but, but most people dont treat there room unless there dealing with lots of heavy mixing or reverb mixing. but i do recommend he finds moniters that covers solid low ends
  4. Its def recommended to use a subwoofer built in moniter or external for low end, but there a tad more pricey. op save some cash first then buy moniter, thats what im going to do, save up ike $500-600 to open up your choices
  5. http://www.guitarcenter.com/KRK-Rokit-Powered-5-Generation-2-Powered-Studio-Monitor--Each--104908710-i1403132.gc?source=4WFRWXX&CAWELAID=439935285 cheap and well more then worth it. im using crap headphones now but i will get moniters soon, prob more expencive krk
  6. Hand of The Protagonist is primas manus in latin but what you said is nearly the same thing since protagonist and primary share some of the same meaning, but that interesting tho. I put lots of source in there (minus guitar) ,i just rephrased the leads in all minor instead of major,(which may have made is sound alot diffrent. but the track is in the same key as original. i think for the tech house drop i might (prob not) change the chord to a f# 7 to another chord to give it a slight ressolve since the track ends. but ethier way this is not going to be submited, just a filler for my little albumXD thankyou for the feed back guys
  7. Bells stay i change my mind XD but im making it alot shorter in the final.
  8. http://soundcloud.com/aires/primas-manus-final-wip Final *Wip* and i like how this turned out for my first DnB track this is the final *wip* final one will do all technical fixes (and the verb kick in the begining) *Note im not fixing the compression cause i like it*
  9. Alchemy is on of the best VA vst synths today, and i see why its so praise more then ni's massivem this track is amazing. lol indeed shadow!
  10. A lovly nord wavetable synth remake sound that the wolfganggarter used in his illmerica Track. I made this synth with 3 ocs, only one wavetable http://www.mediafire.com/?239t92av94ni6jj ^ i will update that synth
  11. like m below says , just do both, and fl needs improvements in there playlist badly.
  12. A White noise patch that i made for a track, this has been unused ;p http://www.mediafire.com/?bjixai7m88vfv9v
  13. Heres a Thread to share patches Talking Bassline i made since alot of people like it, i dont use it much tho http://www.mediafire.com/?gtdmtxxfqad5fjg, use lfo's to modulate.
  14. This song theory wise,is not even close to being dub step, just really agressive electro house and it sounds sick. and by disjointed, im not sure if it lacks connection, just a bit more broken down (and people stop naming genres after synths, people have been using lfo synths b4 half of the kids in these fourms were born)
  15. make sure the low end of the sound is not panned from your synth it self, always keep low end sounds and basslines ''Mono",but you can pan(haas trick) or stereo mix the mid to higher ends of the synth tho. make sure you not mixing everything loud, and if your adding distortion, make sure it quality distortion.
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