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Everything posted by Cinderwild

  1. What are these trolls doing that is affecting the game so much?
  2. Here's hoping Portal 2 goes to some insanely low price for an hour at some point. and I'm awake to see it. and I buy it. and I die.
  3. Yeah, I mean, what the fuck? I don't even know what most of these games -are-, little lone want prizes for them.
  4. With the new F2P stuff going on a lot of people over at the mega64ums have started playing. So far we've been meeting up a bit on the OCR servers since that's where Brushfire and I always are anyways, but I just realized we never really asked for permission. Is it okay if I schedule events in our group to come to the server(s)? There's probably never going to be more than about 7 of us tops, but I realized we never actually asked for any official word.
  5. I love when he's laughing and something bad happens really abruptly.
  6. $8 for the taunt that makes people laugh. $2 for the medic taunt that drops my FPS to 10.
  7. I got into a random server, it was pretty laggy.
  8. Apparently there's a new weapon quality called 'Strange', displayed in orangeish yellow. there also appears to be Craft #'s on the new items. I crafted the demo sword but don't see one on it.
  9. Also lol at the new scout pistol being a short stop and a refined. For a WEAKER pistol. Let me repeat that, it is LESS GOOD than the default. Also the Reserver Shooter is going to be a pain in the ass as a Scout because almost certainly it will be triggered by scout jumps.
  10. Probably a good idea. I'll admit, I'm kind of dumb. How many drops do you get per week? Also Brush whenever you get home we can try and coordinate some shit or somethin'. Here's my backpack http://www.tf2items.com/id/cinderwild
  11. There's a full list of the crafting recipes in game now. These are going to be kind of hard to fulfill.
  12. I don't get it. Are you talking about hte Mann Co. cap? That's been there forever.
  13. Free hat? 10freehats
  14. Just putting it out there, I'm going to be looking for the Scout and Demoman items. If anyone wants to work out some trades I'm all up for it. I'm willing to trade any Soldier/Medic/Heavy/Sniper items and all the Spy items except the new revolver. Also I agree with not listing the servers for awhile. Give it a month.
  15. 3 more classes to go. Here's hoping everyone gets something.
  16. So its not useful at all...Man they think this stuff through don't they. Also @ scout update: items sound interesting, don't really care too much for the style. Spy and Heavy got mobster, sniper and demo got saharan, scout gets....toy-inspired set? I saw these models awhile back, they were a rejected polycount pack. Not really sure about the aesthetics, but the mechanics sound interesting. I really don't want to give up my fish for a cheesy bat though. EDIT: Looking at TF2wiki and doing a bit of math that pistol doesn't really sound very useful. Its a -very- slight increase in damage for the amount of ammo you lose.
  17. Personally I'm not too excited for the Detonator. It seems like the same vein of Direct Hit and Loch n Load; the fun of flare gun for me was the challenge and uniqueness of the weapon, but having one that accomplishes the same task with much less effort seems a bit dumb. This is assuming it can crit on burning enemies, not sure if it can. Also Krug, that was the best possible response I could expect for the demo set from you.
  18. I meant using the primary firearm in general was a more common sight with Dead Ringer.
  19. Dead Ringer revolver spy is a common play style isn't it? Maybe that's what they intended it for.
  20. a silent minigun that revs up faster I fucking hate valve. Also: FUCK YES MEET THE MEDIC THIS FUCKING WEEK
  21. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like you would mark a game down to $15 so quickly and then sale it for $3 unless it just wasn't selling very well. Well, nevermind. I had no idea TF2 was only $9 now.
  22. I saw it and got excited and then immediately thought," That means nobody plays it."
  23. Paranoid you seem to always have some snooty thing to say.
  24. I'm not sure what you mean. Could you word that differently?
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