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Posts posted by Esperado

  1. I agree with mirby on the monthly compo highlight. highlight a few of the winning tracks from various competitions that month and play them like a radio set on youtube live or something.

    another idea would be a monthly wrapup of the various ongoings and projects of the site. although, that isnt specific to vgm.

    oh and you could maybe do vgm composer spotlights. just a quick bio on the composers of various game osts.

  2. the reason I don't think its cheating is when you're using it for hip-hop

    Spot on!

    I think a big part of pad controllerism revolves around sampling loops and phrases and using them in a composition. Pad controllerism is in some part, integral to the workflow of a number of hip hop musicians. when you combine swing with a sampled phrase, sometimes you can get a nice groove that would be harder to do in a daw.

  3. pixietricks uses an old garageband loop in her "dreaming still" remix, and they work amazingly. I feel like loops are cheating only if you use them as a crutch, and only because youre cheating yourself out of learning how to make good drum grooves or something. This sentiment holds true to synth patches too, sooner or later you have to learn to program a synth.

    that said theyre tools just as any other tool a musician uses. sometimes they provide good inspiration or just as a way to thicken up something.

  4. In the last talkback I mentioned the possibility of some kind of mentor project. Maybe a thread in R&C. People could offer to mentor someone on a specific daw, or technique, or instrument. So they would put their name down in the thread and list the things they feel they could help with or teach, and someone could be matched up with that person either for a period of time, or for the length of a specific project or maybe just to complete one remix. It would be similar to RWTS, but it would be at a more relaxed pace and not a compo at all. Just people helping each other on a one-to-one basis, for free.

    I could work out the specifics and spearhead this, if anyone is interested. I'm sure there would be at least a few people willing to do this, I would for sure.

    im sure there are plenty of people who would enjoy this.

  5. Being that its almost the holidays and i promised myself a mic, im only grabbing one of these (30 bucks? why not)

    i cant tell, is the "stick breakers: taiko edition" a sample pack or a loop pack? im pretty sure the "beat aesthetic" taiko drum one is just loops.

    Edit: I just decided to go for stick breakers anyways. im sure that regardless of whether its loops or samples, ill find a way to make it worth the 24$

  6. I think Hakstok is going to get a free pass on this one. Can. Not. Find. The. Time.

    three days! i think you can make it. you have until weds for the RWTS entry, so you could just power through that monday-weds after this compo. it doesnt have to be good, but i bet you could come up with something, even if you only learn ONE thing out of this compo, its still good practice. I felt that way about the wily castle gauntlet. I made a (shitty) remix the night before the end of my first round, and i at the very least learned a tiny bit about key signatures.

    Its worth a shot :)

  7. i personallly havent used staff paper or notation software, but i can definitely see the advantages when writing sketches for something. i think that it forces you to think differently/longer than the "just put something there to fill the gap until i decide on something better" mode people do with daws. with most art, the more you prepare, and the less you wing it, the better the end product.

  8. the time signature has been throwing me off. i really think this would make a good orchestral latin inspired trip hop track or something, but i just cant seem to get around that time signature and im out of time. So i think ill just wait till next round! good luck guys!

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