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Posts posted by Esperado

  1. I know, I know...it isn't pretty, but hey...It's not about the gear, but the ear right? :)



    i say its plenty pretty! its nice and clean looking. no frills or cords flying everywhere. the screens are a bit old looking, but as long as they work right? i enjoy seeing how people set up their studios, it seems like people always figure out how to set up something nice, regardless of the space or budgets they have.

  2. I should've mentioned what gear i have. spaced that part. I do have a pair of modded Sony mdr v6 ( made the cord removable) headphones. I also have some crappy idock speaker things that my roomies gave me. and as far as other gear I have enough free vsts that I get by pretty well unless I need a specific sound (like bagpipes) and more midi gear than I actually use.

    I think ill go with logic, I did try reaper at one point but I didn't really like it. I had always heard I shouldn't mix on headphones so I had kindof written then off. as far as decent ones do you guys have any suggestions there ? my v6s are probably going to die sometime soonish given that they're 2 years old.

    thanks for all the help !

  3. Video game music isn't "more real" than any other kind of music. Saying that is just as bad as those folks who write-off VGM because it's from video games, saying things like "it's not real music" or "it's not legitimate."

    There is also a lot of music from video games that is totally boring, formulaic, and forgettable.

    I love VGM, but there is literally SO MUCH music out there that is brilliant and worth listening to that isn't VGM. All you have to do is look around for 5 minutes on the internet and you will find some really amazing stuff.

    boyinaband's youtube channel made two really interesting points about that using cats as examples. one point was saying that comparing two musical styles saying one was more "musically expressive" than the other was like comparing a cat to a dog. Both can be fun and loving pets, but both animals act differently than the other, and oftentimes, different than other animals in that same breed.

    The other point was saying that comparing musical styles and saying one isnt " real music" was like looking at two cats, one wearing a tophat, and saying that the cat with the tophat on wasn't a real cat because it had a hat on. really clear and playful way to look at it if you ask me, makes arguing over genres seem silly.

  4. from the perspective of more experienced producers and remixers, which would be more important to a newbie such as myself? studio monitors or a slightly better DAW? I have 200-250 and currently im using a mix of ableton and garageband, but i have alot of issues importing midi to ableton that ive been unable to resolve and garageband is somewhat limiting (i find, mostly in the automation department). Logic pro is only 200 which is a steal as far as daws go .

  5. i beat great greed for GAMEBOY. i hastily bought it as a teen, thinking it was sortof like ultima( which i played on the apple 2 as a young boy) and naturally couldnt return it,so i beat it. its classic, but christ ill never play it again, its rather hard if you ask me, and horribly monotonous. i liked the ending though.

  6. personally, I think you could just make a different account on soundcloud (or a first one) for the purpose of having wips. I don't think its a disservice to the fans either. if anything it seems like they would be pretty psyched for whatever song(s) you happen to be working on, and probably don't care as much for whether or not its polished perfectly. even if they didnt like it , I doubt you'll alienate fans either by posting things.

  7. Someone recommended the m-audio venom. Similar to the X-Station, you're getting a keyboard, mic/line ins, an onboard synth and an audio interface. They're selling the venoms for really cheap now.

    ive heard the novation ultranova is a slightly better investment for the money though, and has the audio interface in it as well. the venom has some weird firmware issue where it lags when you change sounds or something. i dont quite remember but it was apparently a pretty blaring issue for something thats supposed to be used live. but then again ive seen them for less than half the price of the ultranova, so....

    tune is a bit TOO glitchy to me, but im also a newb and it sounds good so far as imusic is concerned !

  8. I think something for the Great And Mighty Poo would have alot of potential.... Censored for the reasons of the youngins on the site, of course.

    i searched this thread specifically to see if anyone had suggested remixing that song. i own the game but never got very far, and when i saw that, i laughed sooooo hard. potty humor never gets old i guess

  9. i do alot of photography , and one problem i had last summer was that due to the ridiculous heat, i didnt feel like lugging both my laptop and my camera everywhere i went (plus i bus).so the idea of a music making device that fits in my camera bag is pretty nice, all hipsterisms aside. i just hope that akai and the other companies revise their devices to make iterations that work on the current hardware. But youre right, i could theoretically just get the usb connection kit and call it a day.

    speaking of peripherals, anyone tried those headphone jack mic kits they sell? like the tascam xlr mic adapter for idevices, or the Irig guitar interface? i thought about buying one for my violin since i dont have an amp ( just for practice) but i wasnt really sure if its worth it, or if i should just buy an audio interface.

  10. There was some interest in Starting a podcast about the various going ons in the remix contest section of the forums. I figured this is a great way to get involved in the community and make some new freinds in the mean time. I dont know a great deal about podcasting or how to run one, so im opening it up to you all for some ideas and tips/questions

    Would it be best if it were just for the remixing with the stars contest ( where the idea was brought up) or would a more broad scope of all the current contest news be preferable?

    What time of month would be best? So far its been said that the second week of the month would be best as far as timing goes.

    What type of content would you like in the podcast?

    Would anyone want to cohost it?

    So far interviews with the winners of the previous months contests as well as current pairings and contest updates were content ideas.

    Either way, lets brainstorm!

  11. musically:

    win at least two Prc contests on here

    finish three original songs (that i can be proud of)

    start work on my first remix and lurk around in the Workshop part of the forum

    possibly help with/host a podcast for the remix contest section of the forum. to be discussed


    get a drivers license

    get insurance

    get new glasses.

    gain 10 lbs

    sign up for language classes

    i forgot the rest

  12. aww what the heck, the idea is to get better anyways , sign me up as a novice !

    gleylancer remix from this weeks prc! https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/gleylancer

    and some random project. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/peanutbutter-slampad-wip

    i also was thinking it might be fun to try doing the podcast. is there any way i can start a thread discussion some where about it, and if so, where would i put it?

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