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Posts posted by Esperado

  1. I created a group and did some basic searching for OCR related art work and subbed most of it. its pending approval from the artists i found. I also PMed a few people on deviantart who i managed to find that had the same usernames from here. feel free to join the group or submit whatever art you may have! i broadened it to add videogame related art, since it IS a vgm community. ill most likely have the art divided into groups based on album art, ocr fan art, and VG art once theres enough submissions to do so. i also made sure to state that its not an official page to avoid any confusion there.

    heres the link.


    have at it!

  2. its sad that gamers boycotting games wouldn't do much. but I agree that this is ridiculous. they did this with the pspgo , they thought that making it download only would help them somehow. but almost ironically, putting 16gb of space on the pspgo made it a joy for PSP hacking, since its a nice peice of hardware, with all sorts of space to stash your pirated games . on top of the fact that law abiding gamers wouldn't touch it because of its lack of und drive. in not so short, it seriously crippled its own sales. I think the same will happen to the 720, and Microsoft will hopefully realize how terrible of an idea it is.

  3. caved in chrysalis is pretty nice. nothing jumped at me in terms of needing a fix ( im not the best judge at such things yet) I like fever dreams a bit more though. The name might need a change for originalities sake but thats up to you. theres a track by tyler bates on the 300 OST thats got the title fever dream.

  4. once a week I write a full song from start to finish in only 2 hours.

    if youre at all familiar with logic or garageband, this is a really fun thing to try doing in an apple store. before i had any idea of how to make music from scratch i used to try to make songs using entirely loops in store, export to imovie, and then post to youtube from there. the employees usually dont even mind, if anything they think its an interesting departure from the usual " walk in, take a picture of yourself using an iphone and walk out" customer, if you can call them a customer.

    i tried doing this with the FL demo at the microsoft store with much less success.

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