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Everything posted by sggod89

  1. I can tell you right away this source is not for me haha
  2. ugh Sorry I missed the voting.. I'm Down with the sickness I loved listening to all the entries tho!
  3. Tossed in my bonus entryyyyyyy I'm glad I let you choose the source Bundeslang, that was a fun one for me!
  4. There's certainly no lack of Megaman remixes around here
  5. I had started something but I just didn't have the time to really work on it. Here's what how far I got if you want to listen https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13351556/CCguitar.mp3
  6. Plan on finishing it today.. So check you PMs sometime this evening
  7. Wow well thanks for keeping it going, it's definitely a fun competition! Probably the quickest remix submission in history.. I wasn't really planning on making time for this round - too damn busy with school, work, and jiu jitsu.. But this sounds like a really really really fun source, I'll try to make something if I can
  8. Not as big of a turn out as the last Parasite Eve PRC turned out, but enough for a competition. Both you guys submitted some great stuff!
  9. Well, after hearing your work with the PRCs and such, I figured you would be the go to guy to ask something like this as I really enjoy your drum sound. I usually work with real drums or real drum samples, but I'd like to experiment with some electronic drums for some stuff. I was hoping you could point me in a direction of some good sound libraries or VSTi's to check out.

  10. hey man, I was wondering what do you use for your drum sounds?

  11. Yep. I hope this gives you guys a little incentive to remix this round. This is obviously geared for the more casual remixers - I probably wouldn't have much I could add to a Dj Mokram tune if he were to enter.
  12. I gave some feedback on production this round, which I don't normally do. I tend to vote more from a composition point of view anyhow, so don't worry about it
  13. Finally got a weekend off to my self.. You might see a remix from me this round...
  14. Bryan Callen was on the podcast the other day and sang a funny song about Joe Rogan so I took that and made this out of it haha
  15. I also missed the voting.. I enjoyed both entries tho! Great job guys
  16. I was going to do a bonus guitar-cover of this, but I just didn't have the time. Here's the MIDI of what I was going to do tho if anyone wants to check it out https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13351556/ff13.mid
  17. oh man I love this tune! I can't believe its available. Superb choice!! This round is going to be epic. Never played the game, but I've heard this a million times from cause my girlfriend played the shit out of this game
  18. Some really good remixes. One of them really blew me away. I PM'ed my vote
  19. Oh boy.. Well, thanks guys! Zero, go ahead a choose a source. Takes me literally like an hour to find one lol @Trism: The source is all over the place lol The first verse was the bass melody, virtually unchanged. The chorus, I used the panned synths from the source as the lead. And the second verse was just a play of the bass melody from the intro.
  20. Another good turnout this round. Casted my vote and gave everyone some feedback.
  21. lol I hear ya, I've been playing wayyy too much Xbox lately my self! I play Battlefield 3 relentlessly, I have 700 hours in that game. My free time is going to take a big hit soon however, go back school full time in 3 weeks + part time job. We'll see how many PRC's I get around to then heh I agreed to collab with Zerothemaster this round, but is not looking too fruitful.. Might still be able to submit something tho
  22. Ah man, this round is about over.. I'm down to team up on the next round if you want

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