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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. I just stumbled upon an *excellent* site discussing nutrition WITHOUT subscribing to the Paleo milieu which I know is off-putting to some of you. It's written by a fellow med/dent student who had an eerily similar epiphany and resultant transformation to my own. Most articles have DOZENS of citations to studies which is more than can be said for the charlatan cesspools of WebMD, the Mayo or Cleveland Clinics, Livestrong, and so on. This is real, top-quality, and CURRENT scientific evidence. Not any of this bogus, fat-phobic, Ancel Keys epidemiological crap from the very early 1970s that has sabotaged public health for decades. I'd really recommend this as a place for anyone who was at all interested in what I had to say about nutrition to learn about my particular philosophy as the articles are written in layman's terms, and as a medical professional myself, I still found them to be very thorough, clear, educational, simple, and well-organized. Aaaand I'm just gonna go ahead and reiterate that each article has dozens of citations linking directly to the studies which produced the data he is using to generate his claims. It's too good. It's just too good. You just have to ignore the stupid stock photos he used for each article. It's hard. They're really stupid pictures.
  2. The Right-hand Men? Also, dayumn. Is it just me or is this compo more stacked than, like, any OCR compo ever?
  3. Thanks for the offer, man, but I've gotta do it myself to get better at it And yeah, the mixing is a little boo-boo in this preview, but it's fiiiine now ;o
  4. zircon is doing the music for this game, Dungeonmans, and it looks like potentially the most accessible roguelike ever. It's gonna give FTL a run for its money, that's for sure. SLAM. JAM. LINK.
  5. That's just enough of a double entendre to be a name we'd actually pick.
  6. Bawwwww. Ok, how bout THE STONE MEN. Failing that, we're THE QUICK MEN!!!! Third choice? THE PUMP MEN!!! Sorry, we really aren't putting a lot of thought into a team name
  7. Yes. There's nothing more Mega Manly than being ___ Man. I mean, Capcom continued to pump out stupid ___ Men later in the series. Toad Man. OK, I guess. RING MAN. What? Tengu Man?!?!?! OK, you're losing me. But all those things are still a part of the essence of the theme of the Mega Man franchise. Puddin' Men is just a variation on that theme. If a guy can literally shoot real, live snakes out of an arm cannon, there's nothing wrong with a guy shooting real, live puddin' out of the same. In fact, I would argue there are many things right with such a power. Aaaand that was me actually defending the name, "The Puddin' Men". YOU JUST HATE PUDDIN'. Do we still need to change our name?
  8. Dude is busy trying to become TheNextTigahWoodes. We are now The Puddin' Men. We're robots with the power to pop you with puddin'.
  9. Ahahahha. My tagging fraud is as hilarious as you think it is unethical <3.
  10. After the success and exposure the Animal Crossing remix album Ben Briggs and I wrote afforded me, I've decided that the time is right for me to write a solo album! It's that one thing you didn't know you've always been waiting for. Anyway, here's a preview of a track I started last night which will appear on the album. Enjoy Follow me on soundcloud and like me on Facebook for updates on my tunes!
  11. Man, what a killer price. Looks like it's time to patronize zircon with some $$$ instead of Paleo.
  12. This seems maybe at least 50% accurate, so I'm willing to believe all of it.
  13. Don't worry guys, I got this. #1 OCR gossiper right here. halc is not participating because he is tired of compos. Willrock is not participating because he is busy. TGH is not participating because he is busy. Emunator is not participating because he is busy. Flexstyle is not participating because he is busy Thank you for posting this. I hadn't yet gut-laughed enough times tonight, but now I have.
  14. Ahahahah, I was going to revive the thread to post a hilarious Chivalry vid only to find that Brandon did it first months ago Welp, the game is like $8.50 on Steam right now. Who wants to buy it and behead me? Surely, someone on the forum has a lot of pent-up aggression against me.
  15. I'll happy if I even get a robot master, rite u guiz
  16. Damn, same height. Looks like I've got some fat to lose Can't wait til my cut in 6 friggin months. Very good idea. I may be having the same issue as you. The first 2 reps are cake, but then it's immediately extremely taxing and difficult on that 3rd rep. I hate pulls/chins
  17. edit: I'm also thinkin' it may be time to rename the thread since 90% of the discussion is about fitness and health rather than Fitocracy. Might get more people in on the discussion. Nice, dude! You were looking pretty ripped at MAG, and that wasn't even cutting season. Bet you're huge now. What's your body weight, height, and bf%? Here's my nearly-5-month check-in on my major lifts Weight when I started lifting just after MAGFest: 142.0 Weight now: 185.5 All of these are done as 3 sets of 5: Squats - 280 Deadlifts - 335 Overhead Press - 140 Benchpress - 185 (my chest is lagging) Dips - body weight + 80 Pullups & Chinups - body weight + 27.5 (these aren't progressing anymore for some reason) I look and feel like a goddamn new person. Lifting is fun The only shitty part of this deal is the eating. Dear fucking god, I'm so sick of eating 3500-4000 Calories daily... edit: I'm also thinkin' it may be time to rename the thread since 90% of the discussion is about fitness and health rather than Fitocracy. Might get more people in on the discussion.
  18. Dude, wattt. My own list is totally different Easiest MM6 MM5 MM3 MM2 MM4 MM1 Hardest Dunno, I guess I've played so much goddamn Mega Man in the past several years that 2, 3, 5, and 6 are just sorta rote at this point. 1 is a really, really bad game in my opinion, and 4 just feels uninspired, so I don't play either very often. And MMX is like 500504325984x easier than any of those.
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