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Posts posted by ectogemia

  1. I addressed some of the mixing issues you had, Gario. I think the bass and kick are much clearer now, and I added another couple of layers to the snares/claps to crisp it up. I haven't varied the drums, although they certainly could use some treatment. That'll be the last thing I do because I want the arrangement completed before I write any transitions. My transitions tend to have a lot of moving parts, so I like to have all the parts in place before I decide what to do with 'em.



    But I don't dig the kick and snare don't know why. Maybe it's just taste. But the atmosphere and glitch is awesome, but sometime quiet. I'm now waiting to hear the breaking in ! :)

    I'm having a little trouble mixing the kick properly. I should probably scrap it and substitute in another sample. That said, I like the snare :P

    The glitching part that plays throughout most of the remix is also proving pretty difficult to mix. It cuts out during some of the higher-pitched notes, so it seems like I have to open up the filter every time the pattern plays. ... buuuut I tried that. It doesn't sound so good :/ looks like another part that needs some serious attention.


    Well, dental school pretty much has me where it wants me: in hell. I don't have much free time anymore, so I haven't been able to make too terribly many additions to this remix. Hopefully you like what's been added, because I could use a little positive reinforcement now. That being said, tear it apart if it sucks!

    Ignore the shittiness around 1:06. Much work to be done on this part, yes.

    On a related note, fuck anatomy and everything that has to do with the head and neck.

    EDIT: for what it's worth, I addressed the issue with the glitch effect and turned it into some kind of ambient echo-y thing. sounds pretty cool. also, i just got rid of the lead in the dance-y portion and made that segment a segue into a crazy glitch solo. so now there should be NO COMPLAINTS >>>>>>>>:o.

  4. harmony!

    As always, badass harmonies abound.


    But whatever. It's awesome. The solo around 1:20 reminds me of Back to the Future for no particular reason, so you get bonus points for that unintentional reference.

    Once again, I'd kill to see this project file. So much chiptune mastery -- one could learn a lot from this. Just sayin'...

    The piece evolves very well throughout with excellent, but subtle, transitions.

    The wavering triangle around 1:55 is awesome, hah. Suitably goofy for a WarioWare remix.

    The percussion is mixed and programmed perfectly.

    I've never heard such thick-sounding chords from a NES. Shit, those sliding chords alone sound like they're breaking the 4 channel "limit" for chiptunes :P Loved 'em.

    No complaints, except that I'd like to see you write a piece with exactly zero chiptune elements. Not that I don't friggin' love chiptunes (refer to most of my compositions and remixes and the gigs upon gigs of them in my music library...). Just cuz, y'know?

    EDIT: Ah, another thing occurred to me. You and I both tend to write really really really densely sequenced pieces with a lot of moving parts and shifting ideas blahblahblah. It's hard to extend the length of a piece like that without really, truly running out of ideas (or motivation, because let's be honest, writing good synth solos is a little tiresome, though very rewarding). Most of your comps are relatively short and break-free. I'd like to see you maybe write some slower, less complex shtuff with a break or two mixed in so that we can get 4-5 minutes at a time of PROTO goodness instead of the typical 2ish minutes. Buuut, if this isn't something you're looking to pursue, whatevz; the artist has creative license for a reason.

    Also, add vocals. THe gogogogogomike stuff in the source is awesome. It adds a cuteness coefficient of 4infinity to the equation. That's a lot, I think.


    Surprise. It's a remix of one of the JENOVA songs. Which one, you ask? Please, you know exactly which one.

    I've only ever written one cheesy trance mix. This, however, is my first non-cheesy trance mix -- I think it's got some serious personality for being part of what is often a cookie-cutter genre. But I digest...

    Also, this is my first work that has used dblueglitch. I bet you'll hear it almost immediately :P

    The drums are unprocessed and unmixed. Sorry. This is going to be a very busy week with exams, and I won't have time to work on this til Friday, so I uploaded it in this state just to see how you think it's coming along.

    Thanks so much for your feedback :)

  6. Hey, I like this. Very chilled. As for specific comments on mixing, I personally prefer much harder hitting drums and slightly louder bass, but that's me. I'm a huge fan of PrototypeRaptor's Penultimate album, so I base my assessments on that. For a first go though, it's a really nice effort!

    Hah, we can't all be PrototypeRaptor :tomatoface:

    I hadn't heard any of his music when wrote this, but since then, ben briggs has showed me a ton of PR's music, and whaaaaaaaaat.... that guy is incredible. His production is so damn professional. Am I jealous? Yes, I am.

    I'm still pretty new to writing music, so at the time I wrote that mix, I hadn't even considered that, but if I were to go back and mess with the mix some more, I'd definitely add some more untz to the drums, especially the snare. I like the bass where it is, though. Very subtle.

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it!

  7. The hats are very dry and blandly written. Process 'em.

    I know it's dancy, but the kick is very mechanical which is no biggie, but the 16th note drills around 0:40ish are no fun to listen to. The subby frequencies retriggering at that speed are especially unsettling. Maybe humanize the timing, or more importantly you should humanize the velocity. Maybe even cut the subs just for those drills? Kinda weird, but it would eliminate that subby drill sound.

    That plucked instrument (koto?? shamisen??) around 1:40 is gorgeous and very well-sequenced. The kick sequencing around 2:20 has the same issue as the one around 0:40, but it's covered up a bit more by other elements of the mix here, so it isn't so distracting. Nevertheless, it still needs to be addressed.

    The chimes around 3:20 are so very fitting :) Loved em.

    The piano outro seems very bright, narrow, and robotic. Give it some more processing and some humanization love. Maybe widen it with some reverb, maybe a tiny touch of delay.


    Excellent arrangment. Wonderful instrumentation. Poor percussion all around. Needs better EQing, needs more processing in general. It sounds like a 90s eurodance song, like something I could step around to in DDR, hah. I like it! That said, it would need some more attention to the percussion and production before it would pass the panel, or so I think.

  8. - Played and done alright in a lot of PC FPS games (some old videos, as Nutritious mentioned)

    - Am still a generally nice person and "retro gamer" despite having dabbled with the dark arts above :)

    - Been playing quite a bit of NEStalgia this year and me and my guild have earned a little respect for doing relatively difficult PvE stuff (beating hard bosses often with small and/or unusual party compositions etc., more videos), also won a PvP tournament for the first time this weekend yay

    Oh jesus. I'd never heard of NEStalgia before. I clicked the link and almost shit my pants. I think that game caters to every possible addiction mechanism that exists within me. I dare not play it. The consequences would never be the same.

    Aaaand relevant to the thread: I beat level 20 again in Dr. Mario just now, fucked up in level 21 after setting myself up to win, threw the controller at the NES like the mature grow'd-ass man that I am, and the level just kinda reset and allowed me to try it again. And I beat it. I love the NES.

  9. It's not an issue with timing, eq, panning or anything else related to hardware or sample quality. It's the writing with or without the guitars.

    I think you should start reading about and applying chords. It'll shape your melodies around bars more properly (rhythm), and your melodies will feel like they have direction (harmony).

    You've just got to learn a little bit more theory, and it'll improve the quality of your music much more than panning and eq will. Trust me!

    Yup. Chords make the world go round. Once you have the harmonic structure in place, you can do just about whatever you want with the melody so long as it fits within the chords, and it'll sound "right".

  10. The best resource you can use for co-ordination and finger strength is Hanon's Virtuoso Pianist: http://books.google.com/books/about/Hanon_The_Virtuoso_Pianist.html?id=h11az0RJiw4C

    You say you're stuck with your learning, what style of piano music are you learning? Also sheet music is never a hindrance, it just may be that you need to develop your physical and aural piano skills to move forward.

    Saying that sheet music is never a hindrance is a little absolute. I stopped progressing and being interested because of a reliance on sheet music. I eschewed it in lieu of just using my ear, and music suddenly became interesting again because I was able to make it my own, to improvise using themes others had written (sounds a bit like remixing, eh?). That skill helped me to develop my own musical ideas and write my own music.

  11. NOOO!!! You HAVE to be shitting me! I JUST purchased computer parts for my new build two days ago from newegg. Mine is somewhat inferior to this build you have here, but just about the same price. It just shipped today... I totally would have bought this from you. As in, right now, boom, Paypal transfer, done.

    If you can intercept the UPS truck in Memphis, Tennessee, and "lose" my package, you've got yourself a customer.

  12. I managed to 1cc Battletoads when I was 10.

    I have no idea how to repeat it.

    You'd have to go back in time, my friend. I have a theory: kids can do friggin anything in video games, and adults cannot. Yep, that's the whole theory. Enjoy disproving it; it can't be done :P

    One time (and only one time) I managed to beat all three of the final bosses in Ninja Gaiden without dying. I'll never do it again.

    :o what. the. hell. My favorite games are sadistic NES games, but I played Ninja Gaiden recently and shut it off after about an hour. SO MANY DEATHS.

    I discovered my first glitch in Twilight Princess water temple. I did something with the spinning staircase where I would hookshot to the chandelier while directly under the staircase while it was spinning. The result? Link was swimming in midair. I could move a small distance before actually falling to the water much lower.

    The 3d Zelda games have always been loaded with graphical glitches, and man, are they awesome. If you play through Ocarina without seeing some goofy business, you did something wrong.

    i had a 98 yard play in madden 11 on all-madden difficulty a few days ago.

    with the bills.

    Repeat this feat with the Lions, and I'll go steal a Lombardi Trophy just for you.

  13. I don't think there's a thread yet for just completely bragging your ass off about awesome things you've done throughout your shockingly long career of gaming, so here is a place for you to dump your jaw-dropping accomplishments in the world of bits.

    Yesterday, I beat level 20 in Dr. Mario. Then, I beat level 21.

    Then I did the same thing again on my next try.


    Or is that totally weak, and everyone can do it? :cry:

  14. I'm finding electric intimidating considering that half the stuff electric guitarists do have no freaking musical notation.

    That's a blessing in disguise and an excellent reason to give guitar a shot :P As far as I'm concerned anymore, sheet music is a crutch and sometimes an impediment lying in the way of improvement. Your ear is the most important part of your musical self. Listen to guitar solos, figure out the chords behind it, solo over it yourself, and eventually you'll be able to hear how (and why, as far as theory goes) the guitarist did what he did.

    Did I mention I don't really like sheet music?:tomatoface:

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