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Posts posted by ectogemia

  1. Actually, in QBasic and beyond, line numbers (or names; pretty sure named targets were introduced in QBasic) are only needed for destinations of goto instructions, so depending on the version, his code might be right :P

    I thought I was doing it right... regardless, this guy enabled video games, so I respect him in life and in death.

  2. Well, there are a couple of ways.

    One is that I use the magical8bit vst and tweakbench's triforce vst. Another one I commonly use is the Peach SOUNDFONT, not the vst. As such, it's treated as a native instrument by FL Studio, so I can use all the piano roll tricks to manipulate the sound.

    The other way is to use a synth like 3xOsc (again, nice because it is native to FL & allows for fun piano roll madness) and just make a nice, simple waveform and EQ it and process it a bit to make it mix well. 3xOsc doesn't allow for pulse wave modulation, so you'll have to use some other synth to make pulse leads. You can, however, make simple square leads, and you can even do NES chorusing by generating two square waves and slightly detuning each. This should sound like the intro to Zelda. For maximum purity, don't use stereo detune, but because it's 2011... go ahead and use stereo detune if it's available :P

    Anyway, the EQing just about always requires removing some of the highs to get rid of the buzzy sound & make it more smooth. It's usually good to add a LITTLE distortion/overdrive for leads. A small about of reverb and delay in that order never hurts either to add some width & circumvent that thinness you were talking about.

    In some of my mixes, Sagescape for instance, the chippiness comes from a lot of careful sequencing to get the chippy feel. I can't really explain how to do that, but there are some common little rhythmic and melodic motifs you can utilize in a sequencer to accomplish a glitchy, chippy sound. I could send you a project file or two if you're interested so you can get a feel for how I sequenced these things.

  3. Oh yeah both Shenmue and Okami are amazing games. For shenmue you'd have to find an old dreamcast but Okami is far more attainable - it was originally released on ps2 but there's a wii version as well which I have. Both of those soundtracks have a great mix between large orchestral and Japanese traditional music. They're simply gorgeous. With the Okami, you may have to sift through quite a lot of music to find the great tracks (the best ones are mostly by Rei Kondo). But look out for: Tsuzurao's Theme, The Sun Rises, The Journey Continues, Kaguya's Journey. In terms of Shenmue soundtrack, it's all good really - Nozomi & Ryo is an pretty awesome love theme, Christmas on Dobuita Street is seriously relaxing and gorgeous, Sedge Tree also is the main theme and is great!

    Yeah, by line-in i mean I plugged a lead from my electric guitar into my tiny mixing desk (you could plug it straight into your laptop/sound card interface) and then used mostly preset guitar settings on logic. But yes, they are live.

    Mmm, debussy is the man! In terms of theory books or resources, i don't really know what i can suggest. I think the main way i advanced was that I have an electric piano/keyboard in my room and whenever i have a song playing I just tried to play along. That way it sort of just absorbed into my brain and you can make things you way you want them to sound a lot quicker. But also more active study like finding a song you like and working out the chords, then trying to use those chords in your own song. Or studying the melodies and also combinations of instruments. I need to do this a lot more! But there's absolutely no shame in "stealing" other people's chords or the way they've put things together - thing is you do that anyway but it just takes longer because you don't know where you've stolen it from!

    But seriously, you've got some really good production techniques going on - i was listening to your glitchy katamari-type tune a minute ago and there's so much there that i wouldn't begin to know how to do. And that makes me excited and keeps me working because i know there's so much i don't know!

    I guess if you love listening to music then try to play the music you love and you'll learn new tricks and techniques.

    Thanks for all the comments so far :) you make me feel like a sensei but i am way a student - i have a lot to learn from you!

    Sweet, can't wait to check out those soundtracks.

    Actually, I'm sort of a pianist. I don't fudge most of my compositions; I actually kind of know what I'm doing! And truth be told, 90% of my musicality comes from all the improvisation and playing by ear (getting damn good at that...) that I've done over the past year and a half, so I'm with you there on just playing what you like til you get something out of it.

    Truth be told, I didn't know how to do any of the glitching in that Katamari-inspired song until I wrote it. Experimentation is awesome :D

    My production, semi-amateurish as it may be, comes from experimentation, hanging out with Benjamin Briggs and halc (champions, the both of them), and a little bit of technical nonsense I've learned from Dance Music Manual by Rick Snoman. Very good read, very concise.

  4. Hmmm, Shenmue and Okami soundtracks, eh? Looks like I'll need to procure those ASAP. Never played either.

    Sorry, I suck with terminology. By saying the guitars were "line in," you meant that they were recorded, correct?

    And Debussy is my faaaaaaaaaaavorite classical dude :D He pretty much wrote the book on the chords I use.

    Any theory books/resources you could recommend? I'd really like to ramp up my self study in that area.

  5. Aspiring video game composer? Shit, you've got the job. Just when I think I'm starting to get pretty alright, someone like you comes along and puts everything in perspective :P

    VERY eclectic.

    Those piano samples are incredible, especially the ones in Advert 2. What are you using?

    Same goes for the distorted guitar samples in Visual Novel Teaser.

    And last question: what kind of training do you have? I hear some VERY strong classical music influences throughout.

    edit: Eh, I should probably add some critiques in anyway. Praise is nice, but it's not so constructive :P The problem is that I was enjoying what I was hearing so much, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the details. In general, however, I did notice that most tracks tended to sound synthetic. Obviously, that's no biggie in electronic music, but in sequencing orchestral or acoustic parts, it's critical. You've nailed composition; now, focus on production. Also, the piano pieces were all somewhat robotic, although well put-together.

  6. Yo Darke:

    Could I get you to take me off my current team and add me to a new one with chthonic? We live pretty near to one another, and we've been wanting to work on something together for a little while. We thought this would be a good time.

    Sorry to pH & Superior X!! It's just convenient for me to team up with chthonic is all :( I think Rozovian is looking for a team. SNAG'EM.

    Ben will post his robot master picks later.

  7. Wait, this thing is tougher than Demons's's Souls?

    Pretty much all the gaming I do anymore is on a NES, kinda known for its difficult games, and even I called bullshit after a couple of days of Demons's's's Souls.

    Don't do this to yourselves...

  8. link (wip -- much left to be written)

    edit: Updated a bit. Looks like it's going to end up being collab with the artist formerly known as chthonic, so get amp'd.


    Man, it's been a while since I've posted anything in here, eh?

    School has been quite nasty.

    In lieu of studying for a major exam tomorrow, I decided to write some music because it's just been entirely too long.

    Here's what I came up with over the past couple or three hours.

    All sounds were designed from scratch except for the lead at the end :D I've come a long way with sound design. You'll see the difference if you compare this to any of my previous soundcloud mixes.

    The beginning needs quite a bit of fine-tuning and processing, but the rest is as it will remain. I'll be adding quite a bit more after the solo.

    Hope you like :D


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