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Posts posted by ectogemia

  1. if you can't find a sound that's close enough to the original, use an instrument with a clear sound, like a piano, as your ears will more easily pick up the pitch from the overtones.

    That's a hell of an idea that had never occurred to me. Smart thinkin'.

    But yeaaaah, probably figure out the rhythm, then start plugging away. Having a good set of ears helps, and if you don't really have that skill yet, practice by transcribing or improvising. While doing either, THINK, don't just plunk at keys. You'll start to narrow the range of intervals you can distinguish from one another, you'll recognize harmonies, blah blah. If it's any consolation, a year ago I sucked at transcribing, but now, after a lot of improv and transcription, it's no biggie unless it's particularly crazy jazziness. You will get better. Just keep at it.

  2. it's the same idea, but because the setup of the pads is different (usually laid out in a square shape instead of just in a row, like the keys on a keyboard), it feels more natural for some people. still takes some getting used to, though.

    I have these on my controller, and I pretty much haven't even touched them except for a test run that didn't work out.

    In other news, I have horrible rhythm.

  3. I usually sequence everything by hand with random samples I have. It doesn't always sound 100% cohesive, but eh, whatevez. The biggest issue here is that it's insanely cumbersome.

    I used a soundfont kit a couple of times for some of my earliest mixes.

    I've started slicing loops recently and rearranging them to my liking. I love that sliced up sound, too, with all of the samples being interrupted and choppy. Very electronic-y. That said, it doesn't sound real because the lack of cohesion is the goal in the first place.

    I'm curious to see what everyone else says myself.

    Sequencing a pattern or two by hand, then copying and chopping it sounds cool and is pretty easy as well.

  4. So my advice is to write stuff, then try to read something about what you wrote. :D

    If you have decent fundamentals, I agree with this. Books are no fun; writing music is much fun. Do what is motivating. Copy others who DO know their fundamentals and beyond, and try to understand what they're doing as you transcribe and try to imitate their instruments/synths. You'll learn more from a "do first, ask questions later" method than from reading out of a book first without ever having formed any concept of what you're reading. Music is a little unique in that regard because it's so incredibly abstract.

    If you play an instrument, do on the fly composition: improvise.

    Improvisation took me from 0 musical ability to like... some musical ability, and it didn't take too long.

  5. UPDAT'D


    By popular demand (and because it was a really, really good idea), I've incorporated the Song of Healing into this wip. How had I forgotten about that song??! I heard it on youtube after one of you mentioned it, then I started playing it on piano and soloed over it for like... forever. Such a god damn good melody.

    But I digest. I added a very bittersweet string part with the descending melodic line of the Song of Healing. There's plenty of dissonance to go around, and I'm working on glitching the drums a lot more. Remember, the Great Fairy's life is falling apart. Her purpose has dissipated now that red potions are selling for the price of Deku nuts. Awwww :(

    Whatcha think??

  6. I am are teh contribyoot 8)

    With any luck, I'll be changing this from the inside in a few years. My ultimate goal is to write for video games, and I guarantee I'd do my best to make sure none of this forgettable junk would be coming from me. We need more memorable themes. Newer technology doesn't mean melody has to die...


    I'm sure we can swing a Nobel prize in your direction somehow. I mean, if Obama got one...

  7. I'll never spend 5 years trying to beat Emerald Weapon with the same saved game and fail ever again.

    I feel your pain, brother.

    Here's a tip. Emerald has an attack that does 1111 X number of equipped materia. If you have 2 materia on, he will do, 2222 damage. And if your character is 9999HP, he will then have 7777 hp. Do you know what that means? Lucky 7's FTW!

    :o That's... that's... a really damn good idea.

    And I wish I could show you what my 12-year-old face looked like the first and only time I got the 7777 fever. Hint: I didn't know that it existed til it happened. So much brick-shitting.

  8. And it's such a shame xD

    I'm 100% certain though that VGM (and anything video game related, in fact) will someday get all the praise it deserves.

    Ahhh, maybe. But someone earlier in the thread mentioned that VGM these days is mostly "epic" tripe (sorry, just my opinion). I can see that becoming mainstream a la film music, but my favorite themes from the past will probably remain under the radar.


    Oooooohhhhhhhhhnnnmvbm!!!!!!!! 10 rupees.

  9. I mentioned this in the bragging thread before, but it fits here too: defeating all three of the final bosses in Ninja Gaiden [NES] without dying. I guess my truly masochistic days are long behind me.

    Then may I refer you, sir, to

    . My god.

    Relevance: a friend of mine and I beat the speed-bike thing of Battletoads ON 2 PLAYER. Yep, that means 2 people had to simultaneously not eat shit throughout that whole insane sequence. Our goal was to beat the game on 2 player, but oh god... no.

  10. This. So very much this. I wonder how many people still associate vgm with just the 8-bit music of old and thus don't rate it as a "real" or serious form of music.

    I told a guy at school that my favorite music is VGM and that I like to remix it. He told me (and prefaced it with "I'm kinda embarrassed to admit it, but...") that he and his sister bought the DKC1 soundtrack as kids and listened to it all the time. AND I WAS LIKE DUDE, THAT IS NOTHING TO BE EMBARRASSED ABOUT!!!

    It's kinda sad that so many things associated with video games, especially retro games, are immediately minimized in significance just because most players rarely care to experience the medium beyond the gameplay. Bleh.

    As soon as this guy heard the first notes of one of my Zelda remixes, he smiled. That's the magic of VGM -- unparalleled nostalgia.

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