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Everything posted by aceazure

  1. Hell yeah, I've listened to this song on PC to death by now. Uh, no changes, right?
  2. I can see where the comments about being synthetic are coming from, but it sounds natural to me. You had me there, WillRock, until I read the description. Heh. I love this one, but then again, I love all piano solos on ocremix. Beautiful.
  3. Yeah. Just like that epic final battle between X and Zero in... I actually don't know which game. I've barely played the X series at all.
  4. I've been coming back and listening to this again and again, I can say I'm hooked. I really love that voice, it sounds a bit artificial but in some mysteriously haunting way.
  5. Done, I feel like I've deviated from the sources way too much, like to the point where it's about, say... not recognizable.
  6. Yeah. I've been fidgety all day for the Zero bracket today.
  7. Word. I'm sure they'll be great.
  8. Eheh, it's not looking too good for me myself, early decision college application deadlines are in a week. I'm almost done though, I've kinda been "saving up" this coming week doing most of the stuff in advance.
  9. Do it do it. Seems like a rough week for many.
  10. Eheh... I didn't use Photoshop, do you have Flash? If not, I could probably send you transparencies of each of the slots in a zip file so you can copy and paste them on. Or I could just do 'em myself, but I'm not sure if you can trust me to be on time with that.
  11. http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/6352/xround1.png
  12. Would this be a signature or an album cover?
  13. Cool. DarkeSword, I'm assuming we PM the songs to you, right?
  14. Huh, well that was quick.
  15. Darkesword, I edited my lineup a little, don't know if you got that. Gravity Beetle is now #1 and the other two are pushed down to #2 and #3. Doesn't make too much of a difference, I guess. God am I excited for this.
  16. Cool. Sounds very realistic. I don't have any pointers or anything like that, sorry. Seems like it would go well in some kinda sci-fi movie. What do you have in mind?
  17. Hi all. Like probably everyone else on here, I joined because I really like the remixes on this site and I'd like to get to know some of the people behind them. Also because of the Grand Maverick Remix Battle And like a lot of new members, I'm fairly inexperienced at music, I've been composing for about 1.5 years (and kept it a secret to everyone I know, but that will change in the coming months). Oh, and I draw things, mostly pictures. Pleased to meet all of you.
  18. Ha, alright. Count me in no matter what, I'll be kicking some half-decent remixer ass. Disclaimer: I may not kick any half-decent remixer ass.
  19. So I'm just being off-topic for a moment, but the GRMRB was amazing, props to all the remixers. I followed it in its entirety (albeit as a lurker of sorts), and I've been looking forward to this one. Anyway... I didn't think I should be joining this at first with me being a completely new member and all, but I saw someone else (hello, Enigami) who seemed kind of new too, so I'll give it a shot. Feel free to cut me out if you're going for 16 slots like last time, but if there's more than enough slots I'd like to enter. My three choices are... 1) Gravity Beetle 2) Blizzard Buffalo 3) Chill Penguin EDIT: Changed.
  20. FIRST POST YAY I'm not exactly proficient in anything related to music, but I do write music occasionally in my spare time. ...OK, that was a lie, I write music whenever I can. I do it on my computer, but I use a beginner-level sequencer so I don't really do much with my music besides just putting the notes down. I started to play piano at age 7 and violin at age 9, both of which I continued playing for four years before quitting. I'm 17 now, with no musical skills... except I can play by ear on piano right hand only. Eh heh.
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