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Robert DelSole

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Everything posted by Robert DelSole

  1. Actually really digging the lyrics. Strongest part of the song for sure. I think my biggest problem is with the kick drum. It feels super week, especially for a hip-hop song like this. You're hardly using any of the super low end (like, 200 hz and below) with either the kick or the bass, i feel like expanding a bit there could add a whole lot of character to the song.
  2. I had an old account that I hadn't logged into in about 7 years (2010) and needless to say I don't have that info anymore. If any of you remember Arsal, hey! Anyway, I'd been working on a remix of the Besaid Island Theme on and off for about 8 years or so and I finally reached something I liked a few months back. A bunch of my friends have suggested submitting it to OCR, but I really feel it's not quite there yet. Remix in question: And in case you're not familiar with the original source: Main things I'm looking for advice on are the drums and the ending. Some people I've shown this to say the drums are too repetitive. I personally love them as is, I'm more curious if it's really that glaring of an issue rather than advice on how to fix them. What I do need advice on how to fix though is the ending. It pretty much just exists because I don't wanna do a fade out for a song like this, but I don't think it's particularly good as is. I would like to eventually submit a remix of this song to the site, but I wanna get this version solid first even if it's not solid enough to submit. Thanks!
  3. Yeah, the songs a she. And its not wierd at all to think that btw.
  4. A really nice piece. Now if it just had a bit more cowbell...
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