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Everything posted by KennyFarino

  1. What's really neat is that they just released an homage to MST3K in the form of "Manos: The Hands of Fate," a videogame developed for the iOS that is in the style of an NES game. Not only does it look to Manos as the main form of inspiration, but enemies include killer shrews, Trolls from Nilbog, RoMan from "Robot Monster," the Giant Claw from the movie "The Giant Claw," and screaming skull enemies! It's a really fun game, you guys should check it out:
  2. Tweet and shared everywhere, as well as making a Blistered Thumbs page reporting on the news so that support could be rallied against this unfair action! GameJams supports the OCRemix community!
  3. Happy birthday, dude! Keep making those awesome jams!
  4. New episode! It's Episode 19-Part 2 of June Is Boss Month!: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-19-2.php I also took the liberty of using funds received by blip.tv from ads that were required by Blistered Thumbs, and sent them directly to OCR as a donation! I wanted to send the money to the people who truly deserve it! Ads aren't on anymore since I don't think BT really cares if they are on, but I just wanted to let you know! (proof so you know it's legit)
  5. New episode! It is dedicated to OCR's forum theme of June Is Boss Month! Enjoy Part One!: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-19-1.php
  6. Dude, YES! This game has some kick-ass tunes! They all do! , , and especially that battle with Jennifer. But especially the beautiful ending theme to the first game, . Take a look at what . OCR is capable of making awesome work on this level!
  7. Hell to the yes Hailfire Peaks and Click Clock Wood! Come on OCR Remixers, peeps love them some Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie!
  8. New episodes ahoy! This includes a serene trip into Chilltown, kicking ass and taking names in a heavy metal special, and possibly the best episode of GameJams yet! GameJams Ep. 15: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-15.php GameJams Ep. 16: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-16.php GameJams Ep. 17: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-17.php
  9. I made a Christmas-themed episode of my podcast last year, so maybe I can be of assistance by providing the playlist: Featured Remixes Super Mario World - "Super Mario’s Sleigh Ride" Remix by The OneUps, Nate Cloud, Mustin, Dale North William Wobbler - "A William Wobbler Christmas" Remix by Slow Poison Mario Kart 64 - "Holiday Frappe" Remix by Tweak Shadow of the Colossus - "Snowfall on Forbidden Lands" Remix by ceili, Sephfire Donkey Kong Country- "Chekan Winter" Remix by Prophecy Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals - "Christmas In The Village (Silver Bells)" Remix by Dale North Portal - "Live from [sUBJECT HOMETOWN HERE]" Remix by the UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra Ice Climber - "Snow Cone Heaven" Remix by Mazedude Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - "Snowboardin’ Sonic" Remix by Willrock Christmas NiGHTS - "MerryLittleChristmas" Remix by Dale North Not all of 'em are Christmas remixes of course, but I hope this helps a lot!
  10. Seconded. Sixto Sounds + TMNT 4 = perfection.
  11. Seriously? That blows, but let's hope the project reboots!
  12. As I once heard someone say about this remix, it makes you want to go out and stab giants to death! This remix is great for getting the adrenaline going, and Wanderer on the Offensive is a terrible song to go driving to... it'll turn you into some sort of speed demon! This remix kicks ass because it's metal done right!
  13. This game has some insanely addictive music, so it would definitely be awesome if our ears can be graced with more groovy remixes from this series! Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. / 5. / 6. /
  14. I definitely agree, there need to be more remixes than just of the Sewer Surfin' theme .
  15. Hell to the yes! We need some Crash lovin' on this site!
  16. Just like with Mattias Holmgren's remix "Dr. Wily Haunts Flashman," I am really impressed with how well willrock is able to mix two different songs seamlessly into one remix! With other tunes I find on here, sometimes it is jarring when the remixer chooses to alternate from one specific theme to another, but willrock's transitions are smooth and never awkward. I had both the Flashman and Tornadoman themes superglued to my brain from day one, so this high-energy mix does them justice! As others have said, I really enjoy how willrock gets right into the action, and that it is a nice mix of 8-bit and electronica instrumentation! If this had been a straight-up electronica or rock remix, I don't think it would have been as enjoyable as what we have now, so well done dude!
  17. Three new episodes! Enjoy! GameJams 13: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-13.php GameJams 14: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-14.php GameJams April Fools: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-april-fools.php
  18. Tonight we're hitting the high seas with remixes from "The Secret of Monkey Island", "Uncharted Waters 2," and "Reset Generation!" Note: Until I edit this in the episode, please accept my apology - I accidentally credited the "TEEM.ROKIT" remix in the episode's audio to TJ Nekko when it should have been credited to tweek. Ah, the life of a tired student http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-12.php
  19. This week's episode is an interview with the Gamer Symphony Orchestra! http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamer-symphony-orchestra-interview.php
  20. Hey folks, here is the newest episode of this podcast, Episode 11! This is bringing us into the 2011 season with some great songs from the folks at OCRemix, such as "Last Night A DJ Kidnapped Mallow" by Skrypnyk, or "Blown Mind Bolero" by AlteredBeats! http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/gamejams-episode-11.php
  21. Hey, thanks very much dude! I think I might ask people if they have a music video they want to offer because it would be neat to see other people's efforts! Hell, the first music video in the Best Of episode was done by TheCyberCat on youtube, and they did a phenomenal job! Sorry for replying so late, I've been reallllly busy this week! I'm glad to know you like the show, dude!
  22. Hey there, OCR! I'm here to let you know that I have a podcast featuring OCRemixes from this site called GameJams, a bi-monthly show where people get to request the songs that they really want to hear! It's a bit of a fan project that I love doing, and I want to share the work of the talented people here with anybody who will listen! The show is also now a feature on the websites BlisteredThumbs and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, so hopefully I'll get to spread the word about your kickass work and great remixes! Blistered Thumbs link: http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/2011/01/gamejams-bestofs1/ Listen and Archive: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/ Website: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/ iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gamejams/id387668412?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
  23. Hey, thanks dude! I'm glad you think the concept is interesting . I always try to please! Mercifully, the selling of the podcasts on CDs, etc, is not an option, and doing that would just be downright dickish - what they're asking for is ad overlays that go over the videos (blip.tv, etc) at most, so the podcasts would still be free to view aside from the ads!
  24. Hey there, OCR! I'm here to let you know that I have a podcast featuring OCRemixes from this site called GameJams, a bi-monthly show where people get to request the songs that they really want to hear! It's a bit of a fan project that I love doing, and I want to share the work of the talented people here with anybody who will listen! I'd also like to try and get remixers from this site for interviews to share how they birth their awesome creations, and remixer zircon was gracious enough to give me a shot for the first interview! Of course, full credit is provided to the remixers in both the audio segment, and the music videos that I make for these remixes! Listen and Archive: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/GameJams/ Website: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/ iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gamejams/id387668412?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 However, I also posted this thread because I have a bit of a quandary: a gaming site called Blistered Thumbs (an affiliate of "ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com") contacted me because they are interested in featuring the podcast on their site, and naturally I'd like to try and expand the audience so the awesome tunes of OCR can reach more people. However, they have a policy about putting advertisements somewhere in the video, and I would personally not like to do that because it would feel wrong to profit off of the work that you guys worked so hard to make: While I definitely understand that they need the ad revenue, since some contributors make this website their full-time job, this is a hobby for me, and I would not feel it moral or appropriate to get paid for something I did not directly make myself, you know what I mean? I want to keep it non-profit so that I can just help spread the word on great remixes by great remixers! With that said, may I also have input on this problem? Thanks for the time, guys, and have a great night!
  25. Yes please! After interviewing ya last July, I'd love to help you out! Seeing as I also write for the website I do GameJams for, I'm very interested to see where this game goes!
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