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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. also, looking at Rama's sig makes me happy since both those articles were written by me. ^.^

    With another going up soon!

    I have a few of my own to post, but not having a working version of Photoshop has discouraged me from making posts because I don't have images for them ;-;.

    I'll be spending my evening trying to fix that because that's just not acceptable.



    And duh arrange stream:


    What arrange stream is is a huge Japanese RSS feed from a bunch of different doujin artists and R:TS and OCR. Can find some pretty sweet stuff sometimes.

  2. is there any kind of deadline for this? the project forum on thasauce seems to have disappeared so I wasn't sure. I've been having some real shitty computer problems lately but I am going to try and find some time to finish my track soon.

    orly? It's still there for sure, but permissions are probably a little weird due to the migrate. inc fixes.

  3. I started at 1168 in the queue today, so I'm going to say that it's not down to 300.

    This is my WoW login screen after 30 minutes.

    Yeaaaaa. Seems like it's just shifted a bit. Usually when I got home from work at 5-6 there'd be a 1200 queue, now its 300ish, but within an hour it shoots up, and stays there until about 11PM.

    So from 7-11, Illidan is still Illidan.

  4. yeah, that is so unbelievably gross i can't even fathom it. Hopefully lots of people transfer off with that free move offered.

    We have free transfers off to 3 different servers right now. Queues have dropped significantly from this time last week, but that said it's down from 1200 to 300-ish.

    Still has a way to go, but this is pretty normal for Illidan around Xpac time. It always clears up quicker than everyone expects

  5. So as it stands right now my assumptions were correct: guild XP for quests has been reduced by 75%. Not sure really how I feel about the change in the short term, but in the long term I'm a little scared.

    Right now we've had roughly 10 characters, of various levels questing. We've been hitting the caps, or gotten close even after the cap, and we do have a lot more people/characters to level, so that's not a problem. My major concern is, once everyone is 85, how much more experience will be needed, and how much will we be able to generate with JUST dailies and boss kills? Having people quest from 80-85, or even 1-85, isn't that big if a deal. We're all going to do it anyway. Having a good collection of people, in ANY sized guild, doing dailies consistently every, is going to be a bit rough.

    So we're talking about a drastic decline in XP gain, as XP required increases ACROSS THE BOARD. Not sure ho this is going to be worked out. People have been saying "Smaller guilds don't deserve to be level 25 anyway", which...douchebaggery aside, isn't even relevant here. In order to keep leveling up the guild as consistent pace you'd need all the same people doing approx 25 dailies on 2 characters (assuming they did 50 quests a day while leveling, which I think is a fair guess), every day OR you have to constantly keep recruiting new players and having them level to 85 exponentially per guild level.

    I trust Blizzard, and I'm confident we're going to get into the teens with ease, but I'm definitely worried about where we'll be month 6 of this expansion.

    That side:

    Disciples of the Mix is recruiting! (But I'd wait a week or 2 for the server load to die down :-?)

  6. Mega Man is one of, if not the biggest, franchise of Capcom

    Wait, what?

    Guys, I hate to break it to you but...Mega Man doesn't really seem all that popular now a days. I mean sure I guess Mega Man 9 and... I don't know whatever Zero X whatevs things they release every few years on DS sorta do OK maybe in Japan, but I mean...I'm willing to bet that Mega Man isn't the majority of Capcom's income.

    And...for the most part...Inafune has been an executive producer for recent games...

    ...do you understand what an execute producer does?

    Hint: Not much involving game play or design.

    ...which is why he's leaving.

    Also also: They need to stop making Mega Man games anyway. Just saying.

  7. I lost the link for the spreadsheet, but atm mastery for spriest is considered a 0.3 dps increase (lowest) vs int at 2.7 (highest). It's completely not worth getting, and crit and haste are to be prioritized instead. I reforget all extra hit and sp on y priest's gear into haste or crit. Some other specs also need to have their mastery looked at (ex.: combat rogues).

    As for Holy Priests, they're now having trouble keeping their mana up while healing the same way they did through all of LK. They now have Cata mechanics but those are incompatible with this xpac.

    I wonder if they're doing it right? Healing on the beta is hard. VERY hard. I healed one of the first instances with better gear than my priest has now, and the same spec, and I was having a VERY hard time with mana, even when properly using heal as opposed to flash heal, etc.

    Compare that to healing normal instances, or even ICC10 now, I have absolutely no problem with mana, in fact I have trouble LOSING mana.

    This might be very different in say...25 man hard modes, I can't imagine that anything is really GAME BREAKING right now, they just need to learn how they will be healing come Cataclysm.

    I have to say right now, if ANYONE is having ANY mana problems on live right now, they're going to be COMPLETELY shit out of luck when they're trying to heal in Cataclysm.

    I think I found a AuldLangSyne replacement that works with any brokers, still gotta test it though. Edit: Yep looks just like it: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11440-Broker_SocialState.html

    Also THIS is interesting. I shall be investigating for sure.

  8. Ho shi I can tank now as a holy priest?! or am I confused?

    So after raiding with the new spirit changes, and still ending every fight with near full mana, I reforged all the spirit on my gear into mastery, which is awesome seeing so many numbers tick on my raid minions. I need to do some research to see if the mastery is better than straight haste, but damn if it doesn't make me feel like a healing badass. :-)

    None of my classes have a really good use for mastery yet that I've found. My priest reforged everything to crit/haste, my warlock reforged everything to haste, my death knight....I haven't really reforged anything on my DK.

    I TRIED mastery on my priest at first, but it was such a DPS loss compared to straight up crit I couldn't justify it at all.

    The rotation Rama posted about DK dps rotation is only if you're not Frost with the HB glyph. Festering Strike becomes useless in that case, and right now adds die too fast to make it worth applying a 2nd disease with PS + Pest.

    The rotation I posted was for single target unholy. (ie boss fights) Also: Scourge strike. Forgot that one.

  9. It's weird now, because DK tanking has SO MANY buttons. Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Festering Strike, DnD, Dancing Rune Weapon, Blood Tap, Rune Tap, Blood Boil, Death Strike, Rune Strike

    Compare that to my old rotation of: DND, IT, PS, Pestilience, (Rune Tap) Blood Boil, Blood Strike, and everything has rune strike macro'd when it's up

    Mean while, for DK DPS once I get up IT PS on a single target then it's just Festering Strike, Death Coil, Death Coil, HoW, Death Coil, Festering Strike.

    I feel like a rogue with a 2 button rotation.

    But yea I don't know how big of an issue that whole DK bubble thing is. It's based on mastery and mastery levels aren't all that high yet (afaik you can only get it from reforging, and I don't know how much reforging DK tanks are doing, my priest reforged EVERYTHING though, lol), and PvP is pretty broke to all hell anyway. Damage levels are through the roof, and HP levels won't be adjusted until 4.0.3/Cataclysm anyway. Pretty sure arenas, even skirmishes from what I've heard, are out of commission, though BGs but be pretty lul right now.

  10. Final Fantasy 6, Secret of Mana, and Seiken Densetsu 3 says hi.

    I really can not stress that one enough. I was vaguely familiar with SD3 until just recently when starla came over and was playing through it. I was absolutely blown away by every aspect of this game. To say it push the limits of that area of video games would be an extreme understatement. That game makes every other game made on the SNES and Genesis look like Super Mario Land.

    If you haven't done so yourself, I recommend anyone who's a fan of the genre play through it, or at least watch a full play through to simply experience it. You will not regret it at all.

  11. Anyone here who's looking for an addon to track your XP and levelling progress might be interested in this addon I wrote:


    I updated it this morning to work with 4.0.1.

    Also, if you're still using TitanBar (or FuBar) you might want to consider moving to a Data Broker system, which is more CPU efficient and a little more customizable. I personally use ChocolateBar (it says Out of Date but the latest version works with 4.0.1) but others I know of are Fortress and DockingStation.

    orly? this is nice. also: from the way you explain it it sounds like my FuBar things (Let's say...AuldLangSyne, for example) will work on ChocolateBar as they do on FuBar, but more better?

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