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Crowbar Man

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Posts posted by Crowbar Man

  1. For our server:

    Runs on Bukkit, Vanilla is terrible

    Essentials plugin pack (player lists, /home, /spawn, etc)

    Minecart Mania

    LWC (Chest Protection for donators)

    MultiVerse (For Neither and visiting the original OCR server's map)

    Crowd Control (Disable select monsters, right now I've got Creepers and Ghasts blocked, all other mobs are on)

    PvP: None yet, I may make a zone for it, but nobody seems interested, combat in this game isn't very interesting

    Those are the main mods, there are other mods too but are only for administrative purposes.

    Its not too crazy with mods, but worlds better than Vanilla.

    I'm not sure what all OCAD runs but they have moved off Vanilla I beleive

  2. So many things wrong with the sentence..

    By "they" I hope you mean developers in general, because games you listed aren't Nintendo's. Since this console will be aimed at making multiplatform easier, I can't imagine devs not making games that work on all 3

    Nobody wants a new DK64 or Bomberman Hero.

    Quake? Theres not even a new Quake for PC and probably wont be for a while, id is making Rage. Rage is set for consoles, so i dont see a reason not to port it over to the new Wii since rumors point it will be at least as powerful as the 360

    wii 2 or game cube

    Guess you mean Wii "1" and no space in GameCube.

  3. The power rails are kinda a pain compared to the gold blocks. Also MM contains more than just that, stuff like MM's command signs and Stations, etc.

    Try it again Spirit, I removed/added from my plugin list to see if there was an updated version that didn't get installed

    I'm having no issue with the test sign i made, let me know if your still having issues.

  4. Some more info: apparently Sonys servers were running on old outdated software with known vunerabilitiies.

    And its kinda odd they are physically moving the servers elsewhere like they were in an unsafe place to begin with.. maybe the vgcatz comic was right lol

    So we have possible 3 security issues: ps3 devkit issues, old software, and physically unsafe!

    You'll be glad to know the personal info was not only not encrpted but the passwords in plaintext. Fantastic.

    And in a major blow to consumer rights the psn class action law suit got a ruling that big corperations can now block parties of consumers from forming together a class action suit. So they have to take them on individually now.

    Isn't that great?

    Roadie: considering how bad this looks on sonys part I don't think its a ruse. Maybe another factor in shutting it down but this info about sony is far more damaging

  5. Sorry, but anybody can read this thread and see that you are twisting facts.

    I am refering to the first time:

    Gmans incident was on page 212, incident was resolved/appogolised for by me around 215, you called her names, the first time, on page 233.

    Also, if you dont mind, please stop repeating that.

  6. The whitelist was on before I even took over, FireSlash gave it to me and i've just been adding to it.

    But if the entire community wants to do away with either just let me know. I'll need more then one or two people complaining of course

    Oh and for the record Level 99, you are a cool person and I have no beef with you or your server.

    Crowbar, I called her a bitch for calling EVERYONE associated with OCAD a TROLOLOLOL goon squad when that is just not true.Maybe two or three of us, but not all of us.

    Just a note: These events took place way apart from each other. After I had apologized for the incident and things had settled down. So don't twist facts.

  7. And why did he call her a bitch in the first place?

    I have no clue actually, it was out of the blue and didn't even make sense. Its in this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31614&page=233

    Now hes done it again, and taking a gigantic manbaby sized tantrum over a simple ban from a place he never goes into. Didn't even msg me in IRC or PM me on the forums, could of been a joke, he decided to be a big man and call her names again.

    And so now I'm expected to apologize to someone thats called her that twice? I'm usually a pretty easy going guy but even thats a little bit hard for me to do.

    No whitelist

    Even with a whitelist, and a vouch system, we've had theft and other issues. Good luck with letting the barn door open to anybody :(

    Edit: Refund sent. I don't know when/if I'll be calm enough to unban him at this rate, it was only supposed to be temporary but this is twice hes done this.

    Gman banning people

    Keep in mind shes not banning people. Just Brushfire.

  8. That unban quote was before the name calling. But ill gladly refund if you are going to continue being a jerk. Like gman, I really want nothing to do with you at this point.

    I was given the official ocr server when nobody wanted to host the old one anymore and brushfire was one of those who just trolled this thread instead of helping. Now that level 99, NOT brushfire, was kind enough to set up a sever for ocad, brushfire is for some reason taking responcibility for something that isn't his. Now you have people claiming that our server isn't even official? Well gee thanks. Glad to know my work can be denounced by those who dont even play. Those who actually play on the server are not complaining.

    The vouch system was created by the community. If the community no longer wants it it can go away.

    As far as the irc brush just sat in there all evening and I never saw a question, mabye it was before or after we had internet or power outage, but he was never banned for asking a question that so dont let him lie to you. He was banned by gman, several hours after I saw him in there not saying anything, because she doesn't like him. That's all. I think it was a half joke anyways but he never even responded or pmd me before having this tantrum in the thread for no reason.

    The image is a anti troll/spam and not serious. Lighten up everyone

    Thanks for trying to cause more issues and drama Brush.

    Edit: I issued a refund since I have no idea when I'll ever be calm enough to unban him after this.

  9. Secret Musics (Explanation whited out):

    [spoil]A clean version of a song that plays on a radio in one of the Rattman's dens. Valve licensed The National to make this song, and why it only appears as an easter egg, with distorted radio sound, is beyond me: [/spoil]

  10. If the rumors about the Rebug issue are true, How exactly is releasing firmware updates securing the network? Like I said, thats security through obscurity which is a horribly poor practice. The only reason it seems they "havn't been hacked in 5 years" is because nobody bothered aggressively to hack the PS3 until recently. Not because Sony did a good job. The console, just like a PC, should never be fully trusted just because they think "it can't be hacked". Especially since it has been compromised in one form or another for almost a year now

  11. Rumor has it one of the reasons Sony had to shut down the network is because they have abolutely the worst security imaginable. If the math error that let failoverflow open the system wide wasn't enough, apparently if a system identifies itself as a debug unit without bothering to check any other data or credentials it gets access to developer only sections of psn. And Project Rebug turns regular ps3s into debug units, so yeah. Anybody who installed it gets into a backdoor and had access to who knows what. Sony is terrible at doing anything right honestly

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