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Crowbar Man

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Posts posted by Crowbar Man

  1. Like bleck just said the tile interface is optional. This is 7 with touch screen focus and a terrible, but optional, zune/winphone7 interface. 8 can probably can be entirely ignored if you have 7 unless your really into touch screens. I see this as MS trying to out manuver Apple by offering the windows os in a tablet and still having the simplicity that ipad users want for some reason. The ARM support definatly is a big key there as windows generally has only ran on x86 chips

  2. Bukkit release b818 was promoted to Recommended Build, MultiPlay has rolled it out, server is now running with 1.6.6 support.

    I'm testing to make sure everything works, but I think its safe to update if you play on the MZ server

    Edit: Warping seems off if you cross worlds, if you do a /warp and wind up somewhere weird, try again.

    Ghasts now spit fireballs like they are supposed to, but our snow in hell seems to be fixed :/

    Edit2: I fixed the portals, but using portals itself is broken, they often kick you off the server... hopefully some of this will be fixed with bukkit later.

  3. BGC: MZ server? Been like that, sorry I need to fix. Use the warps for now.

    As far as bukkitis concerned Multiplay, for good reason, will only update to recommended builds so MZ will be on 1.5 until then

  4. Or /home, or /spawn, or player lists, or ... anything really.

    A basic chat console with no features and online play is about all you get with vanilla.

    As mentioned, 1.6 has been patched 4 times and its still very very broken. 100% CPU with a single user broken. Until Mojang fixes it, it pretty much makes hosting even Vanilla servers a problem now.

    Edit: 1.6.5 released today might of finally fixed it, we shall see

    Edit: Also, new map, and Multipaly has this neat banner thing I've added to my sig.

  5. Roadie:

    I'm not sure if this solely had to do with Rebug as Sony's network went down too long and was compromised in multiple fronts.

    Also why would they go after the rebug team? They have nothing to do with what people do with their software which had no design as an attack on Sony but is simply meant to help home brew developers write better software. The rebug issue seems rather small compared to what happened.

    Again having investigation teams across the globe and the Japanese government angry at them is not a situation they'd continue to let a lie go on about. They have lost a lot of revenue, hurt consumer confidence, hurt developers revenue, etc etc. Sony is a monster but that hurts profit not makes it.

    Darn trying to write a post on a phone, Ill fixed typos when I get home lol

    Edit #234: fixed?


    Id like to note I have no brand loyalty (hate them all almost equally and own all 3) and since I have never and will never sign into psn on my ps3 I am in no way effected by this. Still sucks for everybody though

  6. Garian: Again, when the not-MC gameplay kicks in, its way better than MC. I had that worm thing happen only once in the couple hours i've played. The rest of the time its clicking on blocks, waiting for them to break, just like MC but somehow not as fun. Make a work bench, make a furnace, gather materials, make tools, etc etc. Even building seems less exciting since its all stuck on a 2d axis. I like the gameplay, its just the MC part is bland.

    Brandon: er I'm actually playing it, and you just think it "sounds rad" how would I be more uninformed than you? It is an MC clone

    Also lol at suggesting Dante isn't a GOW clone.

  7. Putting people in jail doesn't mean they're suddenly better people, or are going to stop committing crimes when they get out, but I'm glad they're in there because they sure don't deserve to walk around with the same liberties that non-criminals do. Same principle applies here.

    well this is like a jail where you can just pay your way out, so its even less efficient than a real one!

    However, I would feel a lot better knowing that they're paying twice as much for the game than I did just so they can annoy others.

    People having more money than me AND still being jerks wont really make me feel any better :/

    I'm the worst kind of griefer: An admin :)

  8. BGC: I'm pretty sure the current conversation has swayed towards two general things:

    1) The inefficiency of systems like these that can, and usually are, abused by greifers themselves.

    2) Whether any sort of "pay more" punishment would even work in the end, would that stop someone from being a jerk, or would they pay and just continue? Again, as stated by Nicole, Valve is assuming the "punishment" will make people stop. Some people have more money and stubbornness than sense or manners. Some people can't/don't learn from "punishment"

    I think its an interesting conversation. A little quick to dismiss the discussion :/

    To answer your 4:

    1. See 1)

    2. Nope.avi

    3. I am a griefer :( and a jerk :/ and a bad person ;_;

    4. See 2)

    Not to say im opposed per se, I just think business sense wise and possible legally, charging people for being "bad" doesn't seem like something they'd really do.

    Rewarding people for being good though sounds good in my books.

  9. I would seriously hope that comment he made would be joking and not a serious business decision, otherwise, yeah, that would be really retarded/stupid.

    $100 dollars for voice doesn't sound like he was being 100% serious, at least to me. Unless hes batshit insane...

    *remembers theres hats in portal 2

    ... again Im going to hope that it was a joke. lol

    Edit: Unless hes talking about someone who like, on every sever, every game, has multiple complaints from tons of people. Some EXTREME case where someone has been warned over and over, etc.

    Even then, why let them pay to get the voice option back (other then its profitable), just ban them for TOS violations at that point.

  10. Not sure why the topic keeps floating back to "bad people paying more"

    I'm pretty sure its rewarding people who make people happy, like giving out special items / discounts.

    But everybody starts at base price, good or bad. You don't do anything to build a positive community, you just dont get special items / discounts. Not "pay more".

    I would imagine it like "Your server got a good rating for 3 weeks in a row, heres a promo code for 5% off your next valve purchase" or something along those lines.


  11. Also note that I believe all these games are published/distributed by Sony. Therefore in the end they aren't actually losing anything, which is why they aren't giving credit for games. If anything, giving away items has been known to increase revenue and interest in your services (See Valve's price drops & giveaways). So in the end, this might could be seen as a marketing ploy to attract people to their services rather than an actual appology.

    Just a thought.

  12. Played a little of it, i wish it was more side scrollin' RPG and less minecraft actually. The gathering of materials is pretty tedius and boring.

    But the gameplay portion is way better than MC which is still boring and broken for the most part.

    Its too bad they wanted to do a MC clone instead of a fun game. I'll play around with a bit more to see if that changes

  13. No, I'm 100% sure it would sound better unless you picked a game with a crappy sound track. And that would have to be pretty bad. (Edit: or your LoZ cartridge is very broken, they did play the LoZ theme). I'm not talking about the sound quality, I'm talking about the actual musical tones.

    It seems like its making up for the ability of not being able to play more than 2 Square channels (standard 2A03) by throwing in the triangle channel as a 3rd tone, which its doing completely randomly every time they press 3 keys simultaneously and just sounds terrible IMO.

    Not sure if theres a 2 tone mode option or some better control over the triangle they ad later, but that live demo is terrible.

  14. It looks interesting, though obviously MC inspired/cloned/ripped off.

    My one complaint is i wish they used an original design for at least the characters/sprites.

    Sprite recolors in a Minecraft clone does not spell a lot of originality

  15. Maybe because I don't particular have any music capabilities myself to appreciate it being live, but the demo sounded pretty bad. I know of the technical aspects and the limitations of the NES and all that, but if it can't demo it live AND sound good: Not a good sign for your product :/

    Definitely not going to hear awesome chiptunes out of it unless its properly tracked anyways, honestly

    Also a neat feature would of been nice to have the VRC6 chip (contained in some FC games, and real popular in the chip scene right now. Wouldn't work on a NES though) or something to make it different then the aforementioned midines. Someone should do that, the 4 Square would make live MIDI more feasible.

  16. Yeah, QuickTime Alternative is good stuff. I think The KMPlayer is able to play QuickTime files natively even without Alternative, too.

    Well, this is for the QT codec which is needed by TF2 to encode movies, not for playing QT movies per se.

    As mentioned by XeroZohar, there are so many alternative codecs out there, I have no idea why they went with QT. Other than not inconvenience precious Apple customers, and inconvenience everybody else.

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