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Crowbar Man

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Posts posted by Crowbar Man

  1. Heavy Rain, the game thats very light on gameplay, but is mostly about story telling and multiple paths?

    Graphics overall don't matter for its story telling either if you boil it down. It just helps the fact theres not a lot of gameplay that you have something pretty to look at. But it could be low poly PS1 models if the story is good enough, you dont need "good graphics" to enjoy it. For example: lots of Japanese visual novels tell excellent stories with static 2d imagery.

    If you have to have pretty graphics to enjoy the story, then the story wasn't written well to begin with.

    Same goes for games: If you have to have pretty graphics to enjoy it, it probably isn't a fun game. A fun game can have good graphics, but it has to be fun gameplay wise first.

    Also the comment about Nintendo copying Sony because Sony made Wiimotes in HD makes zero sense. You can't copy an idea thats already yours and despite what Sony will have you believe, they didn't create HD

  2. Citibank is also a terrible company. Coincidence?

    But considering this is a videogame related forum not sure why wed post about citibank or any other huge greed machine. Doesn't seem relevent.

    either way both sides are in the wrong: the attackers obviosly weither they think its justified or not, are in the wrong both because its an illegal activity, and innocents can get hurt, and the ones doing it for profit and no other reason are just thieves.

    And the attacked, at least the ones with poor/terrible security measures, are in the wrong for letting it happen. If they get hacked because some master hacker broke through all their stuff and decypted their data with magic well nothing could be done. If they fall to simple sql injections, use outdated software, left all data in plaintext, etc etc, then they didn't do their job. Generally, its the later

  3. These latest attacks have no other purpose than to just see if it can be done (oh and of course make money dishonestly). Guess they are bored of Sony's complete inability to secure anything and looking for something more challenging

    Or like previously stated maybe they just thought it would be ironic because of the companies name

  4. Boodidley is spot on.

    As for the current topic:

    I lost bowel control.

    Edit: oops uh... back to topic: wii u confirmed not to be gamecube compatible though we probably knew that already by now

  5. in terms of comparison, look at the N64 and PS1 launch. the PS1 released a year before the N64 at the 400$ price point. it had a very successful launch, as much because the huge stock of good games as anything. next year rolls around, they had dropped to 300$, and the N64 came out also at 300$. now, of the two, the PS1 was superior hardware, and the N64 suffered from a higher cost to build - even though it was a year later! - mainly because of how much more expensive the cartridges were than discs. either way, the PS1 wound up selling over a hundred million units over the course of the console's lifetime (as of 2005, they were out of production in 2006).

    PS1 was $300, Saturn was the one that was $400 and dropped quickly when the PS1 came out. PS1 did not have superior hardware at all (compared to N64), except the storage/sound capacity of the CD media Vs Cartridge. Everything else (CPU, RAM, Video, etc) was better in the N64. The cartridge format however limited any potential it had, and Nintendo tarnished relations with 3rd parties who liked the CD media better anyways.

    A very bad generation for Sega/Nintendo as both companies made terrible mistakes with hardware decisions and 3rd party relations, which Sony took quick advantage of

  6. (Sony) The booing at the at&t deal probably didn't help

    One thing I wish the original wii had in 2006 was accurate motion controls. The motion plus still not being pushed very hard has really left the wii with not real motion controlled games but silly wagglin. Hopefully motion plus will be more used or even required by more wii u games that are motion controll based and not tablet based

    Since I believe it will be mandatory for skyward sword a lot more people will have motion plus devices.

  7. Modus: Yeah I thought about that too. As sturdy as some Nintendo products (but not lately) are, give anything to a kid and he'll manage to break it. I imagine they will not offer replacement Wii U Tablets at launch simply because I imagine producing extras would be difficult to keep up with the initial demand. Screens are not easily mass produced as other simple controller components. Replacement Tablets I'm sure could be ordered through Nintendo customer service and/or made available in retail sometime in the future once demand slows down. I highly doubt Nintendo will force you to buy a whole new Wii U just to get a replacement tablet. At least not forever

  8. Xzero: they showed off 5 player games so this doesn't in any way limit local multiplay, the other 4 were just wiimotes.

    This does kinda dash hopes for a four swords type game :/ guess there's always ds/i/3ds connectivity

  9. Well this is disappointing, Fils-Aime has now mentioned apparently the 3rd party reel was composed of 360, PS3, or PC versions of the games, and were not running on Wii U hardware.

    So we haven't really seen any games on the Wii U, just those tech demos :/ well... IF those are running on actual Wii U hardware.

    I guess they just really wanted to show off the controller

  10. so... why didn't we start a new thread

    I mean this is a different console

    The thread was about rumors of Nintendo's next console, this is Nintendo's next console? What do you mean?

  11. Capacitative screens themselves cost more, up to double depending on the manufacturer, and to use a stylus on them even more costly, needs special "active stylus"

    Nintendo seems to be fine with using resistive screens for their devices both because its cheap and it can use a cheap stylus.

    Unfortunately for the user, it means no multitouch and weak non-stylus touch detection compared to the common devices out today. But DS family gets by with it, im sure Wii U will

  12. One small issue with the Wii U controller:

    Touch screen is old style resistive, like the DS family touch screens, doesn't respond great to fingertips (comes with a stylus for fine control, just like DS) and no multi touch. Had to save money somewhere!

  13. prophetik: Nothing else so far. Nintendo's focus was on 3DS this year, and just letting people see the new controller and tech demos, and to let people know 3rd parties are on board. They were quiet about any games they were working on themselves

    ArmadonRK: While not as confortable as the GC controller, people who have got to hold it in their hands have said its similar, though bulkier obviously. All Wii controllers work with it too. No word if this is GC compatible or has the ports, but I wouldn't bet on it. The button set is similar to Classic controller though, so maybe it will support that as an alternative for games that wont use the screen

    At least there will be less wagglin and more controllin

  14. Bleck: IF they ever did those 3D enhanced remakes, those would be 3DS carts or 3DSware (ie 3D Classics Excitebike!), not VC releases. VC = emulated originals. Literally an emulator and ROM image paired together.

  15. Link's Awakening DX is a Virtual Console game, emulated originals, like on the Wii's VC. No idea why you'd expected it to be in 3D!

    It is not a 3DSware game, like 3D Classics Excitebike;

    But, there is a crappy 3D on VC games you can do if you hold Select (or start?) when you boot it up. You get a 3D game boy border or something. Works on Super Mario Land I've read, not sure about Zelda, but I'd assume it works on all VC games.

  16. I don't see any games that will really make the people who bought a DS for games like New Super Mario Bros

    Well, theres Super Mario (3DS)!

    Some terrible, terrible music in that trailer though.

  17. Kinda disapointed we didn't get to see any Nintendo games on the WiiU, though the Zelda tech demo did look very nice.

    Seeing a bunch of games I can get on any other console / PC didn't really make me specifically want the WiiU.

    No real specs yet, but what they've shown off its definately on par with current gen consoles, if not better. That bird tech demo was pretty sleek, but the games didn't look much different than PS3/360 games. I guess thats the point though, easy ports

    The controller is pretty interesting, kinda like having a non-portable Vita to interact with your console. Sony can / will do this with the Vita im sure, but they'll have to rely on people buying both a Vita / PS3, where Nintendo has it bundled. Will be interesting to see what dev's come up with.

    Heres hoping for another Pacman Vs / Four Swords / etc games that never really got made for the Wii.

  18. Well I may have been incorrect as of my post but now I am correct: Lion is $30 too.

    Neblix: the stuff shown shows off the "real" windows inteface both full screen and side by side with the panels. Not sure why anybody thinks these panels aren't optional. Nobody apparently paying attention

    Also like everybody says wine is far from a perfect solution. Especially if you want games that arent decades old.

  19. I forgot: They can still sell you the PS1 version of MGS1/Silent HIll on PSN, so thats probably why no effort to remake them for this collection. Still leaves 360 owners out though, but oh well. I'm sure there is also probably some PS2/PSP -> PS3/360 tools they developed and just didn't feel like making it fit for PS1 too

    Because PS1 graphics would look too horrendous in HD? Maybe?

    They look fine in an emulator in "HD". Better then the sub SD resolution originals at least

    maybe they're planning something else for MGS1 for the 25th anniversary of the series next year? i remember seeing news stories pop up about kojima saying they had "something big planned" for next year.

    Could be. I'm more hoping for a remake of Metal Gear 1/2 (MSX) though.

  20. Saw this the other day. I was also curious why MGS1 was left out, I'd say maybe its because they didn't want to redo the MGS1 assets, but they already did for Twin Snakes so theres very little reason Twin Snakes couldn't of been in the bundle. Maybe some licensing thing? Oh well, still really cool bundles either way

    Also adding: Mega64 = Awesome. I was going to post their video in this thread but it was already here

  21. BardicKnowledge:

    Apple charges like, what, $30 for their new OSs? MS charges $120-150 for the basic "home" versions, and the prices climb from there. Much bigger investment.

    Also strange you'd rather pay for 8 then get a free service pack for 7.

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