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Crowbar Man

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Posts posted by Crowbar Man

  1. Multiplay have changed the OS of our server from Windows to FreeBSD in order to hopefully improve stability and speed, Server is back up now. They had sent me an email yesterday but I thought it was going to be tomorrow not today, Sorry :/

  2. Minor Adjustments to MZ:

    Creepers are enabled again, they can do damage to life but not to blocks

    Fire (burning/spreading) is disabled (prevents Lightning mishaps and people burning down our forests). Cant see a real use for fire anyways. You can still use it as light/decoration

  3. Yeah, I've used it to trim the "arms" out of the map.

    Exhibit A: "Shael's Arm" (Old, but i keep for example)


    A reminder for why we have a "Dont walk for days in a single direction" rule at the MZ server

  4. I was thinking about changing the way we handle newcomers since there seems to be now multiple people who do not like the vouching system. Would like some community input on it as well (and I wont change anything if theres some objections, so far everybody in game/IRC has suggested changing)

    I havn't decided 100% but since shes vouched anyways, added!

  5. geohot is an engineer and hardware hacker, not a network hacker. Completely different fields.

    One is sometimes completely legal and beneficial to hobbyists, one is ALWAYS illegal and isn't beneficial in any sort of way.

    geohot's payback involves joining boycotts. Stealing peoples personal data and possibly credit card data isn't any sort of payback, its just criminal activity.

    Hes publicly stated he has nothing to do with this, regardless, because there are a lot of people who for some reason think hes involved.

  6. Due to factors somewhat beyond my control, the server is no longer "Official" OCR. It is a server for OCR members to come to, and everything will still be exactly the same, so if you've enjoyed my server so far, nothing will change.


  7. Not entirely sure why you are posting something that happened Monday evening on the thread this morning, when this was already discussed in the IRC which you were there for, and I already said I will have to contact DarkeSword in private when I get the chance. Other than to try to start more drama, in a larger public venue, of course

  8. Perhaps you are just easy to please? I do not think its too much to ask for a company that makes video games and products to make good video games and products. Its disappointing to see potential go to waste over profits, or to play a game thats terrible compared to the previous, etc.

    I own all 3 current gen consoles and aren't happy with any of them or their representative companies in one way or another. *shrugs*

  9. Oh, I guess I misread all those et al and legal things you had in there. I honestly have no idea where the legal part is coming in at. But yeah the legal team has nothing to do with their security. I would HOPE they wouldn't. But both legal and security would of been taking orders from higher up. I don't care for the company as a whole . Or any big mega corporations for that matter. It doesn't matter which "part" of Sony did what, they are all probably doing something wrong somewhere somehow

    Statements like this are exactly why I'm saying gamers are a bunch of children that I'm embarrassed to be associated with.

    Wow thats a bit harsh...

    As far as formats: Beta Max, Memory Stick, MiniDisc, and yes I'd even say BluRay not good formats and/or did not succeed. Have you seen anything but Sony products even use some of those more irregular ones? Sony just likes making things proprietary so they get more money, but its not exactly good for the consumer or anybody else.

    PS2 was a TERRIBLY designed console. Most people in the industry know that. PS3 is better, but isnt as well designed as it could of been. And they completely lied about both consoles abilities, far more on the PS2 than the PS3 though.

    Sony themselves said the user information (not CC) was unencrypted, so its odd now they are saying it was. Its odd they would give false information in their own press releases.

  10. And the people (eg. legal) that were involved with GeoHotz et al. will most likely be unaffected.

    geohot had nothing to do with this. He hacked his PS3 hardware he bought, to rightfully install his own software. He did not hack into Sony's network and illegally steal a database. Completely unrelated. Why SHOULD he affected?

    "Sony" is not some monolithic entity consisting of a dozen cartoon villain board members sitting in a room deciding that they're not going to update PSN security so they can buy another yacht instead

    The alternative is to picture them as saints who did everything they could, yet do you have evidence of that? The later is more than likely the truth, as most corporations prefer profits over making the right decision. Just look how Sony handles all their patent suits against them, or handles ANYTHING really. Their pattern of behavior does not bode well. They have been lying and doing the wrong thing pretty much their entire history. Why feel the need to defend this company?

    Also not cartoon villains? Do you have PROOF? I have proof otherwise: kaz_hirai_laughing-300x220.jpg

  11. Oh yeah, I wouldn't suggest claims of ID theft this early are anything but false honestly. There are lots of thieves and opportunists in this world, and I wouldn't doubt they'd claim ID theft just to hop on the bandwagon. Doesn't mean its not something to worry about regardless.

    the FBI or Homeland, if Sony is so EVIL AND UNTRUSTWORTHY

    Are you are suggesting the FBI/Homeland Security are not evil and are trustworthy?

    j/k. maybe

  12. hum, so MANY other can companies get hacked and/or are complete morons so its okay if Sony is too?

    I don't know how that makes it any better honestly :/

    Sony fits into the crowd of big corporations that have funds to do good security, but choose not to. Now even the best can be hacked, but not encrypting your customers data is completely different failure. Even if they got hacked, if the data was encrypted it would of been no use (well, for a while at least). Saving passwords in plaintext is something even I know how to do better, and I have no security training. There really isn't an excuse for it.

    Don't get me wrong, the people that did this are not on anybodies side: they are theives. Not pirates, not homebrewers/hackers, not consumer advocates, etc etc. They are just plain THIEVES. Their actions have no defense, they are doing this to make money off the suffering of others. They (or people who have at least claimed to do it) are trying to sell the DB as we speak. They are true scum.

    But all companies, big or small, need to definitely look into their security practices to avoid such disasters as this. Its a shame it DOES happen all the time, but it shouldn't.

    And of course, this being a video game related site, and Sony being one of the big 3 console manufacturers, you are going to get a lot more ire against Sony here than some other random company who was hacked

    Also: Sony being the devil is a fact, but unrelated to this case.


  13. Bomberman

    Bomberman, sure. Hero? Not so much

    yes maybe a port of quake

    I dont think id has any plans to port their old game to a new console, unless they'd make a remake, which again, would be for the PC first or mutltiplatform.

    However, Quake's engine is open sourced, if someone hacks the next console and gets homebrew going, you'll definitely have Quake on it, as Quake/Doom are ported to EVERYTHING. Including the Wii/GCN.

    I think Nintendo will beef up their security this time though, so not sure when/if that will happen. We shall see.

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