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Everything posted by Clem

  1. Fair enough. I've always dug Zircon's stuff and the track you linked does have some delightfully tasteful glitching. Of course I agree, there is always room for improvement, I'm not a master or anything. My only point is that I wasn't exactly trying to create a "logical" sound. It's not so much "glitching" as "totally fucking crashing". It's deliberately discordant. Anyway, I'm probably starting to sound petulant. It's really not a big deal. I appreciate the feedback!
  2. Ouch. That's not really fair. You think I just scribbled this in? Anyway, I'll admit that it is a sort of fucked up piece, but I like it that way. I'm also not really right in the head. so there's that. Composition quibbles aside, what do you think about the production quality? " Remind me of kid 606. I had my time where I was listening only to this kind of music. I still find it appealing in some way." I listened to kid 606. This shit is pretty sick, thanks for bringing it to my attention
  3. https://soundcloud.com/brent-wollman/dex It's Metroid with some crazy beats and glitches! Anyone here dig this stuff?
  4. This kind of confuses me. What is actual mastering then?
  5. Hey man, thanks for listening. I agree with you on the vibes. I could have worked those in better. I would definitely touch that up, but I already submitted the track. Sorry to take your time like that, I just wanted to post the subbed version on here for anyone who was following. I should have thought to switch the thread tag back to finished.
  6. http://soundcloud.com/brent-wollman/fearful-minds Here is the final version. I made some little changes. I'm going to submit it and hope for the best.
  7. Hey, mak! It's great to hear from you again. I actually like Portal Storm a lot as well, and I plan on touching it up and submitting it pretty soon. I just like the source so much that I wanted to take in another direction. I'll see what I can do about your criticisms before I sub this version.
  8. I made some slight revisions. Final version is in the first post.
  9. http://tindeck.com/listen/iqwg This is a reinterpretation of a couple tracks from the Halflife series. These ones specifically, Alien Forces: LG Orbifold: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtqzEA7zbAE I think it's finished, but some extra ears would be nice before I submit it. Also, title suggestions are welcome
  10. What I mean about the snare is that is sounds pretty compressed. It lacks the nice and crisp *crack* sound you normally hear from a snare. The snare you're using has a really grungy sound to it, which isn't always a bad thing, but it doesn't quite fit all the time in this mix. But don't get me wrong, I'm actually really liking this track overall. You've gotten a lot better at avoiding crowding in the mix and allowing all of the instruments to fit well with each-other. I honestly don't have any really major criticisms for this one. I'm really just not a huge fan of the snare drum and that's about it.
  11. I subbed this version http://tindeck.com/listen/higf Along with the source breakdown.
  12. I think this is really good. Sometimes it seems a little packed, but I think you've done a pretty good job avoiding over-compression. The sound is pretty consistently full and powerful. I really think you did a great job on the percussion, especially the glitchy stuff. The acoustic snare could probably use a bit more crack, but I'm not sure if that's possible with these samples. The biggest gripe I have is how every time you play the main melody you do in in the same octave, with the same tone, and the same everything. I think it would be really cool if you would change that up a bit by maybe having a synth play it or something like that. Just mix up the timbre a bit, yknow? Aside all that, this sounds pretty strong to me. Nice job man.
  13. Nice intro I don't think you should cut the bass out at :48. It would sound way bigger and more dramatic if you had some really fat low end sound going on here. I really like this part otherwise. The lead at 2:00 starts out sounding really good, but at around 2:20 it starts to get just a little bit too loose for my taste. I think the rhythm guitars may be lacking in presence a little bit, but it may not be a big deal since you have so many other things going on all the time to fill the sound out. The drums are pretty strong overall, I would say. The kick and toms in particular seem to pack a pretty satisfying punch. The weak link may be the snare, which doesn't seem as punchy to me. This is a nitpick though. The production sounds pretty good IMO, and source usage seems OK (a breakdown would help evaluate this a little better, though). I like it
  14. Yeah, I assumed it was clear enough, but no worries. I added a complete breakdown to the OP. Sorry for the trouble
  15. Wow, what a great source tune. Thanks for introducing me to it I like the direction your going with your remix. Looking forward to seeing how this one comes out.
  16. I agree on both points. I brought up the room mic on the drum sampler and made some changes to the transition into the middle section. Sound better? No amplitude in here (I'm honestly not sure what that is). There is, however, loads of automation on pretty much everything from panning to filters to distortion...etcI really enjoy the Splinter Cell Chaos Theory soundtrack so I will probably take some time to listen to some of Amon's other stuff pretty soon Thanks for listening
  17. Kind of a schizophrenic piece that jumps around the different themes quite a bit and has some weird experimental sound design. Sources: (The most predominant one) (Kind of a cameo) (Shows up just before the outro in my remix)One thing you may notice about these source tracks is that they are extremely fucking awesome. Kinda hard to do them justice, but I tried my damnedest My mix: http://tindeck.com/listen/yere (Latest) Tell me what you think. EDIT: Source Breakdown 0:00-0:06 Original At 6 seconds, the main drum pattern comes in. this is predominant in the first song I linked. It's such a badass beat that I chose to base most of the mix on it. 0:06-0:18 Here the bass part from the first track comes in. In the original it comes in right along with the drums. 0:18-0:24 This is the first half of the melody from the chorus in the first source track. 0:24-0:30 The main bassline comes in with the main drum pattern. There is an original melody panned to the right. 0:30-0:42 Here is the chorus melody again, completed this time. 0:42-1:06 Familiar drum and bass pattern... 1:06-1:48 The rhythmic percussive sound from the very beginning of the second tune I linked shows up pretty quiet and then at 1:12 it takes the stage. The chorus melody shows up again and plays a couple times. 1:48-2:03 A sample from the third linked track shows up behind that same bass/drum pattern from earlier. 2:03-2:27 The melody here is from the part at exactly 2:17 in the third track I linked. 2:27-END A bunch of effects wankery on the main drum pattern from the first track.
  18. Thanks, it seems like I'll need it Yeah, it's really excellent. When I first got to the back hall in the game I just sat there and listened to the music for a while. It was especially effective since it showed up just after a particularly stressful part of the game.
  19. Thanks for the review, man. I subbed the track. I hope it pulls through.
  20. Here is a new version: http://tindeck.com/listen/otrg Nothing too major. I added some more voices to complete the narrative. I modified the harmony on the part where Daniel comes in just a little bit. I tried doing some more dissonant stuff but I wasn't pulling it off. There are other little tweaks throughout as well... I'll move this to finished now.
  21. Ok here is a new version with some minor revisions: http://tindeck.com/listen/jibu You wouldn't believe how many hours are logged on this track's damn project file. Thing is I still don't feel that it quite matches the quality of some of my more recent work. I think it's pretty decent, though. Think it's ready to sub? EDIT: I listened to this new version again today, and it seems like version 11 was better. Is this just me, or did I kind of mess up the mix?
  22. No way, dude. This game had me nearly pissing myself. Maybe I'm just a baby This is definitely not my intention for this track. If you be more specific I'll address the issue. I was worried about this. You're talking about the part at about 3:13 right? I'll mess with this part to make it more subtle. Fair enough. I'm not sure I'll do much about this cause I already have the really mean stuff all put together and I'm reasonably happy with it. I might mess around with it a bit... Sounds cool, I like a good shred solo \m/(>_<)\m/ Thanks for the review
  23. New version: http://tindeck.com/listen/dvko Well, it's not really something you would rock in your car I suppose.... More experiments in sound design here. Kinda dubstep style stuff. The first couple minutes are pretty much the same as the last version. The new stuff starts after that. I made it sound really nasty and evil. I'm worried that some of it might sound like a complete mess, so I'm knocking this back down to WIP. Let me know how it all turned out. In particular I want to know if the first couple minutes are still just too damn boring. EDIT: Please note, there are now spoilers to the game in this track!
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