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Everything posted by WherewolfTherewolf

  1. Currently a work in progress since I was a bit rushed to provide a final, but I was experimenting with a few things I don't normally try here. I know the orchestral sounds are a bit, well not a bit but just plain are, meh and I'm going to go about improving that soon enough but I'd like some feedback on this piece so far: http://soundcloud.com/wherewolf-therewolf/orchestro-vinyl-scratch-vs I really want to improve my mixing and writing in general so please I'd love whatever sort of harsh criticism you can provide for this.
  2. http://www.box.net/shared/3tjcm2b63q Currently a wip, I'd love some feedback though on how to improve the general sound-quality of the piece/the piece in general - I know at the moment it's a bit muddy and could use some clarity, especially in the background synths. Being a wip it's still missing some details to it, like reverse cymbal fade ins and that sort of thing, but I'd love to hear some feedback on the piece so far.
  3. - Such a great riff in that intro line
  4. Thalzon's avatar reminds me of Meteos, amazing puzzle game Now I wouldn't call it one of the most underrated puzzle games of all time, it definitely was a great game that received fairly little attention. It took a simple premise and reinvented it into something quite addicting and threw in enough variation to keep you hooked for a while.
  5. I don't particularly remember what's it called, but it's the ruins where you get the second(?) key that features the huge reaverbot boss in the center that you have to lower the lava levels to prevent it from healing itself, I just remember it had these floor traps in it that freaked me out the first time I landed on one for some reason. I do know it's MML 2 though
  6. Well those invisible slide-tackling robots creeped me out a bit when I first reached them (idk, was probably 13 or so when I played the game well enough to reach the lake temple) but overall the game wasn't too bad in that regard, the sequel definitely had some more "moments" like that (like the first time you make the mistake to shoot the cloaked robots or you step into a foot trap in the lava temple) but it's still not really all that creepy. It's interesting though as the temples really contrasted the overall feel of the outside world - while catalox island was upbeat and happy (even the soundtrack was cheesily happy up there), you go underground and BAM smasher robot to the face out of nowhere. I guess to sum it up really, yeah it freaked me out when I first played the game but I don't consider it that bad now, everything really has a sort of caricature art style to it, even the bosses are almost humorous in their overall form (except for final form Juno, which no one sees coming the first time they play).
  7. Sounds amazing as always TGH, you really are getting quite good at this
  8. Megaman Legends was a pretty great game that no one seems to remember, though the controls are really awkward now since most shooter type games have you used to the luxory of dual analogue stick aiming now.
  9. Been enamored with Zircon's track "Breathing you in"
  10. Thanks for clearing that up, I was a bit confused exactly how to state that - I know synthesizers create sound, so that pretty much sums up any sort of virtual instrument plugin, but as to how to distinguish between something that provides the interface of like say a Moog synthesizer that allows you to tweak the sound from scratch from something like a Virtual Orchestra which instead is more limited in the parameters that you can adjust. ----BTW---- Yes, I get it - it shows up as anal on the front page - it's funny, but it's not that funny that it needs restating over and over again. Also I'm running Windows 7 (probably should've mentioned this earlier) Seems Zebra doesn't come in RTAS for windows unfortunately Also sorry for posting in the wrong section, I don't know how I missed the production forums......
  11. Sorry if this is the incorrect section for these sorts of questions, it's not exactly an error or problem so I didn't figure it'd fit in the Help forums. For a while now, I have been using the plugins that came with Pro Tools 8 when I had purchased the DAW a few years ago, for starters they worked fine and what's more were free (on top of the limitations to RTAS plugins since Pro Tools lacks compatibility with VST plugins, which are pretty much the only format free plugins come in) but I'm starting to desire some more powerful/better sounding plugins. After using the two synths that came with the program for a while (Vacuum and Xpand!2, the first an analogue simulating plugin the second a standard soft synth that runs on soundbanks) I've come to like the control over the sound, process of creating the sound and just general sound of the analogue modeling plugin. So, does anyone know any good sounding relatively cheap analogue synth plugins? I have a limited budget, so preferable below or around $300 I've been considering Native Instrument's Massive, which also is desirable because of it's Dubstep capabilities.
  12. http://www.box.net/shared/ciy13f5pky It's a remix of another person's original song (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=42496), done in a style similar to Glitch and Ambient. I'm pretty much done, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it, or further pieces, I'm willing to take them (I'd like to try and make my work sound a bit closer to studio work). Also pardon the leet speak in the name, it just seemed the most fitting for the track
  13. Yeah I was thinking that about reverb, but the problem is it sounded a bit weird when it went through the phaser/modulation vibrato part and I couldn't really think of a way to translate between the two, so I figured it's better to have it sounding a bit hollow in the intro riff, though it does kinda contribute to the 8-bit feel of the piece.
  14. Well It's not up to quality standards for most work here, but it's definitely better then most of my work. I'd like some feedback on it/where to improve/etc. So here's my remix of the theme to Mercury's level in Megaman for Megaman V (gameboy). http://www.box.net/shared/dghtnqxlen I'm not sure exactly what sort of genre I'd define it is, I know it's something electro. Made in Pro Tools 8.
  15. Okay I had been using the Pro Tools LE 8 system for a while now with Mbox Mini and I had recently gotten a computer upgrade, my old one was Windows XP and my new one runs Windows 7. Being not officially supported, getting Pro Tools to run correctly is becoming a pain: -To get the program to install at all I had to skip setting up the hardware when it prompted me to connect it. Of course now the DAW won't run as it requires the hardware connected and ready to work. -After some research I downloaded the 8.0.4 patch installer as that is supposed to allow for the use of Windows 7, but there's a problem - when I try to run the installer, it says it cannot find a valid installation of Pro Tools on the computer. What can I do to get this to work?
  16. The PrototypeRaptor remix of the dungeon theme from the Legend of Zelda, has to be one of the best remixes I've heard
  17. Well I hope I didn't come off as too negative, really it's a good song with a very solid beat and sound. I just find when people ask for opinions I always go into making suggestions on how I think it could be improved, nice work.
  18. Nice work, it's definitely catchy. A tad bit repetitive though, it follows the same structure the whole song: -start lightly -build up -start to get some heavy bass -synth laser/explosion type sound back to light -repeat -After the first drop the same theme is used throughout the entire song, it's a catchy theme but it needs some more variation to it, maybe a key change would help. The beginning was the best in my opinion.
  19. Just had my account activated here so: -I just signed up for the site -I work with the DAW Pro Tools 8 (well I finish/master in it, I mainly do my actual composing in Guitar Pro in MIDI and then import it into Pro Tools, slow comp makes this easier then doing it all in Pro Tools) -I write in pretty much any style I'd like at the time I'm writing, basically I like to experiment with multiple styles/sounds -I mainly do original music, but I also like remixing video game music (some examples are on my homepage (my youtube account -http://www.youtube.com/user/Basssurge?feature=mhum ). -"Why do your remixes suck so much?" A: My comp at the moment is a bit old, it works fine for most things but Pro Tools seems to be a bit much for it, thus I often have to make projects in multiple files and put them together/deal with the frustration of it randomly crashing on me on occasion along with the fact that exporting still leads to "meh" results. -I can play multiple musical instruments at least to a basic level including Guitar, Bass Guitar, Saxophone, Banjo, Sitar and Bowed Psaletry. -I've found that in general, the OC remixes of VG tracks normally turn out to be the highest quality remixes in general -I often over complicate things (like this post for example) And about the username, no I haven't seen Young Frankenstein, the name actually sort of "evolved" from names I've used in online video games (I started using the name Wherewolf, seeing it as a pun but of course every once in a while you get that one guy telling you that "you spelled werewolf wrong." Thus to avoid confusion, I started adding on the "Therewolf" at the end when I began using forums).
  20. Only took a day for them to activate my account

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