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Everything posted by fredrikd

  1. I've got a whole country to myself, it seems https://mapsengine.google.com/map/u/0/viewer?mid=zxEqFkZHC3Ss.krqtZIAB68NU So cold.. Winter is coming. Please make and send OCRemix coveralls.
  2. Loopholes or not, this was a deserved win! Production is stellar and the blend of themes is excellent. Not to speak of all those bleeps and cutesy synths. Earcandy, nomnom!
  3. I'm really loving your style! So many tiny and clean sounds playing together on top of that massive beat and bass Plus a whole lotta nostalgia. While I have your attention, I want to point out that the first 10 or so seconds on your entry for the GRMRB round 1 "Blowing'em outta the water" is probably the cheeriest 10 seconds I've heard in any song. Always gets me in a good mood!
  4. Thanks a lot! I tried to program the drums as close to Sheep Man as possible, so that it would create a Sheep Man feel throughout the song. I did do a few things to it though, but I definitely agree that more could have been done without sacrificing the Sheep Man feel. Does lack of layering mean there could be more happening at once (more sounds/bigger sounds/fuller production etc.)? TLC - Tender, Love, Care? Again, thanks!
  5. Wonderful Shadows by the Electric Sheep Orchestra (stereo) http://tindeck.com/listen/qzwv This was my remix for the second round of The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2011 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34694 The song is a remix of Sheep Man (Mega Man 10) and Elec Man (Mega Man)... Sheep Man Elec Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns0NSzqnjvA ... and I tried to "dress it up" as The Shadows' Wonderful Land with its early 60s audio production Any feedback is appreciated. Feedback on production is especially welcome!
  6. Thx mate Changed this to mod rev, as the forum feedback seemed to stop at 1 reply, hehe.
  7. Probably the curse of all music competitions. If you're going mellow, you often start uphill against any fast paced song. And the same goes for dynamics vs. loudness. Fortunately these forums seem to be packed with awesome people who gives the tracks several listens, compare them to their sources and while doing so excludes the adrenaline they got from the 200bmp song they just heard before, and know they will get from the limiter-raper that comes next. Not saying mellow should be the way to go, but it's nice to see that it can still work in a setting like this, in spite of it's obviously lower entertainment value. As for change of style from song to song, I see no problem at all. I guess most of us are/want to be computer game musicians, and mastering all kinds of moods and styles is what we should aim to be good at. Daring to show variety in a compo, and not just playing your safe card, shouldn't be counting against you. Besides, there's a lot of fun in not giving people what they expect
  8. Where Sheep Go When They Die http://tindeck.com/listen/bdol This was my entry for the first round of GRMRB 2011 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34694 The song is a remix of Sheep Man and Skull Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7H257n8y1s Any feedback is appreciated. Feedback on production is especially welcome!
  9. This song really fascinates me. It's so weird, and I hope all those odd bits are intentional, because that means you posess a talent for making very original music. The tempo change is a bit unwelcome as it is, but with proper transitions, it can be a nice dynamic effect, as I'm sure you have pictured it. Especially how it grooves up everything when you go back to the original tempo As Neblix says, some of the notes are played in a way that sounds unfinished. The piano roll, and quantize is your friend in tidying up midi recordings! (Not saying you should always quantize. It depends on how "human" you want your track to sound Neblix explains it pretty well) 0:42 - 1:09 Like I told you during the votings for this entry, that bassline is insane! My favourite part of the whole track. Overall, if you can increase the production value, you'll give justice to the creativity you're clearly showing. Like Neblix, I'd recommend that you spend some time on filling out the sonic space of your track. This doesn't necesarry mean adding instruments (though it often does). There's a lot of monophony and few instruments in your track. Minimalism can sound really lacking when not done right. Have a listen at 1:06 and you can feel how the song just sounds a bit more right when the chords come in. I'm not saying you should shower your track with pads/organs etc. Not saying you shouldn't either To compensate for lack of instruments, you can focus on what made you decide to have few instruments, and what possibilities it offers. It opens up a lot of space so that each sound can be heard in its full glory, so be sure to start out with some amazing sounds that can stand on their own. From here fiddle around with eq, compression, panning, effects like reverb and delay and make your sounds fill out the sonic space, while not masking each other too much. Also learn how to make silence in the sonic space a part of the song, as opposed to when it just feels like there's a lack of instruments. Not really sure how to do this myself, so If anyone could tell in here, I'd be interested in learning the trick myself If I should guess I'd mess around with reverb/delay, and add some frequencies far from where the main frequency action is in the track (i.e. high frequencies for a bassy track)
  10. Just want to congratulate my opponent Willrock for an excellent remix and for advancing to the third round! I came in pretty fresh to producing music, and have learned a ton the last couple of weeks. Thanks a lot to Darkesword for making inspiring and entertaining contests such as these! I admire a lot of Willrock's work, and am proud that I was able to give him such a close fight this round Good luck, and have fun, to the remaining Mega men and Proto men! fredrikd
  11. A bit too close for comfort this time... just posted mine
  12. Grats, Jake! Thank you, Bravado, for a great challenge! fredrikd
  13. I'll try to get my robo arena track done within june 1st! I'm currently working on a track for the grand robot master remix battle 2011 Fredrikd
  14. Boning sheep, lol! No worries, I'll submit a track before the deadline
  15. Hey!

    Just a quick question about the Robo Arena Remix. Will the original track also be in the game, or will the winning remix (if you're happy with it) replace the original song?


  16. This sounds too much fun to miss out on 1. Sheep Man 2. Proto Man 3. Snake Man 4. Crystal Man 5. Gravity Man
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