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Tuberz McGee

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Everything posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. HOLYYYYYYY Great idea! I'd be down for that. It could make some really awesome tracks in styles that aren't generally utilised together. Could be cool.
  2. I may be able to make that. I think it'll be 3 am for me... but I might be able to make it. Hopefully. And then die in a pit of suffering during Uni.
  3. Man I'm the opposite. Aural is dummmmmmm Theeeeeery is kewllll
  4. NOOOOOOO I'm doing University Aural at the moment for my Classical Composition degree and I want to kill myself. Haha Sight singing isn't so bad... it's dictation that sucks. Especially 2 parts or more. :/ Also, for those of you who are insistent on key changes here's a tip or three to help y'all out. 1st Key: A Maj 2nd Key: B Min There are several ways to approach this. Sometimes you can combine parts of these to make a stronger modulation. FIRST MODULATION THING YEAH Q: What is your new key? A: B Minor Q: What is the dominant/dominant 7th of your new key? A: F# Maj(7) Q: What is the Secondary Dominant (7th) for this motion (A secondary dominant is just a dominant of a chord in the key)? A: C# Maj(7) After you've deciphered that information you can literally use these to change your tonality/modulate. ie. A -> C# -> F# -> B You have to be careful about how you handle this though, and you may wish for a PAC (perfect authentic cadence) at the end by making the melody go from scale degree 2 (or 7) to 1. SECOND MODULATION WHATSIT YEAH Q: What is your new key? A: B Minor Q: What is the leading tone/Diminished 7th (fully or half diminished is fine) of the tonic of your new key? A#Dim (Spelled A# C# E G(#) <-if you want half diminished) You can use this leading tone chord to move and cadence towards the new key. ie. A -> A6(meaning first inversion(C# E A) -> A#Dim -> B Min MODULATION TIP THE THIRD BOOYAH See what chords you have similar in both keys. Outline them as I do below for your keys and circle similarities. A MAJ: (I A) [ii Bm] [iii C#m] [iV D] (V E) (vi F#m) (vii* G#dim) (I'll alter B Min to B Harmonic Minor for the raised leading tone of A#) B MIN: (vii* A#dim) [i Bm] [ii C#m] [iII D] (iv Em) (V F#) (VI G) Your pivot chords are your Bm, C#m and D because they occur on both keys. They help to make modulations seem familiar before you do them (and sometimes they help you modulate as you pivot FROM the chord into the new key. ie. A -> D -> G -> Bm (This also works because D is the dominant of G and G has two of the same notes as Bm to create a smoother transition) Hope this wall of text helps. Music Theory is realllllly fun y'all. And that's not sarcasm.
  5. It is yet another sad day for Nintendo. :/ Not exactly the best idea I've ever seen... let's leave it at that.
  6. Hey, dude. If our track's gonna include vocals, do we need to have the lyrics written? Can I just outline what the melody is and then write the lyrics at a later date when they flow from me better? Just checkin' <3
  7. Well then. I'll have to see. Might be an interesting thing to try. <3 <3 <3 I love you bud. You know just how to make me feel good and giddy inside. :3
  8. Rust In Peace buddy. <3 Not my favourite album, but my god it has some killer riffs. My favourite is either Youthanasia or Countdown to Extinction. Actually, I really like 'The System has failed' too. Kick the chair is such a cool song.
  9. This sounds excellent. I'm studying Classical Composition so I'd love to put my skills to the test in terms of arrangement. Sign me up yo! <3
  10. Goddamnit the week I wanted to add vocals and I have a cold. :/ Had to sing down the octave... if I get to fix it I will, but it's in a near sub state. Hope y'all like Megadeth.
  11. Dude. That's rad. If you arrange it, I'll do all the performances with my live instruments <3 You game?
  12. How advanced does our initial WIP have to be? I'd jump right into it headfirst, but I'm up for a Compo this round. :/ Yikes.
  13. I think we should do a collab album in this style. Just saying. <3
  14. God freaking damnit. I wish I was up this week. <3 Enker's theme has been my favourite since I was yungin. Good luck bros and bro-ettes.
  15. EXCAYOOOOSE ME I'm relatively offendeeeeed by this. OCR is so prejoodice against Solar Man. Time to insult a mod.
  16. Thanks buds <3 You're all lovely. Bet you'd never guess I had time to SLEEP too. University has made me so goddamned productive... for everything BUT university work. Heh xoxo luv toobirz
  17. What kind of guitar? Electric or Acoustic? I'd be interested.
  18. Guys. If everyone has something different that they believe holds more merit when considering their vote, it adds a diverse range of top votes. This is better than like... three teams constantly getting 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Every week in a row from everyone. Stop trying to defend or force your views on voting to others and just work with what you believe. It's like religion, I have no issue with what you believe in, just don't force it on me and tell me that my beliefs hold less merit. /rant over
  19. Well I'm up this week. Needless to say I'm freaking excited. <3 Let's bring my A-game.
  20. I swear to god I'll make every Kingdom Hearts reference I can. Goddamnit this is not what I was expecting, and I'm a little peeved, but I'll make the most of this. Goddamnit Darke you are the ultimate troll. <3
  21. You buds are great. <3 This is my first real time using this Forum, and I'm glad I did so. <3 I love you dudes. xoxo cally cat
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