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Tuberz McGee

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Everything posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. Mang. I'd be so down for something like this. I love me some Shonen Jump.
  2. This is one of the best things ever to have been said on this forum. But yeah, excellent work bros. I even didn't mind that Tuberz kid's tracks.
  3. I'm working on my mix... but in a way that I've not explored too heavily for VG ReMix territory.
  4. Yeah. I don't understand all the theory hate. Maybe because most of the people here are Aurally based... I think it would be interesting to highlight the theory and WHY it sounds good. That way people can feel clever in understanding their mixes, and actually apply theoretical ideas from an aural standpoint. Y'know? Plus, I know Gario is a freaking monster at Theory. He was a Composition Major like myself and if you got people like us to do that, we could find a fun middle ground between Theory and Aural. ... Now I sound pretentious. :/
  5. Thanks man. I tried my best! But yeah, it's actually just a solo violin. I should really learn to play the damned thing so I can record stuff like that easier. That, or just talk to all of the Violin majors at my university to help me out. The problem being that I'm FAR too arrogant to ask for help! Haha.
  6. Man. I would LOVE to score study some VGM and put my theory to use. I would love to see how abundant Neapolitan 6th chords are in VG composition. Also, maybe rather than huge tutorials, you could have someone say their #1 mixing rule and compile them. Or like, compare their beginnings with them currently to give motivation to the next wave of OCR contributors. Just ideas, but yeah. I look forward to this.
  7. Just about to sub mine. Silly song names are the aim of my game people. <3
  8. The unfortunate part is that it's not Dustin and MYSELF getting married. :/ The good part is that this is gonna be freaking killer. <3
  9. Oh cool.

    Can you resend me the MIDI? :P

    I deleted it cause I thought you were changing everything. Haha

    Also, it's holidays now, so I should be able to do this next week or so.

  10. oh I already started doing that. Whatever, I'll just keep adding elements until it's a muddy piece of urinary tract infection. Fun fact: I'm done arranging, and had a tonne of fun using some classical compositional methods... mainly fugue/counterpoint.
  11. ReMixing video game music is for dumbfaces There's no money in that or whatever
  12. I really think it helps because it can give me direction when I have no inspiration from the melodic material. Y'know? Also, Sazh would be a Synergist. (can't say I'm wrong <3) And I'd probably laugh too if I came up against both of them. CAUSE IT WOULD MEAN I'D NEED TO WRITE TWOOOOOO BITCHIN' METAL TRACKS. And I definitely have a sound tied to Blue Magic. I don't mean to sound rude... but it's not like I devised my method to help anyone else. Just sharing with the masses since that's sorta what we were doing presently. I mean, you don't have to use it mang.
  13. Looking forward to this compo guiz. I'm gonna channel my inner cute-ness and sorta gave myself a way to determine my genre/style of each track. Since Lenna follows FFV's job system, I'm gonna base the style on whatever 'job class' I come up against. It'll save me from ever having to be creative in the history of ever lol. <3
  14. oh

    but i love youuuuu


  15. Oh hey man! Yeah. I've been doing some tidying of that recently. I'll definitely WAV it down for you later today hopefully.

  16. Actually. If you could that would make my life SOOOO much better. Cause it's cuter like me. :3

    Or whatever. Looking forward to mixing bruddah!

  17. Thanks buddy... but are you sure that's not Farris on the banner? I might just be blind today... but it totally looks like her.

  18. Yo. Brandon, any chance you can set up a sheet of all the participants and their choices? It'll help to keep track of where we sit in relation to others with out choices.
  19. Okay. I guess I'll put down my pics. :/ 1. Lenna (FFV) 2. Locke (FFVI) 3. Cyan (FFVI) In case I need 4 and 5 4. Relm (FFVI) 5. Garnet (FFIX) Really wanted some space for Hope from FFXIII but whatevs... :/
  20. This is the coolest thing. Man, I'll post my pics tomorrow.
  21. I'm cool with that mang. Just let me know when you need me to do the gee-tarz.

  22. Thanks buddy.

    I still need to finish Sturm off don't I?

    I'll get onto that when I have a second spare.

    I sorta live in the moment nowadays... anything that takes more than 10 minutes gets put to the side sorry. :/

  23. Dude. Kuolema really showed his fighting spirit in this compo. Totally nailed his tracks. <3
  24. Okay. That'll be sick for sure. Good luck with it mang.
  25. Dude. Totally go for it mang.

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