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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. Sure. I'll take his OCR contributions one at a time.

    1. Fear My Lowering Coefficient of Friction: Features some brief synth instruments at 2:00, and extensively from 2:29 through the end of the piece at 4:30.
    2. Mega Manhood 3: It's hard to hear it, but from 2:14 to the end of the piece, the bass line is backed by synth effects. This one's very subtle, though.
    3. BTMNTBAMLOL: This one is straight rock band, but it's also a collab with two other rock band performers, including one other from Armcannon.
    4. Enter the Shredder: The opening and various sound effects throughout, obviously. Background elements from 1:11 to 1:22, and from 2:00 on, there's the SFX "metronome." And of course the "skips" at the end.

    Holy hell, I never noticed the synths at the end of Mega Manhood. Wow.

    I was even involved in that DoD round too. :/ And I voted. Man. I feel bad now. Hahaha

    But yeah. Enter the Shredder is one of my favourite mixes of his. PERIOD.

  2. He also rarely does straight guitar mixes, except when he's playing with Armcannon. This is one of my favorites of the round taken by itself, but not by the voting requirements.

    First off. Thank you. It's the track I had the most fun with, but it was hard to mix. I had more guitars than usual and it made things muddy.

    I had to remove dem bass frequencies where I could. :(

    And second off... what? :/ Straight Guitar wankery is his thing yo.

    I know he's done some extra things, but overall, he's a straight guitar man 90% of the time.

    Would you be able to elaborate? :/

    EDIT: In fact, in Armcannon... his Castlevania 3 Cover (Which originally was all guitar) was changed to add keyboard leads. :/

  3. Yeah. I don't know if I'll have time for this project... so just contact me if you want Guitars of any description.

    ie. Bass, Electric, Acoustic, Classical, Mandolin, Ukulele.

    Plus, I play Ocarina, Shamisen, a bit of Erhu and I dunno... some out there percussion n' shit. Whatever you want.


  4. Hah.

    So I know Darke said not to spoil the twist, but I'm too excited about it. He's actually switching places with the competitors this year, so we'll all be running the competition and keeping score while Darke produces 16 remixes per week. Get hype.

    This is the greatest post on OC ReMix. Done.

    But yeah, I'm super amped. Since I didn't get to take part last time I'll do my best to get in on it this time! :D

  5. I'd probably want the synth melody to be played by the guitar (or layer the guitar over the synth melody), and I'd probably want power chords for the lower end, probably 16th notes.

    I'd also like it to be played pretty tightly, so I don't have to go using flextime, though I will if needed.

    Some stereo action would also be nice (like doubling the powerchords in L and R, if you get that).

    So, Lead Guitar for melow-deez?

    And two stereo tracked Rhythm Geet-arz? Sounds easy.

    Do you want Bass Guitar as well? Or are you covered there?

  6. Eligible Particpants

    • shadow24: #1 #2
    • Cash and Change: #1 #2
    • Trism: #1 #2
    • ProjectSpam: Album (Use the first two tracks for consideration)
    • The Eluryahn: #1 #2
    • TheRexAsaurous: #1 #2
    • HeavenWraith: #1 #2
    • Final Kingdom: #1 #2
    • Esperado: #1 #2
    • Anorax: #1 #2
    • Kuolema: (I originally had these in a PM from the pilot, which I deleted. Please provide them again if you're in.)

    Hey can I ask why I'm not here? :/

    I'm still a novice right?

    I'm totally in... and I think I might know what I'm doing. :)

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