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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. Oh. Hey man. Glad to see you enjoy it.

    <3 It really means a lot to hear people tell me that they enjoy my work.

    I hope everyone likes what they hear. :D

    There's no plan of stopping in the near vicinity, so this is great news!

  2. And just so you people know, Callum has ridiculous potential. Future OCR superstar. I'm calling it.

    Second'd yo

    Thirded, easily. Dude's one of the sickest.

    Guys. I'm gonna cry. <3 You're all so lovely. :')

    I'm so glad I get to be a part of a community like this.

    And I'm even more glad I get to be a part of this Compo! :D

    Yáll submitted some pretty sweet stuff.

    - Callum

    xoxo ily gossip goat

  3. Well, it seems that tomorrow is the cut-off date for me.

    I just graduated high school yesterday, and need to head off for a 'post-graduation-trip'.

    So, here's hoping what I turn in is okay! :D

    Ectogemia has honestly been the best.

    He's really helped a bunch, and what's more, he's the nicest dude ever.

    Thanks a bunch for holding a compo like this MindWanderer, you're really onto a killer concept! <3

    - Callum

  4. Oh yeah, I should probably also mention that I can offer Mandolin, Shamisen, Ocarina and Ukulele parts as well.

    Whatevs. Just lettin' you dudes know in case you wanted some ethnicity.

    Damn, do you play like everything? :razz:

    Unfortunately no.



  5. Oh yeah, I should probably also mention that I can offer Mandolin, Shamisen, Ocarina and Ukulele parts as well.

    Whatevs. Just lettin' you dudes know in case you wanted some ethnicity.

    Also, I may have super friggen amazing mega-collab plans formulating for Stardust Speedway JP. We'll see :mrgreen:.

    i can haz halp wif gee-tarz ? lol

  6. Hey guys! I'm also keen to help anyone out with Guitars and Vocals if they're interested.

    I can do all forms of guitar, and baritone vocals. Though my proficiency definitely lies on the fretboard.

    I'm keen on working in a variety of styles too. <3

    Oh yeah, I can do bass as well in case you guys count that outside of guitar. Haha

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