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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers here guys.

    Evidently we both don't quite follow each other however Diclonius.

    By benefit, I meant anything productive to come of it... be it a release of the project or anything else. (Of course that would be a cherry on top)

    But from what you've said, it's a little bit apparent that you're less interested in producing a big end product, having said:

    "I just want to have some fun at chiptuning and maybe learn something new about it."

    Also, I listened to your Soundcloud and the stream you linked us to was all Chiptunes, I'm not entirely sure what you're actually trying to do here.

    I'm sorry if I've caused any irritation and/or annoyance.

    But next time you post a thread here looking for someone, please put down as many details as possible.

    That way these sort of threads don't end up happening, and I'm sorry that it has.

    Good luck in everything

    - Callum

    P.S. Thanks Rozo for the fix on that! I'll remember for next time.

  2. Thing about music: It tends not to pay very well or offer lots of rewards beyond the satisfaction of doing music, even for people who are very good.

    So why the hell do you two expect "something valuable" from someone on an internet forum?

    Here's my gripe. There was hardly any information, plus he said:

    "I just want to have some fun at chiptuning and maybe learn something new about it."

    That to me, (Without any offense whatsoever) shows that there is no real artistic gain, as we would be more of a teacher.

    I've no problem with teaching if that's what is requested, but to me, there seems to be no gain.

    A gain doesn't need to be something valuable persé. Perhaps I chose my words incorrectly.

    I'm sorry if I offended anyone. But I'll take my leave here.

    - Callum

  3. Collabing on music is a serious commitment, it's not something that gets done in a couple hours on a whim (most of the time anyway) it could take dozens of hours to see through correctly.

    Therefore with such a commitment it becomes reasonable that people want something in return - a reasonable payment or that the project itself is something that could attract a decent fanbase. It's hard enough spending that kind of time and effort to do music that only a few people will download without doing it for something else too.

    This. SO MUCH.

    Not everyone has a lot of free time, so if there was some form of enticing offer I might be able to prioritize this earlier.

    But given the lack of anything valuable for my work, I'm gonna have to decline I'm sorry.

    Good luck with finding something.

  4. そうでござる :)

    日本語は何年べんきょうしていますか? 私が八年ぐらいべんきょうしていました。





  5. I must be the only person who actually likes the idea of East vs West. :/

    It would be cool to have Japanese Katakana on the JP soundtrack art.



    (Please be kind for my Japanese is atrocious. :/)

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