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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. Okay, basically, Prophecy and I tackle completely different styles, with completely different abilities in terms of music.

    We found some middle ground in terms of conversation and relatively hit it off whilst debating composers ie. Tchaikovsky and the like

    After a little bit of getting to know each other. I pieced together the arrangement of a theme I had ALWAYS wanted to do.

    Jason gave me some harsh advice at times, which is exactly what I needed.

    He knew what was necessary, and I thank him for not beating around the bush. <3

    I layed down my tracks as efficiently as possible, but thanks to different time zones, family problems and moving problems on our both parts...

    it was a little bit hard to finish. Haha

    Honestly. We only finished with a few hours to go.

    And I'm very glad.

    Thank you Jason, for being the coolest dude.

    And thank you MindWanderer for hosting this. <3

    - Callum

    EDIT: Also, my source tune was the Mega Man 5 Opening and Title Screen Music

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