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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. Eat shit and know your place.

    Excuse me? Where on Earth is my place then Miss Pretentious?

    Also, eating excrement is bad for my diet, probably best to follow the doctors orders.

    I'm sure you've tested this dietary plan yourself. Amiritelol.

    Basically, what I'm saying, is that you're a tool.

    There is a MASSIVE difference to saying 'You could take the vocals out, I think they detract from the feeling'


    'Leave out the crappy vocals'.

    Also you've been making snide remarks this whole time. Don't act like you're righteous.

    I KNOW I'm not righteous, cause I'm giving into my anger, which is something I don't do often.

    I'm going to conclude this wall of text by saying that I'm so glad for everyone here to have produced such excellent music.

    It's a true shame that things like this happen, which detract from the entire cohesive feel of the competition.

    I'm sorry if I've fueled any sort of fire, but I couldn't help myself.

    I love you guys. Especially SuperiorX. Without you, there wouldn't BE a competition. So thank you so much.

    - Callum

  2. Lucavi. I'm not one to throw any form of anger anywhere, but shut the fuck up.

    Beth's track was excellent, and even better, she did it out of the goodness of her heart.

    Don't be a dick, I've put up with your remarks this whole competition because I'm a pushover, but for the love of god, stop being a jackass.


    Love Tuberz

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