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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. True, no one's lyrics in this project will ever touch that haha. But yeah, your skills are definitely welcome. Lucky thing is, we can use rock sounding guitar (or even country?) to mix in with hip-hop beats and lyrics to get the desired effect. What kind of sound do you shoot for? Also, any tracks that you have in mind?

    Guitar wise I can play almost every style. (I'm no Jazz Virtuoso).

    And if I had to choose tracks that I would be interested in... they would be as follows:

    Mystic Cave and Aquarium Park.

    Those are the only ones where I can see something working. I dunno.

    I'd have to find someone to collaborate with.

    I would prefer to collab with a rapper. Because even though I can sing... I cannot rap. Ever. Seriously.

    So yeah... if anyone is interested. I'll do something with ya. ;-)

  2. Well guys, I've had some good time to think about all this since I've recently moved to another country.

    There are currently eleven tracks taken.

    I think we should perhaps have fifteen tracks taken before issuing a primary WIP date.

    What are your opinions on this?

    I'm open to WIPs coming in earlier as some already have (Really good ones too).

    But I understand that a lot of people have other commitments and will want to have more freedom.

    Any thoughts? Just post 'em here.

  3. This is excellent. As a big fan of the Touhou series, I was easily impressed.

    Some big problems are of course as follows:

    - Sample/Recording Quality

    - Perhaps some better samples may help the feel

    - Humanising will help the feel

    - Mixing

    - Things are often quite a bit louder than the rest of the orchestra where they should try and be equal overall.

    - There sounds like there is distortion at parts because of the volume.

    - Arrangement

    - It's great that you put these all together and in a way that works I commend that

    - however, some of the transitions between sources feel too stop start, this deserves to flow. It's soooo good that it really deserves it.

    - Perhaps incorporating some more deviation from the source and less one theme > Next theme > Next theme style.

    I hope this can help, if only a bit.

    Plus I was sad because there was no Youmu and I love Youmu. D:

    - Callum

  4. Well, I came back to this bombshell.

    Cool. There's already one, that's fine and all. We don't have to stop.

    It's one of those games that I would cover EVERY SINGLE SONG if I could.

    It's my second favourite game (behind Chrono Trigger), and It brought me joy.

    This ReMix project is for members of the community that want to express their pure emotion.

    Even though they may not necessarily have "MAD STUDIO CHO-" nah, I'll ruin that if I use it. Heh

    Whereas that secret project is for people that are already quite versed in the art of ReMixing. (Why it's invite only)

    Either way, you'll end up with two entirely different feels because of this)

    I support as much Final Fantasy VI love as possible.

  5. Gotta admit man, this is freaking good.

    The first minute is incredibly good. I prepared for the bad lead at 1:00.

    I was pleasantly surprised to see you didn't use it! :D

    I can't find many problems with this track at all. And any problems are little nitpicks, that I have.

    2:21 HOLY CRAP YES



    Something just hit me goddamn hard and it was that.

    That's perfect my man. Anything you add to it now, is just icing on the cake.

    That's bloody fantastic. Showing my mate this right now, he's a HUGE PMD fan.

    Good luck on your submission! :wink:

    - Callum

  6. Tidy up the breakdown a bit and I'm assuming that at about 1:13 you're basing that melody off of the third movement and it's dissonance.

    While this is excellent. I still feel that it's too consonant. It sounds too pleasant for this kind of feel that you're going for.

    Overall however, I feel it's a little bit too coverish and needs a bit more variation from the source tune.

    NO (Resubmit)

  7. I love the sheer dissonance! Captures the feel of Kefka perfectly! :D

    This is utterly fantastic.

    My only problem is that you should try and use more of the source melody.

    When you do the big sweeping arpeggios part and play the motif I feel it's incredible.

    Just try putting the source melody into the opening or something.

    Perhaps it should end with a bit more dissonance as well. Not sure.

    Either way, this is bloody incredible! Can't wait to see the finished result. ;-)

    - Callum

  8. THIS, is EXACTLY what it means to Strike a Middle Ground.

    If it's not obvious then, I can't help people.

    A middle ground is to give your own character to your own version of the song while staying true to the original.

    Which is EXACTLY why I used The Black Mages/Earthbound Papas as an example. These are the perfect official examples of striking a good middle ground.

    A good arrangement shouldn't have to take 10 listens to figure out what the source is when the listener is familiar with the original.

    And if your listener can't identify with the source at some point in the song then what's the point?

    I remember back when I was like 11 and discovered OCR back in 2001/2002 I'd hear remixes that change stuff so much that I would say "This doesn't sound like *insert song* here at all!"

    And then I'd hear something that changes the original tune a ton, but it's IMMEDIATELY recognizable and ends up being extremely enjoyable like this




    I remember hearing these for the first time and being blown away, because they sounded amazing and it was extremely easy to hear what the songs were supposed to be.

    Mind you this was before I had ever picked up a guitar, nor knew anything about music.(even though I had played Trumpet and Violin in Elementary School)

    So to reiterate, Striking a middle ground is very important. Even more so because it's so much harder to do than just completely change the song altogether , or be completely conservative.

    It can be 20% original 80% source or whatever so much as it retains the character of the original songs while giving it your own character (which itself can be a million things from the choice of instrument, to the style of percussion, or even the structure of the piece etc etc)with your arrangement OR instrumentation.

    This is my opinion, true (and not a fact), but I will likely NEVER change my view on this mostly based on the personal belief that this is the right and best way to approach things when it comes to , so-called "Remixes"

    My personal rule is to generally try to make the song recognizeable within the first minute if i'm making a really widly creative/different type of arrangement or else I know that , if, I was the listener, i'd lose interest by that point.

    *cough*Maverick Rising*cough*MMX4/5 Dr.Light*cough*


    Very much this.

    This is me to a tee practically.

  9. In my opinion. Everyone interprets and hears a piece of music differently.

    You should stay true to how YOU hear the piece of music. Because everyone else will think of a completely different way.

    It's all interpretation.

    I like having 80% source and 20% originality. To me, that makes it recognizable AND original.

    It's all opinion though. That's the best part. ;-)

  10. I personally think a Modern Rock song, or even a stripped down version (Guitar + Vocals) would be cool.

    I would take any chance I could get to sing Darkness and Starlight to my girlfriend. ;-)

    Just a thought though. Feel free to do whatever.

    Also, are you offering the different movements of Dancing Mad as individual tracks?

    And are you offering duplicate tracks?

    That could change the synergy of the project entirely.

  11. There's no need to do it all. If you fix up a bit each time, it will theoretically get better! :D

    Honestly, all I can denote about it now. Is that the bassline sometimes dominates a wee bit too much.

    Don't take offence if I'm COMPLETELY wrong, but have you EQ'd?

    Also, the lead in vibrato gets annoying after a while. At some points, you may want to make it smooth.

    Trust me, anything to get it more likely to pass the panel is a good thing.

    Good luck with this. ;-)

    - Callum

  12. I've gotta say something man.

    I was looking at taking a track. FF6 is one of my favourite games. EVER.

    But looking at the communication and synergy you have going... not likely.

    You're just going to drive people away if you're gonna be so uptight about everything.

    If I've learned anything through Music, it's that deadlines and good organisation comes after having fun and enjoying music.

    Plus, you can't co-ordinate the project from these forums, so posting WIPs here is a bad idea.

    Darkesword will totes destroy us all.

    Much love.

    - Callum

    kis kis

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