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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. My last mixpost was on Friday the 13th too.... muahahaha :<

    Next Friday the 13th is in July.

    I'll be expecting another post on this date.

    Better do it guys. It's your own fault.

    I ALWAYS love what TGH here does. He's incredible.

    He brings so many things to the table, keeping it fresh every time, while retaining his own sound.

    I wish TGH a prosperous future in terms of music. He deserves it.

  2. I'm limiting the choices to "core" Sonic platformer games so a few of those (Hereos, Secret Rings, Black Knight) would not qualify.

    D: I can get Secret Rings and Black Knight... but Heroes? It was featured on Sonic Generations...

    I would believe it to be of the core Platformer Series as much as Sonic '06 or any of the adventure games. D:

    Oh well.

    Good luck to everyone with choosing their tracks, it will make for an excellent challenge to mix the old and new together.

    They have such differing styles! :D

  3. Yeah. It was more to delve into the actual perception of

    'would the source tune being manipulated be enough'.

    It's an interesting concept. Because DrumUltima's mix " OHMYGODIT'SADINOSAURGETINTHEEPOCH! "

    Proved that It CAN be done, but this is different in Percussive style.

    I'm less interested in actually getting this to a 'posted' level as I am in seeing the limitations and what would pass it.

    You have to admit. You're interested right?

  4. Hey there. I really want to give this a go.

    Do we list what themes we're interested in taking?

    If so, mine are as follows (in no order of preference):

    'That's the Way I like it - Metal Harbor' - Sonic Adventure 2

    'Won't Stop, Just Go - Green Forest' - Sonic Adventure 2

    'Dragon's Lair' - Sonic and the Black Knight

    'Let the Speed Mend it' - Sonic and the Secret Rings

    'Aquarium Park' - Sonic Colors

    'Seaside Hill' - Sonic Heroes

    'Wave Ocean' - Sonic '06

    'Angel Island Zone' - Sonic 3

    'Hydrocity Zone' - Sonic 3

    'Spagonia - Rooftop Run' - Sonic Unleashed (Balls to the wall yes)

    I just realised that 90% of mine are super obscure choices. D:

    Oh well.

  5. Totally understandable, everybody is busy. I'm planning on setting some time aside to really pound out the guidelines. Then I'll try to get this project an official OC-Remix album status and that will hopefully gain more attention. I was planning on taking some roles for myself but I wanted to wait and see want everyone wanted. Thank you for letting me know and there will always be a place for you here Callum!

    Good to hear. I really want to see this project come to fruition... it's just that I'm also working on projects that have a lot of progress already.

    Sorry if I'm coming across as an ass...

    I wish you the best of luck with it all.

    - Callum

  6. Hey. I'm down for any guitars. I've been playing for 9 years, in various styles.





    You name it.

    I'm happy to play whatevs. If you're looking for more metal. Then here's a link to my last DoD Entry.


    That will give you a close representation at some of the stuff I can play.

    Though, that arrangement was a bit more relaxed.

    Plus you can see my WIP for the TMNT project on the KNGI forums. So there's that too.

    Happy hunting. Good luck finding someone.

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