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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. Just listened to it.


    The percussion sounds really good.

    The lead (erhu?) sounds quite profesh.

    A bit after the claps kick in, the harmonising lead is sick nasty! :-)


    The harmonising backing parts need to blend nicer.

    The lead (erhu?) needs to be far more Legato, especially if it's Erhu. It's one of the qualities of the instrument.

    The claps just ruin the feel that is present everywhere else. Change them to Taiko or something.

    The source needs more variation. I enjoy it, but you should try going somewhere else with it at times.

    Though, even though the cons outweigh the pros at the moment, I'm sure you can take this somewhere excellent!

    For a first ReMix, this is excellent. Everyone has gotta start somewhere and it looks like you've got some real talent.

    Can't wait to see how this turns out! ;-)

  2. My favourite thing to do to help work on cool licks is easy.

    They're all in my head, I just practice singing cool melodies and then try playing them on the guitar.

    After a while you don't even have to sing them to get them onto the guitar.

    It helps for more melodic soulful soloing, not so much for shredding.

    I'm not much of a shredder anyway, it has it's place, and that's not with me.

  3. Okay first off. You'll need to make it longer in my opinion. Three minutes is where I would gladly let a ReMix sit.

    The build up and to 0:27 is really good. Enjoyable stuff man.

    The "F" in the melody of the next phrase doesn't fit the key. Try making it an "E".

    Unless you're using some interesting mode or whatevs.

    0:40, all is really good, except the lead synth sounds too harsh.

    0:55 another lead comes in imitating at an octave higher, perhaps a harmony could improve this section. It's worth a try.

    1:08 things really pick up this section is good.

    1:30 Wow, this feels weird on the first listen. You must have shifted the tonality, it can get weird.

    1:50, things pick up again, I like this section.

    2:03, that lead really has to go. It's too harsh for this. Everything else is far too ambient to have it spoiled like that.

    I'll admit that while I think it's too short, that ending works well.

    Hopefully this helps. Can't wait to hear the finished result! ;-)

  4. Kinda keen to take Rock Rock Mountain and make it a synthy classic rock song. Vocals a'course. ;-)

    This project is kinda similar to VROOM, the SEGA racing one.

    So perhaps you could find a few ideas/mixers from there.

    I haven't got a lot of time on my hands at the moment thought sorry.

    My family is just about to move to another country, so I'll be without my music recording computer/internet access for several weeks.

    If you can live with that then I'd love to take the track.

  5. Listening to this again.

    Perhaps the opening could be stronger with either a fade in or an abrupt intro. ie. Beethoven Symphony #3 Eroica First Movement - Allegro Con Brio

    With a reverse cymbal leading up to abrupt intro it instantly shocks the listening into listening. Just an idea.

    At 0:40 it went exactly where it needed to go. The lead is great there.

    At 1:00 it also went in the exact right direction.

    At 1:14 you could tone down the drum beat and add more ambience. For a reflective feel.

    At 1:23 it's great but you could make the bassline louder and maybe closer to the source. I feel like it's a bit different. I might be wrong though.

    At 1:40 it leaped back out, but perhaps it could have been louder and more punchy.

    2:06 is perfect. Exactly what was necessary.

    At 2:22 that lead is one of the highlights of the piece, perhaps you should take away the drums. That way, when it goes back into the drums (Maybe even louder), it's more punchy in comparison.

    2:47. Perfect. Just the thing it needed.

    Perhaps that last chord could have been held. The sweeping sound combined with that chord would have sounded cool while ringing out for a bit longer.

    Hope this helps. Can't wait to see what you end up with! ;-)

  6. As a big fan of Folk Metal, I'll say that yeah. This sounds quite good.

    When you move into the Dream on the Shore of Another World however, I feel like it loses some of the originals feeling.

    I may just be the harmonies of the violin and flute/whatevs it is.

    Either way, I really enjoyed it.

    The only problem I can see arising is that if you're gonna follow the melody for vocals... be wary.

    I prefer when I write vocals, to find a new melody line to add some variation to the source and make it my own.

    Some things are well suited to following the melody line however, catchy parts can become Choruses.

    Hope this helps. I can't wait to see what you get in the end. ;-)

  7. No we are not gravy.

    :cry: Sad Tuberz is Sad

    We are human. I think... But yeah, that'll be excellent (and nice linking of another source, obvious though it may have been); you're down for Cid Previa.
    Yeah, the obvious way to take it, I dunno, I could have seen it turned into trance or something.

    But I suppose I could easily be wrong considering my lack of synthetic instrumentation logic. Haha

    I'll try and get you a rough WIP really soon. Because I'm moving country on the 16th. And will not have my music computer/internet access.

    This will probably be for three weeks. But I have ideas in my head already.

  8. Hey, I was wondering if I could perhaps take FF5 - Musica Machina.

    I'm thinking of doing it in an Industrial Nine Inch Nails/Old Linkin Park style.

    Not sure if you're into that or if I'll have to supply some work. But I'd love to take the track in that direction.

    I may also incorporate other themes like the Fire Powered Ship and such because Musica Machina is quite scarce in terms of source material.

    Is that cool? Are we gravy? :wink:

  9. This Mix is so saddening. I feel connected with the bareness of the opening.

    It only helps that the piano that comes in makes the sadness even harder to bear.

    at 1:25 the whistling with insane reverb makes me feel a little bit happier.

    Like I'm gazing at the sunset or something stereotypical like that.

    At 2:17 it just improves, expanding. This continues through the piece.

    The dynamic increases and it has an almost reminiscent feeling that courses through me.

    The worst part about this mix, is that it had to end.

  10. All I've gotta say is

    DAT BASS it makes me pumped every time I hear this.

    Then after a playful melody line the guitar comes in. She can has long prog metal leeeds.

    1:53 just brings hilarity at the fun playful Jazziness.

    This whole album is about playful melodies and having fun with the music.

    Which is EXACTLY what has happened here.

    And you thought that was an ending at 3:00? Nope. He was just warming up.

  11. Up until 0:20 this is quite haunting.

    Then it just gets grand, resembling a large film score.

    The quality is excellent! The arrangement is also quite fantastic.

    1:17 brings frightening feelings to mind. This is quite a dark piece.

    I must be drawn to all of these dark and mysterious ReMixes. Because I enjoy them a lot.

    At 2:10 it hits the fan. Breaking down again at 2:40 in a way reminiscent of Threnody by Krysztof Penderecki.

    All in all. This is a horrifically good piece.

  12. I'm not big on dubstep. I really don't like it.

    But regardless, this ReMix really steps outside Dubstep enough for me to really enjoy it.

    That's one thing I'm quite glad for. I can enjoy the Mix because it doesn't restrict itself to WUBBING everywhere.

    I think the places it was used actually were strategic and quite clever.

    A lot of people don't like this mix. I don't see why. I don't like Dubstep and I think it's just fine.

  13. The opening is somber and always draws me in.

    The slight percussion in the back is what makes the mood without you realising it.

    The imitation section makes me happy every time I hear it.

    That, and the remix has always reminded me of James Bond. Not a bad thing. ;-)

    3:07, when the horn comes in... things get awesome!

    The percussion picks up shortly after which is perfect.

    5:00 onwards always gives the perfect outro to the piece. Slowing it down accordingly.

    This piece could easily be a film score. It's lush and beautiful.

  14. The opening organ is immediately frighteningly good.

    The drums kick in and everything takes a turn for the worse as I recall my childhood.

    I remember how many times I died in this game. Oh god there were many.

    The lead guitars are insanely good. The production is slightly off, which I think is great!

    It gives that feeling of nostalgia for these battles. You had to think on your feet.

    1:43 brings my favourite part. The lead is so catchy.

    2:50 is the star of the show however. If I ever go back to those boss battles again, that's what I'll hear.

    Either way. It's a great mix... I just wish it didn't bring back memories of me sucking. :(

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