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Tuberz McGee

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Posts posted by Tuberz McGee

  1. Though we all rhyme, what is it for?

    Akumajo Belmont will merely ignore.

    Our talentless attempts to write some nice rhymes,

    Cause he'll slay the lot of us, get with the times.

    Unless you be better than him at synth pop,

    He'll be ringin' yer head on the floor like a mop.

    I know that I'll try with all of my might,

    To show him my best; give him a good fight.

    No matter the cost, I'll keep marching on.

    Because nothing's more powerful... than the power of song.


  2. This sums up my strategy for the compo quite neatly ...oh, wait.

    Also, nothing would brighten my day more than going up against Underground Zone.

    Mixing my two favorites Sonic tunes just before getting burned down by a wildfire.

    What a glorious and dignified ending it would be. ;D



    And plus, you're rad and I'd love to see what you come up with.

  3. As much as I agree with you, I somehow doubt I will be the champion of the Sonic Bracket :-) You never know though I guess, hah.

    And yes, only one week remaining until Round 1 begins! GET EXCITE!!! I'll be updating the first post soon with some additional submissions and voting information for everyone.

    For the record, I doubt I'll get there too, but it would be rad man. :D

  4. I'm gonna smother you with awesomeness like a pancake wrapping around a lizard, heavenly ecstasy until you realize you're dead from suffocation and/or being squished.

    Bring it! It wouldn't be fun without competition! :D

    Plus, I practically have a plan sorted for that theme already. ;D

    I have a notebook with ideas. I CAME PREPARED

    INB4 knocked out first round

  5. I've never been in a compo like this before, but my direction I'm taking is just jamming my source tune and having fun with it. Reminding myself WHY I love it so much.

    Jam it in every paradigm/genre possible.

    That way you can make quick judgements as to genre for your Mix when the time comes.

    Also, I've been getting super familiar with the source tunes of my bracket and even jamming some of them.

    There are a few that I hope I get to go against.

    Some of them are as follows:

    Planet Wisp,

    Chun Nan - Dragon Road,

    Mystic Cave,

    Panic Puppet,

    Metal Harbor,

    Sky Chase Zone,

    Launch Base Zone,

    Collision Chaos,

    Splash Hill,

    Sky Sanctuary,

    Rusty Ruin.


    Hold up, that's nearly my whole bracket.


  6. Pick your poison. Both brackets are stacked. :-P

    This is true. We're pretty blessed to have such a tough competition. Haha

    I'm cutting down all the source tunes that I need to memorize for this.

    I've gotta admit all this Sonic CD mumbo jumbo ain't helpin'. Haha

    And now I realise my source tune is incredibly easy to remember. Double edged sword there.

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