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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. The argument that has already been made several times is that many maps allow for placement of turrets in such a position that a sniper cannot reliably hit it without being hit as well. If you don't believe me here, go to Hanamura and set up a turret on the ledge just by the small opening on the right side of the wall (defenders perspective) and try to take it out as widow or hanzo (without his ult.) Also, any competent defending team is going to have their Genji, Widowmaker, Tracer etc. seeking out the snipers. Also, remember that the enemy team will be shooting at you too. This is not an accurate representation of Kat's argument. Nowhere in that argument is there a suggestion that because this strategy isn't effective by yourself, Torb is broken. Kat is saying that you cannot simply defeat the turret by pressing "E" as Genji as you did suggest. No, this is a terrible argument because skill can overcome just about anything in video games. Also, just because "pros" don't play as X that much doesn't mean anything outside of that character simply isn't popular. I would say that Torbjorn is probably one of the least common characters I've seen thus far. The game hasn't even been out officially for a month yet, you can't assume that the popular characters in the pro or casual circuits will be the same even six months from now. Magneto, Storm and Sentinel weren't always a popular combination. They're going to nerf McCree's stun-fan-roll-fan combo because it can melt most characters in just a few seconds. I don't have a problem with it, though and perhaps most "pro" players don't either so instead of nerfing it, why doesn't everyone else just "git gud"? Infinite combos in MvC are a thing, but if you're good enough, you can avoid getting caught in them entirely so obviously they're not a problem. TL;DR - Torb's turrets don't ruin the game for me, but I don't see how people can be in favor of nerfing McCree for doing a bit too much damage and having ridiculous range with a six-shooter, but shut down criticism of a single player's omniscient structure, which can spin on a dime, has extremely favorable positioning on certain maps, can be repaired in real-time and rebuilt instantly but it's not an issue because I don't have an issue with it, TF2 did it too, "git gud" and pros don't really play as him.
  2. Ffs see what I mean about the turret being overpowered? It just knew where all those guys were and they were behind a wall.
  3. They announced today that they're going to be balancing the PC and Console versions differently. I shouldn't be surprised by that at all, but I never really thought about it until I read that. That may very well mean I won't bother picking the game up on PS4 when and if the price drops to play with my friends who don't have a PC. Also, the internet is just killing it with these
  4. My bad, it is omniscient. Also, this
  5. None of this justifies his turret being totally omnipotent, instantly rebuilt and having enough range that on many maps, long-range characters cannot reliably hit it without taking damage themselves. Basically, it's either going to distract your tank from pushing the objective or require one player taking fire from it whilst the other takes it out.
  6. I had an experience there today and yesterday at temple of anubis that kind of opened my eyes to something I feel legit is a problem in this game. Unrealistic range. I don't have a problem with the fan the hammer, but Bleck has a point about the pinpoint accuracy. McCree got two headshots on me from all the way down the last corridor of Gibraltar. There is no way that a damned six-shooter should be just as accurate as a sniper rifle at such a distance. What is the point in playing the legit sniper if a character with a revolver is just as accurate? Torb-turrets and Bastion have the same problem. Sure, they're slightly less effective at a distance, but I've been playing long enough now to notice that on maps that heavily favour the defenders like Hanamura and Anubis, I tend to get rekt unless I have a Mercy helping me out despite shooting at them with Pharah from as far back as possible. Also today at Hanamura, I was in that opening right across from the entrance and Roadhog hooked me from quite a ways back into the courtyard. I didn't realize his hook had THAT much range. If they're going to nerf anything, it should be the unrealistic ranges that some things have. I agree 100%. They won't stop that though because they know that people would just leave if the couldn't play their favourite...
  7. Clustering together, for the most part, is exactly what you want. There is a special place in hell for those who don't push the objective or worse, run away from it at the start of the match. Anyway, if you stay in the back, you can quickly switch who needs healing without having to fly. Alternatively, you can just "pocket" your team's tank or Pharah. I truly believe that as long as your team is keeping an eye out for snipers, a good Pharah-Mercy combo is one of the best pairings in the game.
  8. I really don't see why he needs to be nerfed. Also, LET THE BAN-HAMMER FALL! http://gamerant.com/overwatch-cheat-ban-341/
  9. I've scored some pretty sick kills with that pistol of hers.
  10. If you follow the Overwatch facebook, you've probably seen these already, but "MonoriRogue" over on Deviantart has been doing some legit artwork of the characters in their down time. ♪ HIIIIIIGHWAAYYYY TOOOOO THE DANGER ZONE ♫
  11. This post hurts my brain. I think what you're asking, is the legality of adding vocal samples to your music. Electronic music has done this since the earliest days, but if you haven't licensed said audio clips, then it is technically copyright infringement. As to whether or not it "sounds good", that completely depends on the song and clips used. In general, most EDM doesn't have much in the way of melody so the vocal cuts add something to it to break up the monotony of beats and basslines. Case in point.
  12. Mercy FTW and Symmetra fits the "defense" paradigm a bit better than support imo. I see the appeal of the other supports, but it's been my experience that a Mercy who is really on the ball is more valuable to the team than the other supports simply because her ability to heal and buff doesn't require a cooldown and her Ult can really tip the scales. Though Lucio's speed boost is handy with getting to the objective before the enemy.
  13. On PC, unless you have a capture device or software, you have no way to save your highlights and they will be removed upon closing the game.
  14. Speaking of skins, I need that Mecha Queen Pharah one. That is so awesome. Anyway, after spending more hours than I care to admit, with many more to come - here are basically the only things I can think of worth complaining about: 1. Definitely need the ability to save highlights. I hear that's in the works though? 2. We should be able to select skins at character select. Maybe not mid-match, but definitely at the start. 3. One or two maps' layouts definitely favor the defending team a little too much. Temple of Anubis does come to mind. The attackers only have two points they can come at you from initially and the hidey-holes in the back of point B, plus the vantage points mean any reasonably competent team with bastion, widow and symmetra are going to give the attackers a serious run for their money.
  15. Well, Widowmaker is the sexiest smurf to ever wield a sniper rifle.
  16. Something I find hilarious that people keep complaining about with this game is the whole, "but there's no story mode" complaint. Like, this is a competitive multiplayer, arena shooter. It exists to be this. It's like complaining about no campaign in LoL or something. Personally, I think what Blizz has done with the story is brilliant - tell it through comics and animated shorts. Though I'd love to see a movie or a TV series, myself. That's something I never say about video games.
  17. Weird. I used to suffer from server disconnects despite perfectly fine internet all the time. Re-installing the battlenet client appears to have fixed that for me, but lots of people seem to still have that issue. Also, check this out
  18. I've never been a victim of "phantom hits" due to the server tick-rate, myself, but I have just randomly died a couple of times as widowmaker. Like, it just said "you died". Guess that slowed heart rate finally got her.
  19. The best game I've played so far was @Neifion and I's group slaughtered a team of all Torbjorns and their entire team accused us of being hackers.
  20. This isn't like Street Fighter. The game is balanced because characters can be switched on the fly and they each have their own strengths and weaknesses as both an individual and a team player. Examples: Bastion can be defeated by Pharah, Widowmaker or Hanzo as they can hit him with maximum damage outside of his range. Genji can deflect his shots back at him. Roadhog can pull him out of sentry mode and D.va can charge into him - knocking him out of it. Roadhog is one of the slowest and biggest targets in the game, but is dangerous at close range. Possible ways of dealing with include snipers, bastion, stunning with McCree and then fanning the gun, Hanzo's ult. Tracer is fast, but has low health and her pistols are the weakest firearm in the game. Highly susceptible to traps, area attacks or being ganged up on. Basically where I'm going with this is...
  21. I'm actually surprised people are having difficulties with Tracer as she's probably the squishiest character in the game. Clint Beastwood's stun grenade or Pharah's rockets usually make short work of her. Speaking of, some tips in case you don't know them: - McCree's revolver reloads instantly when you roll. That's basically all the roll is really good for. - In most spots on most maps, you can use the payload as cover and shoot under it at your enemies' feet. Works especially well as Pharah. - Mercy is the only character who can match Pharah's Mobility. Having Mercy as Pharah's wingman can be a devastating combo since Mercy can actively heal Pharah as well as boost her already powerful rockets and ult.
  22. I think I've gotten decent at countering most of the annoying characters. Hate Mei, though.
  23. For many, the game is nigh unplayable. I finally got Blizz, via Twitter, to check out the thread. They're now getting people to post their connection details and run traceroutes to find commonalities and claim they're monitoring the issue on their end. On the official Reddit, they basically said they have no idea what the problem is or when to expect a fix. http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20744295580?page=1
  24. To be honest, I was actually surprised that anyone thought 2,500 was a lot. I kind of thought that was pretty common.
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