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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Depends. Would you be able to upgrade it to the full version later without paying full price? I have this new motto I live by with virtual instruments. "Get greatness on the first go." ™ So, I'd probably just save 50 American dollars more and go full version instead of getting a handicapped version and wind up paying more than the cost of the full version, which I'll inevitably want, down the road.
  2. Tried the game out, not really seeing the appeal, honestly. This is the game 10 year old me dreamed of, but 24 year old me lacks the childlike imagination required to suspend my disbelief to really feel like I'm in the game, even if it is AR. I walk, at the very least, 3km every day and now it's like "WHAT TEAM ARE YOU ON!?" and I'm just like "Dude, I'm just out walking. People did this long before Pokemon Go was a thing". Like, I see this quickly getting to the point where I'm not going to be able to even glance at my phone in public without being accosted by a Pokemon Go player. On the one hand, it's great that a video game about cartoon monsters has inspired people to go outside, but on the other - it's also really sad that it takes a video game about cartoon monsters to inspire people to go outside.
  3. Saw this on Facebook today and lol'd
  4. of death Depends on how you're defining "powerful". I'll admit that I haven't spend that much time with her or others playing her, but even with what I have, I would say that she is the most useful support as long as your aim is sharp and it's MUCH easier to hit your own team than the enemy since your teammates aren't actively avoiding being shot by you. She does not suffer from the inherent weakness of the other supports thus far and that is range. As long as she can see you, she can heal the whole team very quickly whereas the others must either focus on one at a time or have to wait to charge an area effect and they risk being killed since they must be in the heat of battle. The Winston/Tracer/Genji etc. strategy is also not reliable on account of the tranquilizer dart. You basically need another sniper or pharah to take her out from a range.
  5. You guys see what happens when you mix Ana's ult, Reaper's ult and Lucio's speed boost?
  6. Taken from "Niche Gamer's" site "...Sniper whose skillset seems to mix long range combat with several support abilities including the ability to shoot her teammates with healing bullets and use her ult to give an ally a “Nano-boost” which appears to increase their speed, damage, as well as reducing their damage taken. She also has some offensive abilities such as a poison grenade that damages enemies while healing allies, and a tranquilizer attack that can stun one enemy. However, any damage dealt to the sleeping hero will wake them back up." Yeaaaaah. Let's not forget she headshot and kills widowmaker in the trailer, so I doubt her offense game is lacking. On paper, it sounds like in the hands of a decent player, she has potential to easily be the best character in the game. From what little we have, it seems like they're relying on her lack of mobility compared to Widowmaker to be her cryptonite. However, on the comments on Facebook for the reveal trailer, one user asked how she got up so high and they replied with "I'm sure you'll find ways ;)" or something like that. So they may be implying she does have some way of getting up high quickly...
  7. Definitions matter so that no one gets confused. I had to read the post a couple of times to be sure. I think what you're describing in the first line is not "remastering", it is "transcribing" - aurally deciphering recorded music. "Remastering" means that you would take an album's worth of recordings and master it again - which means balancing the levels, gapping between the tracks, track order etc. "Remixing" in the context used on this site means two things. Taking stems of separate audio tracks from an existing work and balancing them to create a new cohesive and clean-sounding audio mix, this is the literal meaning of remixing. The second definition, which is technically "arranging" is creating a new arrangement of existing music. The same song, but with different instruments, chords, new sections etc. Anyway, just about any DAW can slow down audio while preserving pitch. Reaper for example has a free evaluation period that never expires and it is extremely simple to slow the track down.
  8. Honestly, as cool as she looks, I'm banking real hard that she'll be nerfed pretty quickly after release.
  9. Let's try this: Please explain how, post-nerf, Widowmaker is overpowered when pit against a competent team?
  10. She's really not that great dude, especially since the nerf. As long as you stay in cover, which the payload offers mobile cover that heals you, and have a tracer, genji, reaper, widowmaker of your own keeping the pressure on her, she's not much of a threat.
  11. I find this mentality depressing. I guess it is to be expected on a forum for a site based entirely around interpreting other people's music, but still. The issue isn't about whether someone is or isn't getting sued - the issue is about whether or not the accusation is true. You yourself say it's bullshit that the composer never heard the song. Especially when his song just happens to be in the same key, same guitar tuning, a difference of one note in the simple guitar riff, and a style of singing and vocal phrasing that basically no one aside from the PM5000 frontman uses. In your examples, the melodies are completely different. I would have never equated the two songs as being similar except stylistically and chord progression. The PM5000 song and FF song literally fit together when played back at the same time. I don't know about you, but media composers, specifically game composers are some of my greatest heroes and inspirations in music. I think that film and games are home to some of the most talented musicians of our time and I believe they should be held to a higher standard than "You didn't get in trouble for stealing it, so what's the problem?"
  12. What? No. Science is all about proving things, at least beyond a reasonable doubt, not disproving. If something can't be proven, then it is likely not true. Not the other way around. Ever hear the saying "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"? "You can't prove it didn't happen, so therefore it must be true" is literally the exact opposite of science.
  13. I'm enjoying the game so far... LOL JK, I live in Canada.
  14. So I'm thinking I'm gonna see how the "Cinematic Studio Series" pans out before I buy anything. The strings seem phenomenal and brass and winds are due out later this year.
  15. Plot twist: The dead guy was trying to capture a rare water pokemon. In case anyone hasn't figured out by now, if you wanna be the very best, like no one ever was, it's gonna take you to the most dangerous corners of the Earth.
  16. Lol, nice. My personal opinion on it is pretty much in line with Skryp's as well. I think that if I was doing serious business rock/metal music, I would probably outsource, vocals, live drums and re-amping guitars with legit amps and mic'd cabinets. I suppose anyone in a band situation may be best off to outsource that kind of thing all the time, because bands might make an album once every year or 2. At that rate, keep your own equipment at what you need for writing songs and playing live, while keeping the high-end stuff and recording space at a studio. If you're a composer or electronic producer, you're probably going to be dealing with mostly samples and synths while having to produce more music, more often.
  17. So they released a teaser of Sombra's rifle. I've gotta say, I love the idea of shooting your own team-mates with a sniper rifle to give them buffs or heals. However, I can also see that requiring extreme caution balance-wise.
  18. So, this topic was lightly touched on in another thread here in music composition & production and I've just been thinking about it ever since. The point of discussion was essentially that, in the professional world of film and game scores, at least orchestral ones, it's standard that the finished recordings are engineered, mixed and mastered by different pairs of ears belonging to specialists in each field. It's still the case in realm of popular music - most professional bands still go to recording facilities that have the space, gear and staff to get the best recording possible, but often resort to cheaper amps and what not while on the road. Touring with expensive gear can cause that expensive gear to become a liability. Many electronic producers and many modern composers do have their own facilities and great engineering skills, but these people have often learned recording and began building their studios at roughly the same time they started learning to compose. My question is regarding upcoming and coming or indie composers and bands. Do you think that these people should hone "producing" and "composition" skills at the same time, spending equal amounts of time and money into both, or, is that money better spent on focusing all your time on composing, making believable mock-ups and a modest recording setup to make demos with while outsourcing mixing, mastering, re-amping etc. to the pros? In the latter case, you'd have to spend more money in the long-run, but you'd have a stronger portfolio right out of the gate. Do you think it's reasonable that many indie directors/game devs seemingly expect young composers to be a master of all these trades, which, were historically divided among experts? Anyway, just wondering what everyone thinks and what method they've gone and if they would've done it differently if they could go back in time.
  19. Remember when this site was really active and there was lots of feedback? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Anyway, this is a difficult tune to remix since it's literally the same guitar riff over and over. I would look at adding melody, solos and incorporating other sources into the remix. The first thing that immediately stood out to me is that the low-end is out of control. High-pass the extreme lows from the bass and the bass from the guitar if you haven't already. Also, maybe do a sweep with an EQ and see about cutting slightly from somewhere between 100 - 300hz in either the guitar or bass or both. The guitar itself could also use a bit more high end and maybe some cool filters or something to add to the industrial style. Also, which pickup are you using? Lastly, I don't really like the drums. If it were me, I would look into using breakbeat drum samples or something closer to a real drum kit because I think it would compliment the guitars better. Something along these lines: Anyway, good luck with the mix!
  20. I'm a lifelong fan of the franchise as well, but in all honesty, I'd rather Konami let the series die. I have absolutely no faith in them anymore - I think the series will live in on in games like Bloodstained. Just as Dark Souls has already inspired imitators. That being said, IF there was a new game, I'd want it to be an actual Symphony Of The Night sequel or even an HD remake with more balanced gameplay. In terms of a sequel, I think a game where you can play as both Alucard and Maria, maybe even swap between them in real time, with Order of Ecclesia style exploration would be amazing. There was definitely potential for the adventure to continue beyond Dracula's castle. As for a remake, I'd settle with it because even though it's possibly my all-time favourite game, the game was way too easy once you powered Alucard up. I know that part of the thrill was that opening sequence where you run through the castle halls and every enemy, no matter how big, you just cut them down in one swing but it's still too easy once you get your mojo back. Also, over the last 15 years I've played through that game more times than I can remember and it seems like every time I play I find some secret I didn't know existed. If they remade it, they could add even more stuff to find and explore.
  21. Is there anything about this game that doesn't make you rage?
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