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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Another suggestion: Don't EQ a kick for extra low-end weight. Just use a sample that has that weight already or layer it with another kick - it's probably just simpler that way.
  2. I am not American. $85 of your money is $107 of mine. Also, while Steam does have it on for 66.49 and 27 for the season pass, it does me no good since I don't have the graphics card for it. I'd be forced to get it on PS4, where it costs 79.99 for the basic game and about 30 for the season pass.
  3. With the season pass it would cost somewhere around $110.
  4. I don't have this game, I'll give it a go when it's not $80, but I started playing the original Demon's Souls. I thought I was a badass until I made it past the Phalanx boss. That's when the real game starts...
  5. Man, Brutal Legend is one of my all-time favorites I was just playing some KOTOR and then read the news. =( http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-04-25-lucasarts-audio-legend-jory-prum-dies-aged-just-41 It's just about a guarantee that the man provided killer audio for at least one game that you've played.
  6. In between the myriad of other music projects and remixes I've got going on, I keep putting out shorter tunes here and there. This one is inspired by my love of heist movies. So I took elements of those soundtracks and combined them with those acidic synths I love so much. Anyway, any feedback you have - fire away. I know the brass I have isn't exactly ideal for this style, but it's the best I could do with what I have.
  7. It's pretty much go big or go home at this point. I like "Thieves In The Temple", I think it's called though it doesn't seem to be one of his popular tunes.
  8. At the risk of this thread descending into madness, I tend to agree. Lots of people I know who are just "devastated" by his passing gave absolutely no indication ever of being a fan at all of his music and were born after the height of his popularity. I seriously wonder if a majority of these people even know the lyrics to any of his songs. It's like when Lemmy died. For me, yeah it sucked to see that an icon of music I grew up listening to pass away, but it's not like I knew him personally and I'll be the first to admit that it was mostly nostalgia and realization of the passage of time that fueled my sadness - as heartless as that may sound as text.
  9. Hooray for heroic sounding orchestral tunes! I'm pretty satisfied with the results, but I appreciate feedback as usual
  10. When I saw that you replied to this thread, I thought to myself "he's going to say, 'my body is ready'. You did not disappoint.
  11. Anyone else been playing the multiplayer beta this weekend? It looks like FPS games may be on the rebound between this and Overwatch. I'm loving the crap out of this beta. It's very oldschool as it is super fast paced, really over-the-top and really fun. I was just going to play for an hour last night, but it turned into three pretty quickly. The lack of respawn time is also awesome - the game throws you right back in the action as soon as you hit the button just moments after dying. There are also no BS RPG elements that games like Blacklight Retribution have, so the playing field is level save for player skill, of course. The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is that the winning team/player usually comes down to whoever had control of the demon the most. Good game, looking forward to full version, single player and more of that Mick Gordon soundtrack.
  12. Well you see, that's where you're wrong. They're not really charge based anymore either. Or at least, Chun Li isn't save for the fireball and SBK - never played Bison. Gone are the "up-kicks" charge move and so too is the button mashing for lightning kicks - now that's the shoto QCF
  13. Agree or disagree, but this is easily the most entertaining review I've seen for this game.
  14. Tried the platinum demo the other day. I really dig the combat so far. I find it way more fun, cinematic and fair rather than a "turn-based number simulator" as I recall Bleck describing RPG gameplay at one point. I just hope the full game doesn't have the "am I tripping on acid?" vibe to it.
  15. Well, in regards to the drums. I think you'll need some better samples. The snare might work, but the kick is practically non-existent. The drums also sound quite mechanical at the moment - like it's all the same velocity or close to it.
  16. I don't think games require being boring, tedious or just frustrating to do this though.
  17. That's pretty much where a game loses me these days - when it starts to feel like work rather than entertainment. Or when you have to find the ambition within you to force yourself to play it. Like, I was playing System Shock 2 recently and got about halfway through and I'm just so tired of Shodan's stupid "fetch or fix this for me" quests and I have no idea where to find the next thing I need and I just find myself saying "Do it yourself" and turning the game off.
  18. Is there an MMO that people don't say that about, though?
  19. Good to see someone else representing the metal pak for addictive drums 2! I'm also jealous of that strat and the accent. I think this sounds great as is, but why not double-track the rhythm guitars? Regardless - awesome playing!
  20. Feeling inspired by the new DOOM, I came up with this metal track with a cinematic edge yesterday. Let me know what you all think! Rock on...
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