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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. "It's like mini, digital apocalypse!" Sums up the incoming console generation perfectly. Doomsday cometh.....
  2. So a guy I went to highschool with plays in a folk metal band here in Alberta. He wrote a rather hilarious blog post about a recent tour with his band. http://scythiafolkmetal.com.hostbaby.com/blogs/bjs/ I won't give away the twist ending to this story. Please don't ban me or lock the thread before you read the short blog post...
  3. Yeah, the staccato kinda strings are mechanical, but perhaps too loud. They're rather distracting from the main melody, most noticeably around 1:10. I'd actually argue that the staccato is unnecessary at that part and in many other places in the track. Other than that, I agree with Timaeus about the synth leads. I would say their tone is not suitable for the overall vibe of the mix. They sound sorta like an old NES game rather than intense modern electronic music like the rest of the track. They sound kinda funny actually. I think with those fixed, this would be totally badass. Right now it's only 75% badass. Which is still a respectable percentage.
  4. I will only care about Nintendo if they bring back F Zero again and make it good.
  5. The reason that smartphone games are so successful has nothing to do with cellphones being multi-purpose devices. Smartphone games like Angry Birds are successful because they invaded an immensely popular "multi-purpose" device primarily used for only one thing: texting. So you can play an addicting video game in between texting whilst waiting for the bus.
  6. I have lost faith in video games.
  7. No chance in hell that I'd actually win such a competition but I'm going to try because I have nothing to lose (except the contest). Dignity went a long time ago.
  8. Oh yeah, I also regret owning this First Capcom fighter that made me want to burn the disc with a blowtorch and mail it to the developers.
  9. Yeah that was awesome. Everyone in theater was just like "Nooooo way". Honestly didn't see it coming.
  10. Saw it opening day and loved the hell out of it.
  11. Oh yeah, I also have Underworld. Weak movie, but two words made the movie totally worth it: Kate Beckinsale!! She may count as a "cougar" now, but if that's the case she could scratch me any day! RAWR
  12. Which makes me realize that we are all aging at an alarming rate of speed.
  13. Yeah see, everyone is always so shocked at that but no one can explain what supposedly makes the movie good.
  14. I'm no hipster, but I actually did hate the Dark Knight Rises once I got over its hype and realized that the plot was just stupid. Not only that, but Tom Hardy was god awful as Bane and the character of Catwoman was totally useless to the film's story for the most part. You could have took her right out of the story and it would have made no difference.
  15. I always find it weird how people will complain about the plot of X-2, but worship final fantasy games from the 1990s that actually had far more absurd plots. In a nutshell: VII: Some guy with long, silver hair plans to slam a space-rock into a magical planet so that he can intercept its healing energy so that he may resurrect a dead alien and become all powerful or something. VIII: A bunch of mercenary/highschool kids defend humanity from space witches from the future. Fast forward to X-2 and we have a story about 3 treasure hunting girls setting out to find the protagonist's lost love.
  16. Fight Club. That, along with the movie "Drive" is easily the worst movie I have seen in my entire life. I honestly just cannot see why all these people think it is so good.
  17. If you're a metal music fan, there is probably no way you haven't heard about this by now: http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00060175.html I honestly think this is gonna go down as the most "holy shit" moment in metal music since Dimebag Darrell. Sounds like the cops really have a strong case against him. Thoughts on this developing story?
  18. To further elaborate, here is my quick re-harmonization of it http://www.mediafire.com/?c9bp1ttrl8r5nv8 Here is a break down of the harmony: Dm7, then Dsus4, then Dsus2. After that, the piano plays that faster run of the ocarina melody, but harmonized in thirds. Then, it hits an A minor chord. A unison of a "C" note follows and then ends on a D minor chord. This is just one of literally limitless ways to harmonize it. Hopefully something I've said helps with the remix and harmonizing the melody.
  19. I liked Sweetbox's version of Real Emotion. That guitar solo was badass.
  20. Honestly, to me that melody just looks like D minor (aeolian). I think even just a straight up D minor chord should work. I'll check again and then edit this post.... EDIT: Yeah, the ocarina melody to me definitely is just regular ol' D minor. The chords that are beneath would appear to come from the Dorian mode. You could honestly harmonize this many different ways, just like any melody. Just look at the notes of melody and what chords from that scale would fit. For example, D, E and F work over a D minor triad. In this case you could say the the E note is a non-chord tone. A passing tone up to another chord tone. EDIT 2: In fact, the whole first three bars of the ocarina can be harmonized with a Dm7 chord.
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