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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Sounds like the rhythm guitar is dead-center and the piano and orchestral instruments sound rather fake. Could be the result of sequencing but also sample quality. The overall balance, both volume and frequency wise seems rather messy to me as well. Take all of this with a massive grain of salt because I'm shit at music production. Timaeus will probably show up in this thread soon enough and give you quality advice so just hang in there.
  2. Like I said, this is great! Never really liked the Dynasty Warriors games, but the music is usually good.
  3. Yoko Kanno's music is amazing and your covers are great!
  4. Yeah, the balance of the instruments is pretty wonky like Timaeus said. Also, around 1:52, that vibrato is bad. I'd re-record that for sure.
  5. Nothing too fancy. Just a short track that could be like, a trailer for something https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/prepare-for-battle A drawback to some of the samples I have is that some of them, specifically the staccato strings, don't have a ton of velocity layers, but meh...whatever. Still makes noise.
  6. I never understood animations about games. I guess Monster Rancher was cool but seriously Yu-Gi-Oh, about cards that come to life. There was even a manga/anime about the ancient Japanese board game "Go"...like, wtf? The show about spinning tops was cool though because they actually made the tops for realz. I had the white-tiger one and every kid at school that I challenged found themselves on the ass-end of an ass kickin' because the white-tiger was the shit. One time, this other kid's top exploded and the metal ring smoked him in the eye. That, was my greatest victory; it was brutal. You could also buy rings made of flint so they would spark. That game was epic. Whoa....sorry for that off-topic, nostalgic rant.
  7. My preferred method is to put a lit firecracker on the drum. That will make it "pop" for sure.
  8. Rally your Indonesian supporters and host a concert!
  9. Mine is inspired by Los Angeles. First thing I noticed in that place is that for the city of angels, there sure are a lot of outlaws. I hear that John Corabi also had a band called "The Angel City Outlaws" at one point. So that's cool.
  10. I'm looking at my soundcloud statistics and I am most popular in the Czech Republic! Where are you currently most popular and does it surprise you?
  11. You really should read the thread. Not only because it answers your question, but is a good read in general.
  12. Meh, the most I ever made with music (in total) was probably close to $2,000 which I'm truly amazed that I managed to pull off since I doubt that I was really worth it, but the clients insisted. When I was 18, I got to write some tunes for an Indie game: It died before it got half finished. I still got paid though. Then, two years ago, when I was 19, I got another indie gig that died just the same, but I still got paid. Also when I was 19, an industry pro actually gave me a shot at writing a few tracks for his own Iphone game (featuring one of my favorite voice actors!) which I think is at long last complete after these past few years and being submitted to the Apple store this month or something. It looks pretty sweet, so I hope it does well. So outta 3 indie projects, 1 actually might see the light of day. I used the money to buy new music software and pay to get into college.
  13. The moral of the story is that if you want to hang out with bikini models and make snowmen made of cocaine, don't be a musician/artist or anything else that's fun.
  14. Aren't most composers that are consistently doing AAA film and games usually represented by agencies? That's what Mikko Tarmia told me once when I wrote to him a couple years back anyway. Isn't it kind of like an actor? If they said, "Hey, we're auditioning for a new Batman movie and we need someone to play Batman!" they would have every wannabe in Hollywood out there auditioning and the process would be impossible. So instead, they go to a place that represents the talent they're looking for instead of trying to find it directly? I'm certain it would be the same with composers.
  15. I agree with you for the most part. Also, my main problem with doing indie stuff is really not money. It's the whole: Give person you want to compose music a description of what you think you want and then after musician spends hours and hours working on it, give some vague ass description of what you really want and expect them to revise it. It's like for christ sake, I can't dive into your head and figure out what you're hearing; give me a chance to have my own style at least 10% of the time. /rant
  16. Doing music for indie titles tends to be a shitty paying job!? No. Way. Take it or leave it. Low paying indie titles are to composers what low paying Theatre gigs are to actors. If makin' money is what you want to do, I suggest doing something other than entertainment.
  17. I just watched Howl's Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke. Loved both of 'em, even though Howl's Moving Castle has a fairly shit plot. Also, I lol'd at how Christian Bale did the gruff Batman voice in this movie too. Princess Mononoke was epic, even though the violence was a little absurd and hearing the voice of Spawn coming from the leader of the Boars was fucking hilarious/awesome. It's like if Pumbaa had Spawn's voice.
  18. Unless my headphones deceive me, it sounds like thy rhythm guitar is in the center? If so, double-track that thing! The arrangement is kinda all over the place as well. It doesn't feel like the piece has a real structure.
  19. Christ, you could jump a tiger through Anita's earrings. Instead of these videos, I really think people should crowd-fund a video game and Anita gets to write its story. I know I would pitch in to that kick-starter.
  20. True, but it's more to do with my drive to write music dying.
  21. Perhaps this tune from Fatal Fury: Mark of The Wolves? or this? I don't know, that's the closest VGM to swing that I even know of. However, for a VGM dance party, nothing beats 90s/early 00s fighting game soundtracks. Most of it was funky porno music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2QHpL-LphM EDIT: Oh shit, you want remixes...
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