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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Can't believe I have not seen a thread for this masterpiece. I was reading in the paper (yeah, papers still exist) that the game sold 1 million copies in less than 48 hours! What did you all think of Lara Croft's latest adventure!? I have to say, Lara has always been one of my favorite game characters, but I definitely like the new Lara 100x more than the old one. What would you like to see in the sequel? Face it, we all know there will be one.
  2. Can't comment on production really, since I don't know much of anything when it comes to mixing and all that. However, there are some issues composition wise. You have this nice, fairly soft orchestral stuff going up until 2:24. That part sounds out of key to me. It could work, but you need to make the transition into and out of it much smoother. As a whole, the piece feels very empty. Try adding more counter melody and more instruments contributing to the implied harmony in the more "epic" sections toward the end. Just don't add too much, you want to make sure every instrument serves a purpose. Definitely look at adding some more, powerful percussion too.
  3. What you're suggesting wouldn't warrant a separate site at all. Also, define "movie score". While it's true that film often overuses the standard orchestra with some synths mixed in (looking at you Hans Zimmer and J.N. Howard) movies do have all kinds of music just like video games. Check out Devastus, Archangel etc. on OCR. They have some badass film score style music. Which reminds me, this new VGM arrangment I'm working on is going to need someone who knows what their doing when it comes to film soundtrack style orchestral....
  4. Don't recall if it's been said, but is "X-Men Vs Street Fighter" acceptable? It was from the arcade, but ported to Saturn first. It was later ported to playstation, but the playstation version sucked. If it's acceptable, I'd love to collab with someone. I've long had this plan of merging Gambit's theme with Rogue's into an epic 80s style love song/rock Ballad.
  5. Lightning in FF XIII? New Lara Croft? Shion in Xenosaga maybe? Again, it just comes back to what is "positive" exactly.
  6. Yeah, that's sorta the whole damn problem. Everyone can point fingers, but no one can seem to come up with an actual solution.
  7. Your prayers have been answered. We're gonna submit it soon https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/aco-timaeus-tenchu-street
  8. It's a damn great game. I'm sure people are going to attack the scene where Roth gives Lara CPR though. Can't wait for that one.
  9. Really, the lesson here that I keep forgetting until topics like this re-surface is to remember that you are always wrong and therefore arguing is pointless. It's best to fall into the muted group. The group that feels they're dominant never shut the hell up and don't stop bombarding people with their opinions on the matter at hand. Opinions which they have convinced themselves are objective truths. Since you'll never convince them of the contrary anyway, it's best to just sit back and watch them fight among themselves. It's fun.
  10. The thread will keep going and going and going and then it will it die. Then, it shall return again a later date for the rest of human history because people will never be satisfied with the portrayal of their gender, race, sexual orientation or whatever category they can squeeze themselves into. They will also believe that their personal interests are the same as the larger group, even though there is no way to prove what the entire group actually believes due to cultural differences and a countless number of other variables. So yeah, this whole argument is perpetual.
  11. What I do, is just import the video, select a tempo and put markers on the all the beats where I want some sort of musical change or whatever to occur. Then, I change the time signature of the measure before the measure with the marker so that the marker will land on the first beat of the new bar as close as possible. Thus, the music should sync up with video. You don't always have to mess with a time signature though. Oh by the way, if at all possible, try to do something other than the epic orchestral tracks. It's like most film scores are unaware of other genres.
  12. Don't forget the part where the father's son cuts off his dad's junk, whips it over his shoulder where it lands in the sea and foams. From that, the goddess of beauty and love is born. Seriously.
  13. God Of War is an insult to Greek mythology. and Greek mythology is pretty twisted to begin with.
  14. Definitely has a power metalish vibe to it. The only thing I can think of at the moment is that the leads don't "pop" out at me like they feel they should. A more aggressive tone may do the trick. Also, to support the speed metal vibe, perhaps some more lead guitar or just melodies harmonized in 3rds in general?
  15. Oh. Well, I still wanna know about the whole Lara saving Sam and whether or not that's sexist.
  16. Is that English or the periodic table of elements or something similar?
  17. I do agree. Also, I don't know if this has been brought up, can't remember... But in the new Tomb Raider game, Lara sets out to save "Sam" the damsel in distress held hostage by the bad guys. Is it sexist because there is a damsel in distress, or does it balance out since she is to be saved by another woman?
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