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Everything posted by imazi643

  1. Though I don't care much for dubstep, loved the synth runs throughout. Wonderful job! Keep up the good work!
  2. Okay...so I won't be changing the harp sample until I am done with the arranging...so that's that. I also started a bit on the bird samples, for like the first three seconds you can hear what I've done so far. I changed some stuff, such as length and earlier instrumentation. Also I took out the part with the wolf and thunder. I added more melody. The point where I stopped is not the end...for anyone who thinks it is. So...yeah. Please take a listen and be sure to critique it. http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/whoa-did-you-see-that-3rd
  3. Will I have to have a draft by this deadline?
  4. Can you use custom avatars on OCR? I couldn't find it on the edit avatar page.
  5. The themes on the guitar were pretty brilliant, along with the background synths. As the writeup above states, the samples aren't the main point. It sounds brilliant without the best samples regardless.
  6. Just wanted to say, love your ReMix "Shades of Red."

  7. I would like to claim Mushroom Gorge, please. EDIT: And Maple Treeway, too.
  8. Yeah, idk what I was thinking either. That will probably be fixed in the next draft I will post.
  9. Thanks! I hope you enjoy the final product. I'm currently working on this, and I agree with your standpoint. Hmm...I will work on this. But for now, I'm just working on notation and overall development of the arrangement, so this is on my low priority,
  10. Hello OCReMix! My name is Andrew. I like music. I like video games. Huzzah!
  11. I did a bit of changing, and shortened the intro a bit, and changed the harp. http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/whoa-did-you-see-that-2nd
  12. This is an arrangement I'm currently working on for Pokemon Snap's opening theme (A Mysterious Sighting). You can find the original song here: I am working on a sort of story based thing where some voices of the main character will be added on as he tries to take a picture of Mew (those who've played this game, kudos if you know what I'm talking about ). Anyhow, looking for any tips/criticism/praises, just tell me what you think so far about this draft. Here's the link: http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/whoa-did-you-see-that-1st
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