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Everything posted by imazi643

  1. Nice! Like what you're doing. I think a solo would be a good idea. You could also put a sax solo there...think it would fit nicely. The synth itself is better, but at the beginning of the attack when the synth notes come in, there is an annoying sound, slightly panned to the left (right of the synth itself). Kind of like a grinding. Try to fix that. For sure. I love listening, and I'm sure you love comments.
  2. Wow. Threw me off, then...wow. This is obviously a great track. So, I think you should add a bit more source. Not a whole lot, 'cause the chord structure is there. So, at some points when you're not 2:48'ing (which I LOVE), you should add bits of the melody. LOVE IT. I await more.
  3. Um...wow. I don't know if you saw...but SkyRiderX did post his in the workshop thread... http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=859221 Myself, I was confused whether you meant to PM it to you, do what SkyRiderX did, but I said "Oh, what the hell, post it here so everyone can see it." Did anyone PM you anything...cause if not...that's just me and SkyRiderX.
  4. Ah....nostalgia! Ok...so, the strings at 0:14 seem to be swelling...my guess is you put a slow strings patch on instead of a strings patch...so somehow, you should reduce the swelling on them, especially in the higher register. It gets on my nerves pretty fast. I CAN'T HAVE THIS HAPPEN TO ME IN NOSTALGIA MODE Also, that strange synth that seems to have the melody which is panned left...could you change that synth? Something about sounds to compressed...sort of like a rock organ sound recorded from back in the day. This might just be me...but I really don't like the sound of that. Otherwise, I like the style you picked up here, a nice little elevator music thing, Sunday drive, I like it. The nice Rhodes piano about where you left off in the background made me happy to see what comes next. Looking forward to it!
  5. So, since I had a project to do since I signed up, and I was late to sign up anyway , AND I had to split my time into two pieces, I'm probably farther behind than the rest of you guys. Regardless, I'll give you my drafts. I did a (what I hope to be) synthpop-genre version of Maple Treeway (named Synthpop Tree Chop) and a slower, orchestral version of Mushroom Gorge (currently untitled; if you're awesome you can suggest a title). Obviously I need to develop further and vary melodies, harmonies, and such as I go on. So, my priority is comments on what I have so far. I'm welcome to any comments, though (such as if you want to comment on how I should progress the piece...etc.)! Looking forward to hear what you think! Synthpop Tree Chop (Maple Treeway ReMix): http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/synthpop-tree-chop-maple Untitled Mushroom Gorge ReMix: http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/mushroom-gorge-remix
  6. Um...I tried to access it, but it seems I don't have the permissions to do so? Did you make it available to the public?
  7. The melody line seems to be swelling when it first comes in...that's just probably the samples. If you can, fix it. I just want to note it also seems pretty repetitive. Love your percussion, string, and brass samples though. May I ask where you got them?
  8. What sample are you using for the harp?
  9. Most agreed. Please develop this...I WANT MORE!
  10. So, where did you get those amazing orchestral samples? I would absolutely love to use those in my projects. Are they something native to FL Studio, or were they soundfonts, or what? (Even if they're native to FLS, I'd still like to hear what they are). That sound...is just the style I'm looking for in some of my projects.
  11. From 0:53 - 1:18, it seems a bit repetitive. I suggest you add some sort of variation (countermelody or harmony), and change it as it continues on.
  12. I second this. This is truly a beautiful piece, and you've made it even better. I can almost imagine laying in bed listening to this as I drift off... I definitely would love to hear what more you have to offer. Keep the mixes coming!!
  13. I must say, I love the samples you have. Big fan of the original theme, big fan of orchestral arrangements, big fan of this style, and big fan of what's to come.
  14. Indeed there are.

  15. I would love to comment on this, but I believe all your soundcloud links are down.
  16. Yeah, I know you've heard this...it definitely needs more source. Yeah...I was wondering how you decreased the length of the track...
  17. Did you change the bass? Love it! Sounds pretty good...obviously you're still working on it. Keep the updates coming! Wait...what happened to the rest of the song...your last mix was a lot longer...
  18. Agreed. I also really despised how it really relied on teamwork as well. Also, QWOP, anyone?
  19. I am currently working on the progression of this piece. (Update)
  20. Love where you're taking this! Hope to see more.
  21. Love the chiptune sound you bring in. I do think that this needs a more varied bass line instead of doubling the low synth lead. When you repeat the theme at around 1:36, you should either add more instruments, or maybe add some sort of variation. I also LOVE the "stuttering" chiptune effect you put in (ex. at 1:47)! I do think that perhaps leading into the second go-around at 1:36, you should also add some sort of string bed as a soundscape. I love how you brought back that theme at 2:42 with the eighth notes. Definitely keep that. Generally, I think the repetitive nature of this piece needs more instruments and variation as it progresses. I will be looking forward to this!
  22. Just saw your Stickerbrush Symphony mix...really great!

    I recently made my first post here too...check it out if you'd like. (You can see it in my profile; find all threads by imazi643, i believe it's called)

    I look forward to hearing new mixes from you!

  23. This is a really great arrangement of Rainbow Road. Love the nostalgic tempo and key changes you've made. I agree that the snare needs a bit more presence. I'm a bit of a pushover when it comes to orchestral arrangements, however. ;D Agreeing with Skrypnyk here, after the timpani comes in, your melody needs more dominance instead of the countermelodies. By the way, your orchestral arranging (esp. with the french horns) seems great. No need to worry. Great job! Looking forward to a wonderful arrangement of one of my favorite soundtracks! Have you checked out the work-in-progress Mario Kart album? I know Metal Man claimed Rainbow Road N64/GCN...but perhaps pokemoneinstein will allow you to propose a soley N64 rainbow road? I think it would fit in nicely. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37982&page=10
  24. What an energetic track! Great stuff. Looking forward to more.
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