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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. Good job on this one. So many good tunes from Street Fighter 2 and glad to hear Fei Long getting some love The mix is nicely balanced. I like the opening cymbal and love the bass drum hits. The drums are well sequenced! My only comment would be on your structure. You've done some really cool original writing and when it starts, we hear the theme we all know and love, but how about playing with the structure a little more? Use some of your original writing first (I say that because I like what you've done with the material). I enjoyed it and please do more!
  2. Hey Rick, Thanks for the comments and glad you like it I'll definitely have to work on the whole guitar thing. It is a real guitar, I'm just not that proficient . I played the solo in via a direct input and then used a plug-in for distortion. I was lazy though, and pitch shifted the octave harmonies instead of playing them, so that might be what makes it sound fake? I'll be using electric guitar in future remixes, so your comments are valuble! Next time, I'll work on the musicality and getting the distortion to mix with the synths better.
  3. Well, hello OCR (this is my second post, the first being in the newbie thread ) So, ReMixing is fairly new to me. I started about 2 months ago and have fallen in-love with it. I've been wanting to share some of my attempts to hear people's opinions and advice, but also listen to other people's ReMixes. Hopefully people haven't had enough of Street Fighter remixes Here it is: http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/street-fighter-2-ryus-stage I'm not sure if there is enough originality in terms of the arrangement, but hey, let me know what you think!
  4. Hi OCR, I'm currently studying for my masters in Audio Engineering. I've played music my whole life but only in the last couple of months, have I ventured into remixing. Since my recent stumbling into ReMix I've found something I love doing as a hobby. I came to OCR to find people with the same love of Video games and their music. I will definitely be frequenting the workshop forums, so speak soon
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