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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. I think the direction in which you are taking this is correct/appropriate. If you can implement the melodies together and have them working alongside each other then it'll be fantastic. Its difficult to suggest a direction as only you can really work that out, but what I will say is that I think with the vocals in there, it will take on its own direction to a certain extent. It'll be a nice chilled out song. It might be important that the accompaniment keeps as chilled all the way through. An instrumental bridge might be nice but I don't know if there is anything more that can be suggested. You're on the right lines considering the sources and once you have a draft structure yourself, it might be easier to see yourself or suggest as to whether it'll work (though I really think it will regardless)
  2. Its sounding much better already with less reverb. You are definitely on the right heading in the right direction. I like the breakdown, but all I'd say (this is just opinion) but with the break it would have more impact if there wasn't a transition to it. The more climatic the preceeding section the more impact it has. An example would be to have the sweep down, that is before the breakdown, directly after the lead finishes at around 1:48. I'm no way saying this is what you should do but just a suggestion. Don't be afraid to add some more parts to fill some of the space and build the texture more. You've got a good style going and some really nice fat synth sounds
  3. Really good ideas in this. Its got a really different feel to the original but works well. I know you've said the structure isn't final, but it is definitely what needs the most attention. I think you could use less reverb on your drums and a little less reverb/delay on the lead. Just by working more on the arrangement/structure you'll get a lot out of this track. Just as an idea, the end part could be worked into a nice breakdown to lead back to the main part. Take out the bass for a few bars, then perhaps bring in each of the drums over a few bars. Go go go and work some more on it
  4. I really really like this (only listened to the vocal version so far). I'm glad that you shared it. Its a shame that it won't be posted but at the same time, what matters is that you're happy with it and its as you want it. Put it up on youtube, share it on your own channels =) Oh and I thought I would mention, I played Killer Instinct when I was younger but don't remember any of the music. This track stands on its own two feet!
  5. Aw man, this is sweet. It makes me miss playing my trombone even more *sniff* Loving it
  6. I loves it and yeah, does work very well with those synths and such
  7. Its really nice. You got a fantastic atmosphere going. I felt a little bit cheated though as I was expecting a more of a build and a climax, but thats just a personal preference. At 2.03 it starts feeling like something big is gonna happen, but it then fades and returns to the same as the start with a few extra sprinkles. Regardless though of what I've put above, I would say that there needs to be more motion, or a better way of putting it - texture, especially at the beginning. The same pad is used at the same octaves and harmonies all the way through. Try introducing something to fill out the mid and lower octaves, even over the first two minutes. With the backing being in that high range throughout, the mix never feels grounded or settled. Its a fantastic vibe for an introduction. I can really see what you're trying to do but even with creating atmosphere and massive space, doesnt mean there can't be variation and a few more parts dispersed throughout the mix. One thing that would work well, is instead of having the full melody at 0.36 played. Just start with the first bar, leave it a bit, then continue the phrase etc. Play with the space you have, you can make it feel larger with a little creative panning. Try some automation with putting the odd broken phrase appearing to left, then answering on the right. The lead in the first two minutes could be echo'd with another synth. Try adding stuff and taking away. I defintiely feel like you need to add some kind of variation to the pad, or more specifically the "aaahs" as it gets a little incessant. A lot here I know, but its really captured my imagination and you have a foundation for a really epic and chilled ReMix. Just keep going, even if you feel like at times
  8. Okay, so this is it. This is the version that will be going to the judges.....I'm not expecting anything but if honest I'll be happy to receive their feedback on it. In honesty, I only really changed what was suggested. To make it easier, here are the changes: Pad added to introduction filtering automation added to bdrum at 00:16 piano panning altered at 1:25 piano-synth tones added at 1:50 to fill space filtered arp motif from beginning added at 2:20 until 3:29 Brass timing tightened along with increase in dynamic at 2:34 Bdrum/snare fill added at 2:53 Bass brought up at 2:55 as it was getting lost before Strings added at 3:29 Enjoy: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37821115/The%20Dreamer%20Departs.mp3 I've encoded it at 192kbps, so it corresponds with the submission guidelines.
  9. Maybe I was kidding...........
  10. This made me giggle. I'm not a posted remixer but damn, if I do get posted, I want my first to be the Remix of that rant..... Challenege Accpeted!!!!!!!!
  11. Indeed you are correct mystix. I'm just being very cautious haha And yeah, Guifrog, I did think about sidechaining......I have some bad news though Guifrog. Whilst I was waiting for a reply there were some things that were bugging me........so there are other changes too....sorry They are only very very minor though, just balancing blah blah I should really be getting to bed, but I'm in the zone........but I'll post an update probably tomorrow morning....or later this morning as its 1am here haha As you can tell I've spent so much time on this I just want to get it done, but I want to do it justice.
  12. Cheers so much for the feedback dude, I appreciate it so so much! Yeah, I have to agree about the bass......there are a few things I loved from the previous version. Theres no reverb on the bass, but I've got two sort of bouncing off each other. One on-beat, the other off which is creating that sorta sound. Yeah, 1:46 is my own writing and I would love it if you did use it I like what you've said about filling out the background, but its just my last WIP was heavily critisized (and rightly) for being muddy. Perhaps I need to work on my mixing, but I often found that by removing some of the pads it cleaned things up a bit as there was just too much. I'll give all you suggested a go and see what happens
  13. So after a complete overhaul, I present a new (and improved version) of this remix. The instrumentation has changed. Some parts have been cut from the arrangement and the biggest thing is the percussion. I spent a long time agonizing how to improve the percussion as it was the biggest weakness of the remix. It was key in taking it to the next level. I think there may be some tweaking still to be done, but thats why I'm posting it here. The production has been a key focus with this version. I've tried to keep things as clean and clear as possible. I think I have sacrificed a little bit on the feeling/atmosphere for it but hey....enough of my babbling. The Dreamer Departs, version 2: removed link
  14. In my opinion, no. You would be better off spending the money for an amp, on good (or new) active monitors or a good audio interface. That is the short answer hehe. If you are interested in reading up about amps, passive/active monitors, I think Zircon has a sticky thread somewhere
  15. Dude , I love it. Really good call on the pipe-like synth, the harmony of 3rds are a cherry on top. The strings really add to it. You've managed to improve that ending section and it didn't even need it. Its more emotive than the piano version I think!
  16. I'm not sure how far they should be kept away from other stuff but they should be nicely spaced. The monitors (from my brief research) seem to be passive so will require an amp before the signal be fed to an audio interface. You basically got the signal chain in a nut-shell though. It'd be Speakers > Amp > Interface to Usb. How u want to connect the amp to the interface depends on the amps outputs. Hope that helps a bit! Edit: Just for a bit of extra info, whether you get passive or active monitors is opinion, but if you do get passive monitors, the amp is an extra culprit for the altering/colouring of the sound you hear.
  17. I prefer the piano ending too, but the synth one does sound less mechanical. I notice that you left out the octave harmony on the lead with synth version (for obvious reasons) Have you tried the ending using the harmonisation only on some of the phrases with the piano? Thats often easier to humanise and more accurate as a piano piece melody won't just stick to bare octave harmonies (generally). I realise that you use the octave harmony to give the piano some more cut through the mix. I don't think its particularly your sequencing that makes it sound mechanical, more the samples and how the melody is played. Perhaps try have the harmies altering slightly in rhythm, I only had 5 mins to get this together, but i think it gets my point across http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1335 Another thing would be to try the synth with piano harmonies (though I just notcied Akumajo said this ). If you mix them together you can get the percussiveness of the piano (which is where i think the emotion comes from). The synthesizer can just take away from the mechanical feel. Just thought I'd add that if you still fancied preserving the piano ending Edit: I'd like to second what Akumajo just said, if you prefer the piano, go with it!
  18. I've been waiting for you to update this and it was defnitely worth the wait. I don't know how you get the production so warm and fat but it just adds to the musical arrangement so much. I think I'll download the mp3 once I've abused the youtube play button a bit more as I loves it I does =)
  19. I'm not familiar with the original and indeed it is pretty but there needs to be more variation. The dynamics are static. Its loud and then just a bit louder. The introduction could either be shortened or given some variation. The panning along with dynamics is very static. Everything is pretty much panned around the centre. Perhaps try some automated panning or moving of the lead motif between different instruments, it could add some more interest. The main lead bell/marimba is very pretty but does lose its impact as it continues and the same goes for the piano towards the latter half. The first minute or two is given some flow and movement with the pads, but I feel like it could flow better. Good job, but I think you could have something really good with some refinement and a bit more arrangement. With trying to really nail the ambient feel, the dynamics need to be more sublte and contrasting. Longer crescendos etc. could really enhance this.
  20. Lately I've been busy with work and what not, but if honest, its been driving me insane. To divert my mind and try to relax I decided to revisit this remix. After much frustration with the percussion and previous version of the mix I decided to have a go at re-working the instrumentation to add some freshness and clear up the soundscape. As can be heard, I haven't converted the entire Remix yet, but I was hoping to get some feedback to see if anyone agreed on it going down a better road than before. V2: *Link removed Edit: Forgot to mention that this also is in the original version's key Edit 2: Updated Wip
  21. Cheers guys. Really appreciate the feedback. I know that my percussion is terrible, a big weakness for me. I think it'll be a while before I post an update as I'm learning and working on improving my drum writing, especially the sequencing. Until I get the beat sorted, I'll never be able to realise this mixes full potential. Thanks for spending the time to listen. I agree with all you say. I listen to OC remixes and I can really hear how this falls short. I just need to work on how to remedy that. I'll make sure the next update of it blows your socks off
  22. I love it! Its beautiful. The variations on the melody and counter melodies are fantastic. I like the soundscape you have, it really compliments the lead lines. In terms of pads, I reckon at about 3:00 it would be nice to introduce some high-pitched/frequency pads. It feels like theres a big space in the high frequencies that wants to be filled! Perhaps use something with a string/glass-like character. It would just add a bit more spice to the melody on its return and give the piece some finality. Good job
  23. You've got some good ideas. I don't have much time to comment, but the first thing that jumps out at me are your transitions. They're almost there but as they stand they're a little too jarring. The other thing is your beat. Its good, but needs a lot more variation. Its too static You have a really good foundation for a good remix. Keep refining it a bit more
  24. Thanks for all the feedback. Its been really fantastic. I've done my best to address the points made in Monobrow's post. If production-wise its still sounding muddy or abnormal I will completely re-do the mix from scratch as I'm at a bit of a loss. As far as the drums go, I have improved them but I'm still not happy with them, the hi-hat being the main culprit for me. Suggestions are very welcome. Anywho, here is another attempt. I've done as best I can to create more space and clarity. Link: removed
  25. I'm liking this. Looking forward to seeing where it goes Defintely feeling the infected mushroom vibe here!
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