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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. Many thanks for the feedback Monobrow. The criticisms are really appreciated as I have been struggling to mix this one successfully. I've done several mixes and failed to keep clarity. The bass drum clicks I annoyingly noticed after I flagged this as mod-review. But yeah, fantastic! Plenty of direction for me when I revisit I'll attempt to modify the mix that is uploaded with your advice, but I may very well start the mix again from scratch. I'll experiment with the drums. I'm pretty bad when it comes to drum beats, so spending more time on them is no bad advice for me. I'm going to use different samples when I mix it again Certainly plenty for me to correct The lead at 1:40 is a Chinese Guzheng Can't believe I totally missed the clipping at the end on the piano by the way:tomatoface:, but again, really appreciative of the comments. They're very helpful!
  2. Cheers WillRock. That's fantastic. I'll wait then for Emunator before I go back and polish things up. Production is definitely my weak point but I'm trying to improve there, I'll just make sure to spend more time on it
  3. The only way so far, the only way that I've managed to get side-chaining to work in Cubase is to use the Cubase Compressor. I'm feeling lazy, but this guide shows exactly how its done: http://audio.tutsplus.com/tutorials/mixing-mastering/how-to-set-up-side-chain-compression-in-cubase-4/ It says, its for version 4, but its exactly the same in version 5 and I'm sure the same in version 6 (not used 6 yet). I don't know how to do it using other plugins.....I think that's something I'll research tomorrow
  4. This is a final version of the remix. I don't know if this would be considered by the mods as a vaild candidate to be judged by the panel, so I'm hoping you can shed some light Source: Finished Remix: *Link Removed*
  5. In reply to Guifrog: I'm pretty sure that it was a mixing problem but I did remove some parts as they were unncessary and cluttering the mix. When I had finished the previous mix that I posted, I had been working on various audio stuff all day so my ears were tired to say the least. In reply to DjMytix: When I mastered this before I was using the L1 limiter and api- 2500 compressor. It was far too messy before. I don't think it was so much the compression that was the problem, more that the input to the compressor was peaking which was where the distortion was coming from. I wasn't exactly sure by what kind of arpgegiation you meant, and I couldn't find another type that really fit. I did, however, use a fair amount of panning automation on the arpegiators used and brought them up a bit in the mix. I also tried some reverb. I applied fairly heavy reverb to the pipe-like lead but panned the reverb to the opposite side of the mix to give a bit more presence. Thank you again for the feedback and encouragement, much love goes to you both <3. It has been a big help, but I think I'm at my limit with this mix. I think this might be the best I can do with this remix, but again, I would love feedback. Good or bad EQ, light compression and finally some limiting used on this version. New Link: *Link removed* Edit: Just listening to the soundcloud link, there seem to be some light occasional pops. These aren't on the mp3/wav files I have
  6. Here is the link to my completed mix: Link Removed Feedback ,again, very welcome
  7. So having taken on board feedback and tweaking the arrangement, I've gotten to the stage where its very nearly finished. The mix is essentially done (the delight of mixing on speakers you're used to ). The last thing which I need to do is just apply some EQ and extra production sparkles, saying that, I am considering adding in a bit of filtering on bits. Before I go beyond this point I was just hoping for a bit more feedback. One thing that sticks out to me which I'm wanting to ask is whether the reverse cymbals and crashes work at 3:27. Of course, feel free to give me thoughts on anything else <3 *Link Removed*
  8. Perhaps have a play around with your synth parts. Have a bit of a call and response between the backing synth-lines and guitar. I'm sorry I can't use timings but perhaps write a riff that responds to the brass-like synth towards the start. You could (maybe) have the same kind of opening guitar "wah" notes as a backing, coz they are pretty damn funkeh!!! Drop some of the backing synths for a few bars and bring them back in. I dunno, I'm just brainstorming
  9. Many thanks Rozovian. Its really encouraging. The comments have been really, very helpful! I'll be back home tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to having a good listen with some speakers as to what's going on. I will no doubt tweak some bits of the arrangement as well as mix it. I'll post an update tomorrow. My only question is, do you think that I should perhaps reduce the number of timbres? I am aiming for an orchestral-like effect with synthesizers, hence the variety of sounds. Thanks again for the kind words
  10. OMG, please continue! This sounds amazing and its only a concept Its so warm and cuddly I want to fall asleep in its arms!!!!!
  11. Its off to a pretty good start. Nice choices on the synth sounds. Keeps in with the original, like an updated version. All I'd say is perhaps mix things up a little bit. You got an excellent foundation for a ReMix that can grow from very small to a really epic, dark climax. Listening to it, at one point I thought it was going to break into a Drum and Bass remix. I'd say, just add some variation to the arrangement and perhaps layer up your sounds over the course of the remix. Perhaps have everything in at the start, then cut to one synth/instrument and build up your texture. Sounds like there is some interesting stuff going on, but can't quite hear it all. Anywho, I dunno if that is of help, but I hope so. Feelin rather tired, so hopefully that is constructive and understandable Keep going with it p.s: perhaps add in a slow counter-melody to the flutey-bit in the original.
  12. Aw Guifrog, you brought a massive grin to my face with your poetic description. Thank you Thanks for the input and I'll have a mess around with the TCHAN, TCHON, TCHUN haha. Love it!
  13. Many thanks for the feedback Mystix It is a big help. I'll try out some more improvisations and mess around with some arpeggios. I did wonder if I needed to add more variation / improvisation so cheers
  14. So, basically, I've been putting together a remix of this lovely piano piece from Final Fantasy X. I've been aiming for a laid back dancey-type of ReMix. Its very different from stuff I've done before, so theres quite a bit of experimentation. I've just finished (I think) the musical arrangement and was hoping for some feedback on what's good, bad or if you like it. In regard to production, that hasn't been touched. I've spent about 10mins fiddling here and there but thats as far is it goes, this is un-mixed and unbalanced. I can't do any proper mixing until I'm back home (currently visiting parents and only able to use some cheap, crappy headphones) Enjoy (Hopefully ) Edit: Link to completed remix and source in latest reply
  15. Complaint (jokes, obviously not a complaint) : Its too cool, happy and amazing. I never even heard the source before tonight. I love the percussion and that flute is so cool!
  16. Nice and chilled, I can definitely see the fusion of the source and inspiration. The only thing I'd say is I wanted more variation on the return of the opening theme after the Sax solo. You also have a lil' bit of clipping at that point so perhaps just watch your levels a bit. Good job though
  17. Not being familar with the source its difficult giving critique, but I checked it out on youtube. I like your ideas and how you've gone about it. Your style is not music I'm very familiar with but the lead lines could fit better with the backing and beat. I mean, that beat and accompaniment is pure filth (in a good way), the lead is almost too nice compared. I can hear what you're doing and I think you're on the right lines.
  18. I don't know how the piano sounds now that you've brought it down, but perhaps a little less reverb/delay would help it fit better. The kick is spot on imo. Tis' good stuff! Nice grooove On the piano part, I dunno if you want to have a play around, but with the opening 16th notes on the riff (or whatever length they be ) why don't you try having alternating 5ths, 3rds, octaves or alternatin between all three? just an idea, might sound rubbish but then might be quite a cool effect. Don't know what key you're in but like : C - E -C- G- C- C( +1oct) Lookin' forward to hearing more! I'm likin' it
  19. My jaw-dropped upon hearing this! I havn't heard the original music in ages but this brought back those fond memories of bashing that B-button. So many great synth lines, Ear-candy at its finest! Absolutely lovin' it!
  20. Hey, I loved that. Was really well done. I'm not familiar with the original, but I had a listen to the source link and think you did a really good job! I don't feel like there is anything else to add as I agree with trinity
  21. hey Ravendew, I'm an OCR newb but I can definitely offer you tips for starting out as I've been playing and writing music most of my life and am currently studying for my masters in production and music engineering. I would say that the best place to start would be to try and cover a song you like using reason/the software you have. Once you feel comfortable with your software etc. you can be more creative and adventurous. Its always good to program your own sounds, but by no means a necessity. If you don't have a basis in programming your own sounds it can be a fruitless endeavour unless you have a reference point. Have a look at some online guides but use the presets for the time being. Find the sounds/timbres you like and see how they are made in your virtual synthesizer. Try and recreate a sound you like. As far as workflow goes, thats down to the invidual. I like to work around a chord progression myself or bassline. I write/produce stuff by refinement. I steadily write the musical arrangement then edit change synth sounds and motifs. When it comes to Remixing, I transcribe the music in its original state and cut little bits here and there to make something new. Depending on style, the musical strcuture will vary (as I'm sure you're aware). Listen to a song you like and try and break down the sections, even if its as simple as: Intro - section A - section B - Breadown etc. I'm just throwing suggestions but try writing sections in multiples of 8. Write a 16 bar intro followed by a 8 bar verse. In honesty though, start off doing a cover but adding a section with a solo or variation you've written yourself. I hope that is a little bit useful to you Apologies if anything is unclear, I really need to get some lunch!!!!
  22. I just love his music. His work has been such a massive inspiration to me.
  23. Hey Lord Gavin, Being (very) new here I'm still finding my way but another good way of improving is listening to a LOT of music from the genre in which you want to create music. There is no fast-tracking (which sucks haha). I'm not partcularly familiar with electronic/techno music myself but in recent months I've been trying to grasp ReMixing music in Dance/trance styles. Find a song that you really like in that style and break down its musical components and see how the harmonies, structure, melody etc. are written. Then just test it out with your own stuff, even if it is only one of those components that you experiment with. You'll most likely see me around the Workshop forum a lot as having your work critiqued by others but also critiquing others work will really speed things along. Sorry I can't suggest an online resource for you and please ignore my post if it is entirely useless to you
  24. Thanks for the comments Angel. I'll see if I get anymore feedback before altering stuff, but I'll try and use some proper harmonies. I did do a version with hamonies, but I was having difficulty getting some of them correct. I definitey agree with you about using a pedal for distortion. Ideally I would love to mic. up an amp and record it from there, but I'm just unable to do that at the moment so I'm having to settle with GTR (a really cool virtual amp plug-in). I'll have a twiddle with the settings As for the ending , I'm inclinded to agree. It is a bit wimpy. I just wasn't sure where I could go after the Climax
  25. This is brilliant. The lyrics really make it. Never considered a VG remix with vocals before. You couldn't be more right about the blue-shell either I was going to say, that if you want a couple of tips on nice clear but loud vocals (with no clipping) just drop me a PM but the vocals are sounding top-notch on the updated version
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