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  1. Really great soothing atmosphere. Bowling in space ...
  2. Beautiful melody and instrumentation. From 0:43 on I think it would be nice to have some kind of lead-instrument. Because after the intro the whole song seems a little bit like a backing-track, especially when the choirs come in. Furthermore I think there should be pauses and variety in the piano-department to emphasize different parts of the melody. You have a really good foundation here, now you should build on this.
  3. Have fun http://soundcloud.com/gaspode8/dark-waters
  4. Forest theme ... the area where the first temple is, when I remember correctly.
  5. Hi. Here is a six year old remix of the forest theme from »The Legend of Zelda – The Minish Cap«. I couldn't submit it to overclocked back in the days because of it's filesize/length and I don't think it reaches the production standards either. But perhaps someone might like it anyway. ) http://soundcloud.com/gaspode8/a-minish-variation bye, gaspode
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