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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Thank you ^_^ And thanks everybody for the shout outs. <3 you, OCR friends! Cash, if you do ever see me at a con, please say hi. ^_^

    I was actually at PaxEast 2013, and I saw the OCR panel and OCU. The people I was with really wanted to look for more retro games, so I didn't have time to say hi. I'm going again next year, so this time I'll make sure to say hi, if you're there. And also say hi to the other OCR peeps!

    By the way, yes, great idea for a thread!

  2. I'm not entirely sure on the years, but sometime between 2006 and 2008 I had listened to a bunch of OCR remixes that my brother had collected. I remember looking up OCR and checking out some remixes from my favorite games. I also remember lurking in the workshop forum to find remixes of my favorite songs, and reading the feedback.

    I continued my lurking on and off for a couple (give or a take a year or two) years until about the time Serious Monkey Business was released. That was the first album I remember seeing on the front page. From that point on, I checked OCR daily. I didn't join the forums though until I decided to start remixing as a hobby, in September of 2011. My main reason I wanted to start remixing is to give tribute to my favorite VGM. OCR seemed like the best place to do that, I haven't regretted that decision. Since then, I've done a bunch of competitions, and stirred up some controversy in the PPR forum.

    I'm seeing a bunch of familiar and new faces in this thread, it's interesting to hear all these different stories of how people found OCR.

    @Amy, thanks for sharing your story! That's an awesome scenario, running into DJ Preztel (or should I say Singing Pretzel?) at a karaoke night! I'm glad events led you to OCR, I've really enjoyed your remixes. I hope to meet you in person at a con someday!

    2005 when I found Zelda remixes on Zelda Dungeon. The bread crumb trail led me here. Wow. It's really been 8 years.

    I just discovered your really cool YouTube page, glad you posted here! Now I have another YouTube person to follow!

  3. Speaking as someone who is not religious in any sense of the word, as long as the song is well done, the lyrics don't matter to me in the slightest. Whether the lyrics are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or any other religion past or present, a good song is a good song.

    That being said, the only exception would be if the lyrics include blatantly offensive attacks on a particular group or groups of people.

  4. I think it would be great to have links in the YouTube video description to the artist's own personal site or hosting page.

    This would be a good thing to bring up for the next OCR Talkback Live. Perhaps plans to update the YouTube descriptions are already in the works, but the people who run the site are all incredibly busy. I know people say it takes very little effort, but I'd imagine there are other priorities.

  5. I've always been a fan of your music, BGC. Best of luck to you in your career! I'll follow your work wherever you go (if "go" is the correct word). And if you decide to submit another remix or work on a project here on OCR, that's an awesome bonus.

    I missed all the drama, but I'm not sure why there was a negative reaction to your decision to put less time into OCR. I mean it's not like your saying OCR sucks, I guess there's always a group of people that like to vent on the internet.

  6. Cash: Countermelody at :20 sounds like its is in the same freq range as the lead, try and eq or maybe even knock it down an octave to separate the frequencies out and clean up the mix. Some nice automation happening in the leads. Dug the ending.

    Thanks for the review, dude! I definitely hear the clashing after listening to it again, still working on that in all of my music. The ending was inspired by djpreztel's ending to his Balance and Ruin remix, The Megiddo Brigade. I liked how he ended it with a triangle instead of a fade out.

    Dancin' Through Club Wily - Nice dynamic reso saws. Pretty good funk-ish bass. I liked the lead, aside from how it gets rather resonant in the mids whenever it reaches low cutoffs. Drums could come through more. Texturally, it comes off as a bit sparse sometimes, and there are times when the rhythmic choice on the percussion was a bit confusing. The bass was probably the highest quality sound from that song, IMO. Nice and thick.

    Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Do you have a specific time stamp for where the textures are sparse, and also when the percussion choice is confusing?

    As for the bass, I used a soundfont called Kik-Arse Bass, which I found on DarkeSword's soundfont website. I use that soundfont for a lot of my basses.

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