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Posts posted by Cash

  1. I don't mean that the fans don't give thanks and praise. That comment was aimed at OCR (the people running the project and the site) because they don't act as if they appreciate the artists for devoting their valuable time and filling the site up for them.

    I see, your comment didn't make that clear. As for OCR not appreciating artists, I'll leave that for others (i.e. the people running the project and the site) to respond, probably in a different thread.

    Oops, edited the other part out. I'll just say I don't think of OCR as a brand first, it's the artists that matter most to me. I can't speak for other fans.

  2. Most of the fans don't realize that it's a completely thankless way to spend 90% of you free time (not even OCR thanks us for being on their albums).

    How can you say it's thankless free time when you (and all OCR artists) have the praise and thanks of the hardcore fans? Have you not read all the incredible praise of the album in this thread? We, who have come here and heaped on praise and thanks for this album, have already made it so that your free time is not thankless.

    Just goes to show you that the negative things in life resonate more than the positive. That is the real shame if you ask me. My point: be happy that OCR has a dedicated fan base, rather than upset that it's not as big as you would like.

    So yeah, thank you SnappleMan, norg, and Captain Finbeard, for putting in all that effort and free time to put together the epic, four-part track that is Omen! Amazing work, seriously. And, once again, thank you to everyone involved in this incredible album!

  3. Why all the drama? Certainly people can deal with remixing music from games they've never played, or don't have an emotional connection to said game. I do that in every Mega Man competition, I've only played the first game for a few hours. Good music is still good music, whether you played the game or not.

    By the way, I'm going first for my team.

  4. Thanks again man.

    The waves aren't high passed, but I hear what you're talking about. It must be the sample I'm using, I'll try to adjust that.

    I agree with all the loudness issues that you pointed out, quick fix.

    As for the reverse cymbal, the sample itself has both the reverse and then the regular cymbal. The panning is also the sample itself, I'll just change it.

    Yeah, I'm still working on transitions in all of my music, I still struggle with those.

    I agree that the lower lead is buried at 1:52, that section has been a pain in the ass for me. I just can't seem to get it right, just got to keep experimenting. I hear the piano issue at 3:51, definitely will fix that. In fact, I think the whole ending needs work, it feels clunky to me.

    By the way, the sfx at the start and end is actually supposed to be a jet ski, but yeah, it sounds more like a helicopter. I was going for a beach vacation sort of feel.

    Thanks again for the feedback, always appreciated.

  5. I honestly don't understand how one can listen to Balance and Ruin and think it lacks coherence. No offense to you personally, Mini-Me.

    In my mind, an album should capture the original mood of each individual track, as well as the mood of the entire game. This album does that perfectly if you ask me. Listening to this album immediately brings me back to all the times I've played FF6. I feel like I'm back in those moments, playing the game again.

    In my personal opinion, it seems a bit close-minded to think that having a single musical style is the only way to make a coherent album. Take a look at the original soundtrack, it was comprised of many different musical styles (as zircon mentioned), as is Balance and Ruin. I think a single, unifying style would not have done justice to the original soundtrack.

    In the end, I think an album should be about capturing the emotions one feels when playing the game, or listens to the soundtrack. I feel Balance and Ruin does a wonderful job of capturing those emotions. In fact, I think most OCR albums manage this quite well.

    Of course, on one is right or wrong here, we all have different tastes and expectations. Just my thoughts.

  6. Here's my picks:

    1. Elec Man (MM1)

    2. Splash Woman (MM9)

    3. Quick Man (MM2)

    4. Snake Man (MM3)

    5. Heat Man (MM2)

    I'm happy to work with anyone, let me know if you're interested.

    I'm not necessarily a free agent, but if you're interested, let me know ;o

    Hey ecto, I'd be interested in joining you, if you'll have me.

    Of course if you choose halc instead...yeah better choice.

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