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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Aside from the next Smash Bros, I haven't been keeping track of gaming related news. Honestly I haven't payed much attention to upcoming games in a long time. Too many disappointments after being hyped up about games. I generally wait until someone I know recommends a game, or an internet source that I trust. I've bought several games based on Extra Credits recommendations and when they do the "games you may not have tried" segments. I also find that I have similar tastes to Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation. Occasionally I'll check out a game played on Game Grumps as well.

    I guess my point is I generally don't get excited about games until after they are released and other people play them first. I'd rather avoid the hype if at all possible.

  2. - I had the time of my life performing with OCU.

    I managed to find a recording of OCU's performance on twitch, you guys were awesome! :nicework: (For anyone else who missed it, here's the link: http://www.twitch.tv/magfest/b/492376776. You have to go to the 1 hour, 13 minute mark to get to OCU)

    You looked like you were having a ton of fun, Amy. You all looked like you were having a ton of fun. I would have loved to have been there.

    I especially enjoyed the cover of the Wind Waker remix, I loved those vocals, Amy. The whole set was great, OCU!

    By the way, Andrew looked like a badass when he took off his outer shirt. Actually, you all did the whole time. :-)

    One of these years I'll make it out to this event. Meet all you guys I've been talking to over the past 7 years :)

    Same here, though I've only been on OCR for about 2 years. I'm going to make every effort to get to MAGFest next year.

  3. OK, just thought of another goal I'd like to achieve in the next year: Make a music video of my original music and have it up on YouTube.

    So my list is:

    - Overcome PTSD, don't be nomad

    - Make music video

    Ooh, a music video! I'd love to see that!

    By the way, sorry to hear you have PTSD. I hope you get it sorted out.

  4. Hi!

    I really enjoy what you have so far. I'm looking forward to hearing more.

    The main thing that jumps out as an area for improvement is the solo trumpet in the beginning, it sounds a bit mechanical to me. The trumpet in the last section sounds much better with all the other layers.

    As you mentioned, the levels are off. It's overall a bit quiet, the section between 1:26 and 1:43 is especially quiet.

    Other than that, well done. The end section starting at 1:44 is my favorite, and the buildup to the section is great as well. Awesome remix so far!

  5. The first issue that sticks out is the percussion. The kick doesn't sound very good, sort of like too much thump maybe? Also, the snare is too weak. And as soon as the bass comes in, the kick gets buried.

    As for the bass itself, the little wobble doesn't fit with the rest of the soundscape. Also, the wobble itself isn't done well, it sounds strange to me. I don't like the sort growl sound it has to it.

    The random glitching that occurs in the song feels out of place. For example, the glitching at 1:18 and 1:20, it doesn't really work. It feels sort of thrown in.

    In addition to the glitching, there are two points where the song basically stops dead for a second. At 0:31 there's a cymbal but everything else drops out. Then at 1:02 everything drop outs for about 1 second right after that kick, it's a jarring effect. Dropping everything out for an instant can work if the song goes into a higher energy section immediately after. However, your song maintains the same energy level, so it feels out of place and a bit jarring.

    The orchestral sounds, the strings in particular, seem alright to me. I'm not a fan of the sine wave synth you added, I'm not feeling it.

    The arrangement sounds similar to the source, but you've changed it up. It might be too liberal, I'm not familiar enough with the source to say for sure.

    I think overall this is pretty good, but sounds unpolished. I hope wasn't too harsh. My comments are just my thoughts while listening, so if you disagree no problem. I hope my comments will be of some use.

  6. My goal for this year is to finish more remixes. The only time I seem to be able to finish remixes is during competitions. I tend to start a remix and get stuck at one part because it's not sounding right, then never finish it. I just need to push myself to complete a remix even if it sounds bad.

    My other goal is to make a remix that I feel comfortable to submit to the judges panel. I've only been remixing for about 2 years, so it might be a lofty goal.

    Make lots of music dude, don't release ALL of it, though. Expect a bunch of your product to be "ehhhhhh", and you'll find a few gems in there you really like. The more music you make, the more gems you find.


  7. In electronic music you have to constantly design and re-design sounds that not only sound good but sound good together. in recording it can a huge PITA to get a good recording. If either of those areas are messed up you are in for a helluva time mixing. Crap in crap out.

    Agreed. I'm usually on the side of messing up the sounds, and not being happy with the results. Not that my arrangement skills are any better.

    However in alot of electronic songs you are dealing with 40-120 tracks.

    Maybe a newb question, but what does 40-120 refer to?

  8. Got my gifts a couple days ago! Thanks Rexy! I got a couple of books in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, and a nice moogle keychain.

    EDIT: Oh, and I'll be sending out the package for my recipient today or tomorrow.

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