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Posts posted by Cash

  1. I laughed out loud when I first heard this guy. He's great! I don't care if he uses voice correction or not, or if he lied about it. I enjoy it, good enough for me.

    By the way, where does he say he doesn't use voice correction? I'm not saying he didn't actually say that, I just want to know where.

  2. Not much I can add here, but in terms of competitions, I highly recommend ReMixing With the Stars. It's a competition geared specifically towards beginners. As the name suggests, each "novice" is paired with a more experienced remixer, or "star". The novices are the primary remixers, with the "star" providing advice. Well, you can read the description. It's a great way to not only improve your skills, but meet new people as well, and possibly new friends.

  3. Are you serious with that trailer ?

    You get 150 000 $ for an album, I was not expecting a trailer with UnregistredHyperCam watermarks and Comics MS fonts... wth ?

    It's probably a great album but the trailer is very not appealing. Please re-do it.

    You thought the money went to the album? Don't be so naive. It went straight into the pockets of the evil OverClocked Overlords!

  4. I like that. Keep talking like that. Is she such a fragile flower of a woman and her perspectives so hallowed in your mind that you feel the need to just go apeshit when faced with questions or critique?

    You pretty much sound like the "leave Britney alone!!" woman. Now that's funny.

    Yep, you caught me. :roll:

    I would hardly label what you said as "critique". Besides, what does the kickstarter money have to do with the actual content of the video? If you use the fact that she got extra money as a criticism, you are grasping at straws.

  5. But where did the 160k$ go?? With that amount, she could definitely so something a little more proactive than a "pop culture-critic" video series, where she does just that: critiques. I know quite a lot of people who can do that constantly without kickstarters.

    This again? We've been over this already, multiple times. Do you not understand that she plans to make multiple videos? Seriously, read her kickstarter. Do you not understand that initial goal was $6000 dollars? She didn't ask for 160k. What do you suggest she do with it? What do you want from her?

    Yea, judge me as one of those sexist pigs for saying that. It's like some people here think she shouldn't or can't be criticized at all. Is it because she's a woman? Is it because YouTube trolls were mean to her and evidently were succesful? If so, she's making a damsel of distress out of herself!

    Yeah, that's all bullshit.

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