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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Update: new version, 2/3/13

    My entry for ReMixing With the Stars: Season 1 Episode 3, third place this time. I'm happy with it, though I'm sure it could be improved in some areas. Let me know what you think. All feedback is welcome!

    A shout out goes to ectogemia for being such a good star.


    V1 https://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/sigma-has-an-electric-fence

    V2 https://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/sigma-has-an-electric-fence-1


    Elec Man

    Sigma 1st, MMX6

  2. Seems like the general preference is to take a week off for Magfest so we'll do that. However, voting will still occur during that week. It only takes a minute to vote, so this shouldn't be a problem.

    Right. One remix, 1 week. The source selection for the first 3 rounds will be pretty broad to keep things simple and easy.

    Sounds good.

    Works for me. I'm terrible with names. Plus its ALL ABOUT DAT MUSIC BAYBAY
    To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Who cares what the name is, so long as it's face-meltingly awesome!"

    Neat. Prophecy, go ahead and put down our name as "Wild Cash Dinosaurs."

  3. well everyone on my team has done quite a few One Hour Compos. Two weeks really seems like a lot of time. I agree with taking a week off for magfest though if a lot of people here are going. I'm actually looking forward to the holidays as I'll have a lot of free time to work on something for that week.

    The way I understand the rules, each team member gets a week. If we started a week later, I would have greater availability to choose in which week I could remix. I don't mean to say we should have more time to remix.

    I also agree with taking a week off for Magfest.

    Who's 'we'? And what are the current teams anyway?

    Rex and I.

  4. Flp sharing creates many possibilities. What about an Fl Studio gauntlet, like the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet? We'd have teams of 3 with 1 primary remixer each week, while the other 2 could still provide help with the flp. I think it would provide a lot of opportunity for growth and collaboration, as well as allowing people with little fl experience (or those with a different primary DAW) to participate. How does that sound?

    I prefer solo compos, but that idea sounds neat. I'd be willing to give it a shot, if you can generate enough interest.

  5. Now for some impressions of my first listen. Aside from a few tracks, I felt that the SNES portion of the album sounded very same-y. No offense to the remixers and work put into these tracks, but the SNES remixes just didn't catch my ear as much...probably because they're mostly focused on the electronic genre which isn't my cup of tea. I'm sure that people will correct me on this when the tally up the numbers, but that's just how I see it right now upon my first casual browse through this colossal album.

    It must have been a very casual look, every song sounded distinct in my opinion. In the first disc, I count 13 songs which are not electronic. The second disc is more electronic, but many of them contain elements of other genres as well.

  6. My favorite album thus far. Two thumbs up! Five stars!

    I can't express how amazing it is to be listening to this incredible album. I've gotten through the first disc so far, and I'm loving every single song. Seriously, they are all stunning, a treat for my ears. DKC3 is one of my favorite video game soundtracks of all time, this album breathes new life into the soundtrack in a way I never thought possible.

    Thank you so much Wes, Cody, Mike, and the other arrangers who made this album possible! Everyone did one hell of a job! You have my gratitude.

    And finally, thank you OCR for providing everyone with great, free music for years!

    Just a reminder, I've got a nice goodie bag of extra unreleased materials waiting for anyone who's brave enough to do individual track reviews on the album!

    I'll attempt this, is there a certain cut-off date for when you want the reviews?

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